This repository contains a simple implementation of a Global and Local path planner.
The file Astar_global_planner.cpp contains the derived class Astar which implementents the base class BaseGlobalPlanner.
The BaseGlobalPlanner interface:
- initialize
- makePlan
The file DW_local_planner.cpp contains the derived class DynamicWindow which implementents the base class BaseLocalPlanner.
The BaseLocalPlanner interface:
- initialize
- computeVelocityCommands
- isGoalReached
- setPlan
Both base classes come from the * nav_core * ROS package and both derived classes need to implement the respective interfaces.
Both classes are exported as plugins and included in the * move_base * navigation stack.
To install this project, you have to have ROS installed alongside the following ROS packages:
- stage_ros
- gmapping
- rqt_gui
- rviz
- move_base
- nav_core
You also have to have a Workspace set up, then you can simple clone this project into the /src
folder of your Workspace.
Simply run catkin_make in your workspace, then source the setup file in the /devel
You can run this project by typing roslaunch pathplanner CustomCompletePlanner.launch
Developed by Muhamed Delalić using ROS Melodic Morenia on Ubuntu 18.04.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.