This is a members only application for people who crave seclusion. Members can post their favorite secret camping sites,leave ratings, and save sites to their account where they can leave themselves notes.
You can access a working prototype of the React app here: and Node app here:
You can access repositories here: React app: Node app:
This app is for two types of users: a visitor and a logged-in user
*Landing Page (Importance - High) (Est: 1h)
- as a visitor
- I want to understand what I can do with this app so I can decide if I want to use it
*Login Page (Importance - High) (Est: 4h)
- as a returning registered user
- I want to enter my username and password
- so I can have access to my account, and use this app
*Sign Up Page (Importance - High) (Est: 4h)
- as a visitor
- I want to register to use this app
- so I can create an account
- List of Site Page (Importance - High) (Est: 4h)
- as a visitor
- I want to learn about all the available sites to visit per state
- so I can decide if I want to visit
- Star Ratings (Importance - Medium) (Est: 1h)
- as a visiting user
- I want to rate places I've visited
- so I can help others decide on places to visit
- Account Page (Importance - High) (Est: 4h)
- as a logged in user
- I want to see places I've saved to my account
- I want to add comments to places I've saved to my account
- so I can easily find the places I'm interested in
- Upload New Site (Importance - High) (Est: 4h)
- as a logged in user
- I want to add places I've been
- I want to add images, content, and a location
- so I can share locations I've been with other users
- Search Sites (Importance - High) (Est: 2h)
- as a logged in user
- I want to search places by location
- so I can find locations I'm interested in going to
The app's functionality includes:
- Every User has the ability to create an account
- A registered user has the ability to log in to their account
- A registered user has the ability to save camping sites to their account
- A registered user has the ability to add ratings to camping sites
- A registered user has the ability to add new camping sites
- A registered user has the ability to add images and content when adding new camping sites
- Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6, React
- Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, Mocha, Chai, RESTful API Endpoints, Postgres
- Development Environment: Heroku, DBeaver
- Index.js (stateless)
- App.js (stateful)
- Landing.js (stateless)
- Login.js (stateful) - user table
- SignUp.js (stateful) - user table
- SiteList.js (stateful) - locations table, user_locations table, ratings table
- Account.js (stateful) - user_locations table, comments table
- Search.js (stateful) - locations table
- Navbar.js (stateful) - user table
- Noteform.js (stateful) - comments table
- StarRating.js (stateful) - ratings table
- App.js (stateful)
Users (database table)
- id (auto-generated)
- email (email validation)
- password (at least 8 chars, at least one alpha and a special character validation)
Locations (database table)
- id (auto-generated)
- user_id (foreign key - users table(id))
- image (image)
- title (note title)
- content (note text)
- keyword (keyword for maps)
- is_public (boolean default 0)
Ratings (database table)
- id (auto-generated)
- user_id (foreign key to match users table (id))
- location_id (foreign key to match locations table (id))
- stars (integer between 1 & 5)
User_Locations (database table)
- id (auto-generated)
- user_id (foreign key to match users table (id))
- location_id (foreign key to match locations table (id))
Comments (database table)
- id (auto-generated)
- user_location_id (foreign key to match locations table (id))
- title (note title)
- content (note text) *author_id ((foreign key to match users table (id)))
├── /auth
│ └── POST
│ ├── /login
├── /users
│ └── GET /
│ ├── /
│ ├── /:user_id
│ └── POST /
│ ├── /
├── /comments
│ └── GET
│ ├── /
│ ├── /:location_id
│ └── POST
│ ├── /:location_id
│ └── DELETE
│ ├── /:location_id
├── /location
│ └── GET
│ ├── /
│ ├── /keyword/:searchTerm
│ └── POST
│ ├── /
├── /ratings
│ └── GET
│ ├── /
│ ├── /:location_id
│ └── POST
│ ├── /
├── /user_locations
│ └── GET
│ ├── /
│ ├── /user
│ ├── /:loc_id
│ └── POST
│ ├── /
This is v1.0 of the app, but future enhancements are expected to include:
- Ability to edit sites user has posted
- Ablity to delete sites user has posted
- Ability to edit saved comments
- Ability to delete sites user has saved to account
Use command line to navigate into the project folder and run the following in terminal
- To install the react project ===> npm install
- To run react (on port 3000) ===> npm start
- To run tests ===> npm run test
- To install the node project ===> npm install
- To migrate the database ===> npm run migrate -- 1
- To run Node server (on port 8000) ===> npm run dev
- To run tests ===> npm run test