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Jinxstands4Jinx edited this page Apr 9, 2017 · 3 revisions

Players Only:
This is a Format of edh that many people play. It has a few rules,

For this format make sure you know how to open your Sideboard. ( Ctrl f3 ) When You enter a room set up for edh Kingdoms, (normally 5 or 6 players) You will start like a normal edh game, get your commander out, and shuffle, but Do not roll a dice. Instead, open your sideboard and wait for the host to place 6 facedown cards on their board. When the host does this, you should draw an arrow from your name to 1 of the cards. Wait patiently and your host will hand you your card. WHILE HOLDING SHIFT move that card into your sideboard. Do Not reveal this card to anyone, except yourself. If you are the plains, then take it out and place it in the stack with your commander(s). If you die, Do not reveal your role until the game ends. If you leave the game before that time, make sure you apologize and hopefully, you do not make a habit or the people who host kingdoms may ignore you.

Your job is to assign the roles. you do this by 2 methods. you can have the lands already in your board or you can make tokens for them. (if you chose method 2, you have to uncheck the box labeled (( Destroy token when it leaves the battlefield)) Draw ur entire deck into your hand. Then place the 5 or 6 lands out and move them to your library, Shuffle atleast twice. then While Holding Shift Drag the cards to the table area in front of you. Your players will pick roles, You get the one no one picked. Once that is done, make sure to move ur hand back to your library (all at once PLZ). For best results use the right click mouse option as you do not want to reveal the contents of your library to your opponents. The King will reveal himself, and the game should proceed like normal. No one else reveals roles until the game has ended.

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