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How to use unreleased versions created by pull requests

ebbit1q edited this page Jan 10, 2022 · 3 revisions

When a pull request is created, GitHub will automatically create a build job for it that when it finishes will create installable versions of cockatrice. You can download and install these versions in order to help test the changes in the pull request.

  1. To get to the downloads you need to go to the ticket page for the pull request on GitHub, make sure you are logged in.

The difference between a pull request and an issue ticket might not be clear at first glance but if you look at the tabs up top you see which category is currently selected.
If you are unsure about where to find the pull request that fixes your issue, look at the issue's subheader, it will say something like "may be fixed by #number".

  1. On the pull request page below the title, go to the "Checks" tab, it should be the third from the left.
  2. On the checks tab, click "Build Desktop" on the left, this will take you to the "Summary" page on GitHub Actions.
  3. Here you can scroll to the bottom to find the "Artifacts", select your operating system from the list and download the package.
  4. The file will be a zip archive, you will need to open the archive with the appropriate tool and then install the version of Cockatrice it contains like you would when you get it from our downloads page.
  5. Please report your findings on the pull request, you can install the stable version again when you are done testing.


  • you need to be logged in to GitHub in order to download these
  • the downloads only become available when all jobs for all systems are completed, this does not take very long
  • these versions are not stable, make sure you trust the creator of the pull request before installing
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