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GPT-Mirror Surrogate

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ChatGPT Desktop-01 lencx-ChatGPT 32.5k 🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux) 1. Export chat history (PNG, PDF and Markdown) 2. Support slash to bring up common Prompts (awesome-chatgpt-prompts) 3. Web login mode
ChatGPT Desktop-02 chatbox 8.5k User-friendly Desktop Client App for AI Models/LLMs (GPT, Claude, Gemini, Ollama...) 1. Support Windows, Mac and Linux 2. Freer and more powerful Prompt capability 3. Support GPT-4 and other models 4. More features: Markdown, message reference, word count and token estimation, night mode...
ChatGPT Desktop-03 BetterChatGPT 3.3k An amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux) Web + Windows + MacOS + Linux2.Proxy to bypass ChatGPT regional restrictions3.Filter chats and folders
ChatGPT Desktop-04 chat-ai-desktop 1.7k Unofficial ChatGPT desktop app for Mac & Windows menubar using Tauri & Rust 1. Support API mode, no login 2. Support menu bar display in Windows and Mac
ChatGPT Desktop-05 ChatGPT-Desktop 1.3k Fuel your productivity with ChatGPT-Desktop - Blazingly fast and supercharged! 1.Support for setting conversation roles.2.Support for generating text-to-diagram visualizations
NewBing Desktop BingGPT 5.8k Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux) 1. Chat with new Bing without installing Microsoft Edge or browser plug-ins 2. Export full conversations as Markdown, PNG, or PDF3. Customize the look (theme and font size)
ChatGPT-Mac Menu chatgpt-mac 5.3k ChatGPT for Mac, living in your menubar. 1. Display Chat GPT displayed in Mac menu bar 2. Use Cmd+Shift+G to evoke Chat GPT anywhere
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-01 visual-chatgpt 31.5k Microsoft has open-sourced a tool that can add image capabilities to ChatGPT. 1.Support for generating text-to-diagram visualizations.Support for generating text-to-update-image visualizations
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-02 chatgpt_academic 28.3k 为GPT/GLM等LLM大语言模型提供实用化交互接口,特别优化论文阅读/润色/写作体验,模块化设计,支持自定义快捷按钮&函数插件,支持Python和C++等项目剖析&自译解功能,PDF/LaTex论文翻译&总结功能,支持并行问询多种LLM模型,支持chatglm3等本地模型。接入通义千问, deepseekcoder, 讯飞星火, 文心一言, llama2, rwkv, claude2, moss等。 1. Support one-click editing, one-click find paper syntax errors 2. One-click Chinese-English translation 3. Can correctly display the code and explain the code 4. One click can analyze other Python C++ projects 5. Can output markdown table that supports GPT
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-03 chatgpt-web 18.5k 用 Express 和 Vue3 搭建的 ChatGPT 演示网页 1. Support downloading conversation content 2. Support Prompt template
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-04 ChatGPT-Next-Web 17.7k A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 1. Use Vercel for free one-click deployment in 1 minute, and support container deployment 2. Massive built-in prompt list, from Chinese and English 3. One-click export of chat history, complete Markdown support
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-05 chatbot-ui 11.1k AI chat for every model. 1. Support Prompt template 2. Support search chat content 3. Support GPT-44. Support code highlighting 5. Support Markdown output
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-06 ChuanhuChatGPT 9.2k GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI. 1. Real-time reply 2. Unlimited conversations 3. Save conversation records 4. Preset Prompt set 5. Network search 6. Answer based on files
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-07 BetterChatGPT 3.0k An amazing UI for OpenAI's ChatGPT (Website + Windows + MacOS + Linux) 1. Support custom prompt vocabulary database 2. Support using folders to organize chats 3. Support custom user assistant system identity 4. Support saving chats as Markdown image JSON
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-08 EX-chatGPT 1.5k Let ChatGPT truly learn how to go online and call APIs! 'EX-ChatGPT' can rival and even surpass NewBing 1. Voice dialogue function, using Microsoft Azure APIs, optimize response speed (about 1-2 seconds), including speech recognition and text-to-speech, support multiple timbre and language, customize voice. 2. Docker and proxy support. 3. Data cleaning of Google search results to reduce token usage. 4.Allow ChatGPT to call external API interfaces (Google, WolframAlpha, WikiMedia)
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-09 chatgpt-php-web 1.3k 演示站现在可以免费使用ChatGPT对话和画图了。全网最易部署,响应速度最快的ChatGPT环境。PHP版调用OpenAI接口进行问答和画图,采用Stream流模式通信,一边生成一边输出。前端采用EventSource,支持Markdown格式解析,支持公式显示,代码有着色处理,支持画图。页面UI简洁,支持上下文连续会话。源码只有几个文件,没用任何框架,支持所有PHP版本,全部开源,极易二开。保姆级教程,账号等周边资源,欢迎进群交流,一切全免费。 1. Added some preset words 2. Optimized the adaptation of mobile browsers
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-10 yakGPT 1.1k Locally running, hands-free ChatGPT UI 1. Support API call 2. Support voice input
ChatGPT-web Enhanced-11 multimedia-gpt 125 Empowering your ChatGPT with vision and audio inputs. 1. Connect OpenAI GPT with vision and audio. You can now send images, audio recordings, and pdf documents using OpenAI API keys and get responses in text and image formats. Support for video is currently being added.
ChatGPT-Baidu WenXinYiYan OpenSource visual-openllm 832 something like visual-chatgpt, 文心一言的开源版 1. Draw + chat
ChatGPT-Command-01 shell_gpt 4.3k A command-line productivity tool powered by AI large language models like GPT-4, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently. 1. Support API calls 2. Support context
ChatGPT-Command-02 aichat 1.1k AIChat is an all-in-one AI CLI tool featuring Chat-REPL, Shell Assistant, RAG, Function Calling, AI Agents, and More. 1. Support character presets 2. Syntax highlighting markdown and 200 other languages
ChatGPT-Command-03 pandora 1.2k Pandora, a ChatGPT that is not just a command line. Multi-mode: Web command line API, private deployment
ChatGPT-Command+voice chatgpt-conversation 555 Have a conversation with ChatGPT using your voice, and have it talk back. 1. Chat with Chat GPT voice at the cli command line
ChatGPT-Clone chatgpt-clone 293 Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features OpenAI, Assistants API, Azure, Groq, GPT-4 Vision, Mistral, Bing, Anthropic, OpenRouter, Vertex AI, Gemini, AI model switching, message search, langchain, DALL-E-3, ChatGPT Plugins, OpenAI Functions, Secure Multi-User System, Presets, completely open-source for self-hosting. More features in development 1. Achieve the same response flow as ChatGPT through events sent by the server 2. Original ChatGPT UI 3.AI model selection including Dark mode (via 3 endpoints: OpenAI API, BingAI and ChatGPT browser) 4. Create, save and share custom presets for OpenAI and BingAI endpoints 5. Edit and resubmit messages like official website (session branch supported) 6. Search all message conversations 7. The plugin will be integrated soon

GTP Programming Language Client

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Node-ChatGPT Client chatgpt-node 13.0k Node.js client for the official ChatGPT API. 🔥
Python-ChatGPT Client PyChatGPT 3.9k ⚡️ Python client for the unofficial ChatGPT API with auto token regeneration, conversation tracking, proxy support and more. 1. Has automatic token regeneration, session tracking, proxy support, etc
Python-Shell-ChatGPT Client chatgpt-wrapper 3.1k Power CLI and Workflow manager for LLMs (core package) ChatGPT4
Java-ChatGPT Client-01 chatgpt-java 2.0k ChatGPT Java SDK。支持 GPT3.5、 GPT4 API。开箱即用。 1. Support context, blocking dialogs, agents, etc
Java-ChatGPT Client-02 chatgpt-java 1.2k ChatGPT Java SDK支持流式输出、Gpt插件、联网。支持OpenAI官方所有接口。ChatGPT的Java客户端。OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turb GPT-4 Api Client for Java 1. Support all official interfaces of Open AI 2. Support streaming output
Java-OpenAi Client openai-java 2.5k OpenAI Api Client in Java GPT-4
Node-ChatGPT-Bing Client node-chatgpt-api 3.2k A client implementation for ChatGPT and Bing AI. Available as a Node.js module, REST API server, and CLI app. ChatGPTBrowserClient reverse
Go-OpenAi Client go-openai 4.3k OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go GPT-4
PHP-OpenAi Client openai-php 1.5k OpenAI PHP SDK : Most downloaded, forked, contributed, huge community supported, and used PHP (Laravel , Symfony, Yii, Cake PHP or any PHP framework) SDK for OpenAI GPT-3 and DALL-E. It also supports chatGPT-like streaming. (ChatGPT AI is supported)
Android-ChatGPT Client chatgpt-android 2.6k 📲 ChatGPT Android demonstrates a Chatbot application using OpenAI's chat API on Android with Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
.Net-ChatGPT Client openai-dotnet 1.6k OpenAI .NET sdk - Azure OpenAI, ChatGPT, Whisper, and DALL-E

GPT Auto

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GPT Auto-01 Auto-GPT 91.1k AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters. 1. Unlike Chat GPT, users do not need to constantly ask questions to the AI to get corresponding answers, in Auto GPT just provide it with an AI name, description and five goals, and then Auto GPT can complete the project by itself.2. It can read and write files, browse the web, review the results of its own prompts, and combine it with the history of said prompts.
GPT Auto-01-plugins Auto-GPT-Plugins 482 Plugins for Auto-GPT There is no content for the time being, the repository comes from Auto GPT authors, it is worth paying attention to!!!
GPT Auto-01-web autogpt-gui 675 A graphical user interface for AutoGPT
GPT Auto-01-web AutoGPT-Next-Web 671 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser.一键免费部署你的私人AutoGPT 网页应用 1.Free one-click deployment with Vercel in 1 minute2.Improved local support: After typing in Chinese, the content will be displayed in Chinese instead of English
GPT Auto-01-Chinese version Auto-GPT-ZH 307 Auto-GPT中文版本及爱好者组织 同步更新原项目 AI领域创业 自媒体组织 用AI工作学习创作变现
GPT Auto-02 AgentGPT 15.6k 🤖 Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser. 1. Name your own custom AI and let it start with whatever goal you can think of. It will try to do the task by thinking about it
GPT Auto-03 babyagi 10.6k Just give a goal and task iteration to let the AI automate your task
GPT Auto-04 MiniAGI 2.1k MiniAGI is a simple general-purpose autonomous agent based on the OpenAI API. 1. Can analyze stock prices, perform cybersecurity tests, create artistic pictures, and order pizza.

Third Platform Robot

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Wechat-ChatGPT-Robot-01 wechat-chatgpt 11.3k Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty 1. Use ChatGPT in WeChat based on wechaty and Official API 2. Support multi-round conversation 3. Support command setting 4. Support Dall· E5.Support whisper6.Support setting prompt
Wechat-ChatGPT-Robot-02 chatgpt-on-wechat 9.4k 基于大模型搭建的聊天机器人,同时支持 微信公众号、企业微信应用、飞书、钉钉 等接入,可选择GPT3.5/GPT-4o/GPT4.0/ Claude/文心一言/讯飞星火/通义千问/ Gemini/GLM-4/Claude/Kimi/LinkAI,能处理文本、语音和图片,访问操作系统和互联网,支持基于自有知识库进行定制企业智能客服。 1. Support rule customization 2. Multi-account 3. Image generation 4. Context memory 5. Speech recognition 6. Plug-in
Wechat-ChatGPT-Robot-03 ChatGPT-wechat-bot 3.6k ChatGPT for wechat 1. Support contextual dialogue. 2. Support resetting the context context, and reset the conversation context through the keyword (reset). 3. Support in group chat @ your bot 🤖 , @robot to receive a response. 4. Support waking up your bot with keywords, such as receiving a reply when sending "@robot hello xxxx" in the group.
Wechat-ChatGPT-Robot-04 openai-on-wechat 100 🍺基于 Golang 实现的,OpenAI 微信聊天机器人 - Text conversation: You can receive private chat group chat messages, use OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo to generate reply content, automatically reply to questions- Trigger password setting: Friends need to bring a specified prefix when sending you a message to trigger a conversation with GPT bot, and the trigger password can be set in the configuration file- Continuous conversation: support for private chat group chat Turn on the continuous conversation function, you can set how many minutes you need to remember through the configuration file- Image generation: You can generate pictures according to the description, And automatically reply in the current private chat group chat
QQ AND Telegraph-ChatGPT-Robot OpenaiBot 1.4k ⚡️ Build Your Own chatgpt Bot 🧀 Discord/Slack/Kook/Telegram
Discord-ChatGPT-Robot chatGPT-discord-bot 1.9k Integrate ChatGPT into your own discord bot 1. Switch GPT interface mode, support 4.0 2. Support Dalle2 raw graph
Telegraph-ChatGPT-Robot-01 ChatGPT-Telegram-Workers 2.5k Deploy your own Telegram ChatGPT bot on Cloudflare Workers with ease. 1. Use Cloudflare Workers, single file, directly copy and paste a shuttle, without any dependencies, no need to configure a local development environment, no domain name, no server
Telegraph-ChatGPT-Robot-02 chatgpt-telegram-bot 1.2k 🤖 A Telegram bot that integrates with OpenAI's official ChatGPT APIs to provide answers, written in Python 1. Support markdown output 2. Docker and Proxy support 3.Support DALL· 3. Support for transcribing audio and video messages using Whisper
QQ-ChatGPT-Robot-01 chatgpt-mirai-qq-bot 4.7k 🚀 一键部署!真正的 AI 聊天机器人!支持ChatGPT、文心一言、讯飞星火、Bing、Bard、ChatGLM、POE,多账号,人设调教,虚拟女仆、图片渲染、语音发送 支持 QQ、Telegram、Discord、微信 等平台
QQ-ChatGPT-Robot-02 QChatGPT 2.2k 😎高稳定性、🧩支持插件、🦄多模态的 ChatGPT QQ / QQ频道 / One Bot 机器人🤖 支持 OpenAI GPT、GPT 4o、Claude、Gemini Pro、DeepSeek、Moonshot(Kimi)、gpt4free、One API 的 QQ / QQ频道 / OneBot 机器人 / Agent 平台
WhatsApp-ChatGPT-Robot whatsapp-gpt 2.9k Quickly access ChatGPT on WhatsApp 1.Chatbots
Feishu-ChatGPT-Robot-01 feishu-chatgpt 3.7k 🎒 飞书 ×(GPT-4 + GPT-4V + DALL·E-3 + Whisper)= 飞一般的工作体验 🚀 语音对话、角色扮演、多话题讨论、图片创作、表格分析、文档导出 🚀 1. 🚀 Voice dialogue, role-playing, multi-topic discussion, picture creation, table analysis, document export 🚀
Feishu-ChatGPT-Robot-02 ChatGPT-Feishu 836 给飞书准备的 ChatGPT 机器人 1.Simple version
Dingtalk-ChatGPT-Robot chatgpt-dingtalk 1.5k 🎒 钉钉 & 🤖 GPT-3.5 让你的工作效率直接起飞 🚀 私聊群聊方式、单聊串聊模式、角色扮演、图片创作 🚀 1. Private chat with the robot 2. Help list 3. Switch mode 4. Check balance 5. Daily problems 6. Chat support through built-in prompt 7. Generate pictures 8. GPT-4
LINE-ChatGPT-Robot-01 gpt-ai-assistant 5.0k OpenAI + LINE + Vercel = GPT AI Assistant 1. Support character shaping 2. Support custom Prompt template 3. Support Wen Sheng diagram
LINE-ChatGPT-Robot-02 ChatGPT-Line-Bot 624 This is a repository that allows you to integrate ChatGPT into Line. 1. Support Wen Sheng Picture 2. Summarize Youtube video content and new articles
Slack-ChatGPT-Robot myGPTReader 3.7k A community-driven way to read and chat with AI bots - powered by chatGPT. 1. Any web page, e-book, video (YouTube) or document can be read and summarized via chatGPT. It can also talk to you by voice
Teams-ChatGPT-Robot openai-teams-bot 89 An OpenAI Teams Bot app to let you chat with OpenAI API in Microsoft Teams, similar to ChatGPT Teams Bot app



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Paper summary ChatPaper 9.5k Use ChatGPT to summarize the arXiv papers. 全流程加速科研,利用chatgpt进行论文全文总结+专业翻译+润色+审稿+审稿回复 1. Paper summary + editing + review + review response
Paper conversation researchgpt 2.7k A LLM based research assistant that allows you to have a conversation with a research paper Upload your paper and talk to it.
PDF Talk-01 gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain 7.3k GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs 1. Build chatGPT chatbots for multiple large PDF files using the new GPT-4 API.
PDF Talk-02 pdfGPT 1.1k PDF GPT allows you to chat with the contents of your PDF file by using GPT capabilities. The most effective open source solution to turn your pdf files in a chatbot! 1.Talk based on CPT and uploaded PDF files
PDF summary DocsGPT 4.6k GPT-powered chat for documentation, chat with your documents 1. Support summary PDF 2. Support sharing to discord
PPT generate chat-gpt-ppt 540 Use ChatGPT (or other backends) to generate PPT automatically, all in one single file. 1. Generate ppt according to the title with one click 2. Support multiple languages
PDF reading ebook-GPT-translator 846 Enjoy reading with your favorite style. The tool is designed to help users convert text from one format to another, as well as translate it into another language using the OpenAI API (model=gpt-3.5-turbo). Currently supports PDF, DOCX, MOBI and EPUB file format conversion into EPUB files and text files, which can translate text into multiple languages.
markdown markprompt 1.6k Open-source GPT-4 platform for Markdown, Markdoc and MDX with built-in analytics 1. It scans the GitHub repository for Markdown, Markdoc, and MDX files and creates embeddings that can be used to create prompts
Documents generate answers to questions auto-evaluator 346 Evaluation tool for LLM QA chains 1. Automatically generate question answers 2. Score responses relative to answers 3. Support json, PDF, TXT and other formats
Documentation Knowledge Base vault-ai 1.7k OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, epub, etc) using a simple React frontend. 1.Supported Filetypes:PDFs, .txt, .rtf, and plaintext. .docx support coming soon!


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git tools-02 opencommit 3.0k Auto-generate impressive commits with AI in 1 second 🤯🔫 Automatically generate clear, comprehensive, and descriptive commit messages
git tools-01 gptcommit 2.0k A git prepare-commit-msg hook for authoring commit messages with GPT-3. git prepare-commit-msg hook for writing commit messages in GPT-3. With this tool, you can easily generate clear, comprehensive, and descriptive commit messages
github robot ChatGPT-ProBot 331 🤖️ A ChatGPT based GitHub robot. dialogue/CR/etc..
Error detection-01 wolverine🔥 4.1k Run the scripts with Wolverine, and when they crash, GPT-4 will edit them and explain where the error lies. Even if you have a lot of bugs, it will rerun again and again until it is fixed.
Error detection-02 stackexplain 455 Explain your error message with ChatGPT Run the pythohn script with the stackexplain command and automatically detect errors to give the correct fix
SQL Client-01 sqlchat 1.5k Chat-based SQL Client and Editor for the next decade 1.Supports My SQL and Postgre SQL
SQL Client-02 Chat2DB 1.2k 🔥🔥🔥AI-driven data management platform Over 1 million developers are using Chat2DB 1.AI intelligent assistant, supporting natural language to SQL conversion, SQL to natural language conversion, and SQL optimization suggestions 2. Powerful extension capability, currently supporting MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLServer, ClickHouse, OceanBase, H2, SQLite, etc., and more databases will be supported in the future
Code search engine bloop 3.6k bloop is a fast code search engine written in Rust. 1. Regular expression search 2. Sync local and Github repositories
Code generation aiac 2.4k Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure-as-Code Generator. 1. Generate Ia C 2. Generate docker, k 8 s placement 3. Generate CICD 4. Generate SQL
Language conversion ai-code-translator 2.8k Use AI to translate code from one language to another.
Data Processing pandas-ai🔥 3.2k Chat with your database (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, mongodb, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG.


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Video summary BibiGPT 2.9k BibiGPT v1 · one-Click AI Summary for Audio/Video & Chat with Learning Content: Bilibili YouTube
Video Chat Ask-Anything 906 [CVPR2024 Highlight][VideoChatGPT] ChatGPT with video understanding! And many more supported LMs such as miniGPT4, StableLM, and MOSS. miniGPT4、StableLM 和 MOSS
Voice-01 AudioGPT🔥 3.6k AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head generate BGM3.Speech
Voice-02 speechgpt 2.1k 💬 SpeechGPT is a web application that enables you to converse with ChatGPT. 1. Adapt to mobile 2. Support more than 100 languages 3. Voice sparring 4. Integrate Azure voice services
Voice-03 chat-with-gpt 1.3k An open-source ChatGPT app with a voice 1. Integrate Eleven Labs' voice services 2. Support docker deployment
Voice-04 polyglot 494 🤖️ Cross-platform AI language practice app (跨平台AI语言练习应用) 1. Multi-Chinese speaking practice 2. Intelligent speech synthesis 3. Intelligent dialogue function


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AI chart chart-gpt 1.4k AI tool to build charts based on text input
AI-generated visualization SolidUI 139 AI-generated visualization prototyping and editing platform, support 2D, 3D models, combined with LLM(Large Language Model) for quick editing.


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Penetration testing tools PentestGPT 845 A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool


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Femdom scenes-Robot-01 ai-anything 422 💞 Anyone can create GPT tools 人人都能创建 GPT 工具 1. Writing assistant 2. Code interpreter 3. Daily newspaper generator, etc
Femdom scenes-Robot-02 OpenGpt 3.3k Create your own ChatGPT App in seconds. 1. Create chatbots for various scenarios, such as Xiaohongshu, daily news, etc.
Common-01 Portal 1.7k Chat GPT can be operated on any software by sending any selected text to Chat GPT for processing via keyboard shortcuts, and then returning the result to the user's clipboard or cursor position (for typewriter effect). 1. Any software word translation 2. Custom prompt template 3. Conversation management && dialog diagram generation


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Room design roomGPT 6.8k Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI. All you need to do is take a picture of your room, or a 3D renderings of your room, upload it, and you can use AI to generate the corresponding dream room renderings. (Strictly speaking, it belongs to the field of painting)
Structural knowledge GraphGPT 3.2k Extrapolating knowledge graphs from unstructured text using GPT-3 🕵️‍♂️ 1.Graph GPT transforms unstructured natural language into a knowledge graph. Pass in a synopsis of your favorite movie, confusing paragraphs on Wikipedia pages, or video text to generate visualizations of entities and their relationships.
Interview tips cheetah 2.0k Mac app for crushing remote tech interviews with AI
Tell stories ChineseAiDungeonChatGPT 1.2k 中文版的ai地牢,直接使用的openai的ChatGPT api作为讲故事的模型。
AR experience ChatARKit 335 Using ChatGPT to create AR experiences with natural language. 1. Based on the Sketchfab-3 D model website
Apple Health HealthGPT 1.2k Query your Apple Health data with natural language 💬 🩺 1.Integration with the Apple Health app to ensure seamless first-party data usage2.Out of the box support for querying sleep, step count, active energy, exercise minutes, heart rate, and body mass.



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ChatGPT-retrieval-plugin chatgpt-retrieval-plugin 14.4k The ChatGPT Retrieval Plugin lets you easily find personal or work documents by asking questions in natural language. Semantic search and retrieval of personal or organizational documents is possible. It allows users to get the most relevant pieces of documentation from their data sources, such as files, notes, or emails, by asking questions or expressing needs in natural language. Businesses can use this plugin to provide internal documentation to employees via ChatGPT.


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Common-Plugin chatGPTBox 6.7k Integrating ChatGPT into your browser deeply, everything you need is here 1. Call out the chat dialog box at any time on any page 2. Support mobile devices such as mobile phones 3. Summarize any page through the right-click menu 4. Box selection tool and right-click menu, perform a variety of your needs, such as translation, summary, editing, sentiment analysis, paragraph division, code explanation, inquiry 5. Support reddit, quora, youtube, github, gitlab, stackoverflow, zhihu, bilibili and other websites
Search-Plugin chatgpt-google-extension 12.9k This project is deprecated. Check my new project ChatHub: 1. The right side displays ChatGPT search content2. Custom trigger mode3. Support switching language
Textbox-Plugin chatgpt-chrome-extension 2.5k A ChatGPT Chrome extension. Integrates ChatGPT into every text box on the internet. 1. Right-click in the text box Ask ChatGPT to use 2. Use it to write tweets, modify emails, fix code bugs, or anything else you need
Textbox-Plugin-Twitter tweetGPT 566 Chrome extension that generates tweets and replies using chatGPT 1. Generate Tweets and replies in Twitter Web
Translation-Plugin-01 openai-translator 14.8k 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API. 1. Word translation
Translation-Plugin-02 immersive-translate 5.8k 沉浸式双语网页翻译扩展 , 支持输入框翻译, 鼠标悬停翻译, PDF, Epub, 字幕文件, TXT 文件翻译 - Immersive Dual Web Page Translation Extension 1. Bilingual display, Chinese and English comparison. 2. Customized optimization for common mainstream websites, such as Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Gmail, Telegram, Youtube, Hacker News, etc. 3. Support PDF files, EPUB e-book bilingual translation, production and export. 4. Support mobile
Download-Plugin ChatGPT-pdf 1.2k A Chrome extension for downloading your ChatGPT history to PNG, PDF or a sharable link 1. Download chatgpt official website chat history PNG
ChatGPT-Enhance-Plugin-01 chatgpt-advanced 4.6k WebChatGPT: A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results. 1. This browser extension adds web access to Chat GPT. Get more relevant and up-to-date answers from chatbots!
ChatGPT-Enhance-Plugin-02 superpower-chatgpt 501 ChatGPT with superpowers! Search chat history, create folders, export all chats, pin messages, access thousands of community prompts, incognito mode, language and tone selection, and many more features 1.Folders and reordering for your chats2.Search and Highlight
Voice-Plugin-01 talk-to-chatgpt 977 Talk to ChatGPT AI using your voice and listen to its answers through a voice 1. Voice communication with Chat GPT! 2. Support multiple languages
Voice-Plugin-02 assistant-chat-gpt 152 A Chrome browser extension that embeds ChatGPT as a hands-free voice assistant 1.Chassistant GPT supports more than 60 languages and dialects. Select your native language and custom trigger phrase (configurable in the tab)
Share-Plugin sharegpt 1.1k Easily share permanent links to ChatGPT conversations with your friends 1. One-click share of your own Chat GPT conversation to https:sharegpt .com
Read-Plugin chatgpt-arxiv-extension 483 A browser extension that enhance search engines with ChatGPT 1. Can help you read ARXIV papers, give annotations in some places
Summary-Plugin-01 575 Summarize web pages using OpenAI ChatGPT
Summary-Plugin-02 chatgpt-google-summary-extension 612 Chrome extension to view ChatGPT summaries alongside Google search results and YouTube videos, also supports Yahoo! ニュース、PubMed、PMC、NewsPicks、Github、Nikkei、 Bing、Google Patents, and any page summary.
Summary-Plugin-03 WebPilot 560 Webpilot is a free, open-source "Copilot for web" that allows you to have free-form conversations with web pages or engage in automatic arguments with other users. 1. Summarize the the web page. 2. Define the prompts by yourself.
Summary-Plugin-YouTube YouTube_Summary_with_ChatGPT 534 YouTube Summary with ChatGPT is a simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that allows you to get both YouTube video transcripts and summary of the video with OpenAI's ChatGPT AI technology. 1. Summarize You Tube video content with one click


name github address star introduction function
Editor-vscode-Plugin chatgpt-vscode 4.4k A VSCode extension that allows you to use ChatGPT 1. Use the snippet in the editor to query Chat GPT via the input box in the sidebar 2. Right-click the code, select and run one of the context menu shortcuts, 3. See the response from Chat GPT in the panel next to the editor
Editor-Neovim-Plugin ChatGPT.nvim 1.6k ChatGPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with OpenAI's ChatGPT API 1. Command to open an interactive window 2. Support Awesome ChatGPT Prompts command
Editor-IDA Pro-Plugin Gepetto 2.1k IDA plugin which queries uses language models to speed up reverse-engineering 1. Support interpretation function 2. Support renaming variables
Editor-JetBrains-Plugin JetBrains-插件 729 This project is a plugin that supports ChatGPT running on JetBrains series IDE. 1. Use the snippet in the editor to query Chat GPT via the input box in the sidebar 2. Right-click the code, select and run one of the context menu shortcuts, 3. See the response from Chat GPT in the panel next to the editor
Editor-intellij-Plugin intellij-chatgpt 101 A plugin that integrates ChatGPT and other third-party mirror sites into JetBrains IDEs.一个将 ChatGPT 和其他第三方镜像网站整合到 JetBrains IDEs 的插件。 1. Integrate free third-party mirror websites, and update conveniently.
Efficiency Tools-raycast-Plugin chatgpt-raycast 474 ChatGPT raycast extension 1. Use Mac shortcuts to directly evoke Chat GPT for conversation 2. Customize conversation instructions
Google Docs-Plugin docGPT 523 ChatGPT directly within Google Docs as an Editor Add-on 📑 1.Chat GPT is directly integrated into Google Docs 2. Select Doc to send to chatGPT with one click
Kubernetes-Plugin-01 kubernetes-chatgpt-bot 579 A ChatGPT bot for Kubernetes issues. 1. Ask Chat GPT for Prometheus alerts directly to fix the alarms, and 2. Rely on the observability artifact robusta
Kubernetes-Plugin-02 kubectl-ai 672 ✨ Kubectl plugin for OpenAI GPT 1. Generate Kubernetes configurations in natural language
github-Plugin-01 ChatGPT-CodeReview 1.6k 🐥 A code review bot powered by ChatGPT 1. Let Chat GPT automatically review Code 2. Have Chat GPT check your PR
github-Plugin-02 chatgpt-action 498 Let ChatGPT review PRs for you 1. Let Chat GPT automatically review Code 2. Have Chat GPT check your PR
Baidu-XiaoAi-Plugin xiaogpt 2.7k Play ChatGPT and other LLM with Xiaomi AI Speaker 1. Play Chat GPT with Xiaomi AI speaker
Blender-Plugin BlenderGPT 3.2k Use commands in English to control Blender with OpenAI's GPT-4 1. Quickly build a 3D model after only entering text
Siri-Plugin ChatGPT-Siri 2.6k Shortcuts for Siri using ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 model, supports continuous conversations, configure the API key & save chat records. 由 ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo & gpt-4 模型驱动的智能 Siri,支持连续对话,配置API key,配置系统prompt,保存聊天记录。 1. Support continuous conversation 2. Configure system prompt 3. Save chat history

GPT Open Source Replacement Robot🔥🔥🔥

github address star introduction function
gpt4all 27.3k GPT4All: Chat with Local LLMs on Any Device 1. Local training, tuning
gpt4all-ui 1k Lord of Large Language Models Web User Interface 1. Use the UI interface to train, tune, and use locally
Open-Assistant 22.0k OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so. Open Assistant is a project designed to make a large conversation-based language model accessible to everyone.
stanford_alpaca 19.8k Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.
DeepSpeed Chat🔥 15.6k DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
ChatGLM-6B 16.0k ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model 开源双语对话语言模型
minGPT 14.3k A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training
FastChat 12.5k An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language models. Release repo for Vicuna and Chatbot Arena. 1. Stanford teamed up with CMU, UC Berkeley and other institutions to release the 13 billion parameter model Vicuna, which can achieve 90% of the performance of ChatGPT for only $300.
MiniGPT-4🔥 9.9k Open-sourced codes for MiniGPT-4 and MiniGPT-v2 (, 1. Identify pictures and have conversations
alpaca-lora 9.2k Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware 1. The use of LoRA lightweight model 2. Only a small number of parameters need to be trained to obtain an effect comparable to the Standford Alpaca model, 3. RTX 4090 is required to play
FreedomGPT 796 This codebase is for a React and Electron-based app that executes the FreedomGPT LLM locally (offline and private) on Mac and Windows using a chat-based interface
stableLM🔥 8.1k StableLM: Stability AI Language Models StableLM was trained on a larger open-source dataset The Pile that contains information from a variety of sources, including Wikipedia, the question-and-answer site Stack Exchange, and the biomedical database PubMed, which is three times the size of The Pile Containing 1.5 trillion tokens, its hyperscale makes StableLM ultra-high performance in sessions and encoding, but it currently has only 3-7 billion parameters, while GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters.
OpenChatKit 7.5k Built by the former Open AI team, OpenChatKit provides a strong open source foundation for creating specialized and general-purpose chatbots for a variety of applications. 1.Language model with 20 billion parameters Users only need to prepare their own datasets and use Open Chat Kit's recipe to fine-tune the model to obtain high-precision results.
text-generation-webui 7.3k A Gradio web UI for Large Language Models.
PaLM-rlhf-pytorch 6.3k Implementation of RLHF (Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback) on top of the PaLM architecture. Basically ChatGPT but with PaLM
ChatRWKV 5.7k ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.
dolly 4.4k Databricks’ Dolly, a large language model trained on the Databricks Machine Learning Platform Dolly used Alpaca data to fine-tune the open-source EleutherAI 6 billion parameter model two years ago
Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca 4.1k 中文LLaMA&Alpaca大语言模型+本地CPU/GPU训练部署 (Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs) 1. 🚀 Open source the Chinese LLaMA large model pre-trained with Chinese text data Open source the Chinese Alpaca large model that has been further fine-tuned by instructions Quickly use the laptop (personal PC) local deployment and experience quantized version of the large model 🚀 🚀
MOSS🔥 717 An open-source tool-augmented conversational language model from Fudan University
BELLE 3.7k BELLE: Be Everyone's Large Language model Engine(开源中文对话大模型) 1. At this stage, this project is based on some open source pre-trained large language models (such as BLOOM, LAMMA, etc.), optimized for Chinese, and model tuning only uses data produced by Chat GPT (not any other data).
trlx 2.9k A repo for distributed training of language models with Reinforcement Learning via Human Feedback (RLHF) 1. Support online RL with up to 20 b parameters and offline RL for larger models. Basically the project you use to fine-tune GPT to Chat GPT
lit-llama 2.4k Implementation of the LLaMA language model based on nanoGPT. Supports flash attention, Int8 and GPTQ 4bit quantization, LoRA and LLaMA-Adapter fine-tuning, pre-training. Apache 2.0-licensed.
LLaMA-Adapter 2.1k Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters 1.LLaMA fine-tuned as indicated and 1.2 M parameters within 1 h
KoboldAI-Client 1.7k KoboldAI-Your gateway to GPT writing This is a browser-based front-end-assisted writing with multiple local and remote models
ChatYuan 1.3k ChatYuan: Large Language Model for Dialogue in Chinese and English 1.ChatYuan-large-v2 is one of the models in the ChatYuan series that achieves high-quality effects with lightweight, and users can reason on consumer graphics cards, PCs and even mobile phones (INT4 is as low as 400M).
wenda 801 闻达:一个LLM调用平台。目标为针对特定环境的高效内容生成,同时考虑个人和中小企业的计算资源局限性,以及知识安全和私密性问题 1. Currently supported models: chat GLM-6 B, chat RWKV, chat Yuan. 2. Knowledge base automatic search 3. Support online parameter adjustment
minChatGPT 114 A minimum example of aligning language models with RLHF similar to ChatGPT

Specialized Domain Robot

name github address star introduction function
Biomedical Robot BioGPT 3.7k A large-scale language model based on biomedical research literature launched by the Microsoft team 1. Extraction of biomedical entities such as genes or diseases 2. Chatbots that can answer biomedical questions 3. Summary and auto-completion in the biomedical field
Doctor Robot ChatDoctor 2.3k A medical chat model based on the LLaMA model using medical domain knowledge 1. Data training on 200,000 real conversations between patients and doctors from the Health Care and 26k patients and doctors from
Law Robot law-cn-ai🔥 1.9k ⚖️ AI 法律助手 1.Based on GPT, fixed-domain robots made using embeddings vector database

Prompt Conversation Instructions

github address star introduction function
awesome-chatgpt-prompts 64.1k This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better. Dialogue tuning in various scenarios
awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh 29.9k ChatGPT 中文调教指南。各种场景使用指南。学习怎么让它听你的话。 Dialogue tuning for various scenarios (Chinese version)
Prompt-Engineering-Guide 23.8k 🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering Teach you how to tune and train AI
ChatGPT-Shortcut 3.3k 🚀💪Maximize your efficiency and productivity, support for English,中文,Español,العربية. 让生产力加倍的AI快捷指令。更有效地定制、保存和分享自己的提示词。在提示词分享社区中,轻松找到适用于不同场景的指令。 Divided by domain and function, you can perform tag filtering, keyword search and one-click copying of prompt words.
ChatGPT_DAN 1.5k ChatGPT DAN, Jailbreaks prompt
Awesome-ChatGPT-prompts-ZH_CN 1.4k 如何将ChatGPT调教成一只猫娘
ChatGPT-Data-Science-Prompts 562 A repository of 60 useful data science prompts for ChatGPT
The-Art-of-Asking-ChatGPT 375 ChatGPT提问技巧


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awesome-gpts 868 Collection of all the GPTs created by the community Collects all gpts created by the community
Awesome-GPTs 1.5k Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍. Selected list of awesome GPTS
gpt-crawler 3.7k Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL Can capture technical documents on various web pages and upload them to gpts

Other(Platform、Reverse engineering)

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Reverse ChatGPT 23.5k Reverse engineered ChatGPT API Extract the API of Chat GPT
Reverse EdgeGPT 5.3k Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat AI Extract New Bing's API
langchain 2.3k 🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications It helps developers combine LLM with other computing or knowledge sources to create more powerful applications.
KeepChatGPT 1.8k 这是一款提高ChatGPT的数据安全能力和效率的插件。并且免费共享大量创新功能,如:自动刷新、保持活跃、数据安全、取消审计、克隆对话、言无不尽、净化页面、展示大屏、拦截跟踪、日新月异、明察秋毫等。让我们的AI体验无比安全、顺畅、丝滑、高效、简洁。 解决了这几类报错: (1) NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource. (2) Something went wrong. If this issue persists please contact us through our help center at (3) This content may violate our content policy. (4) Conversation not found.
GPTCache 914 Semantic cache for LLMs. Fully integrated with LangChain and llama_index. 1.plugin type design, multiple modules support customization, such as embedding, storage, similarity evaluation, pre- and post-request processing 2. Adapt to multiple interfaces of openai, such as ChatCompleteComplete, etc., and also integrate into LangChain 3. Multiple parameters in the request can meet a number of different scenarios, such as cache opening and closing, whether to conduct similar search, multi-level cache, etc
gpt4free🔥 5.5k The official gpt4free repository various collection of powerful language models

Relevant materials


This awesome-open-gpt is a collection of interesting open source projects about GPT compiled by myself, and I warmly welcome your contributions and suggestions. Please feel free to submit a PR.