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Asp.Net Core Project

AJ3 Universal Driving School Student Management System.


git clone


Running in Visual Studio

  • Set Startup project:
    • AJ3.WebApp

EF Core & Data Access

  • The solution uses:

    • ApplicationDbContext: for Asp.Net Core Identity

    • FluentValidation.AspNetCore : for Model Validation rules

      • Install-Package FluentValidation.AspNetCore -Version 10.3.6
  • AutoMapper: for Object Mapping

    • Install-Package AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection -Version 8.1.1
  • Microsoft.Data.SqlClient : for Data Provider fro SQL Server

    • Install-Package Microsoft.Data.SqlClient -Version 4.1.0
  • Dapper: For ORM

    • Install-Package Dapper -Version 2.0.78

Run entity framework migrations:

NOTE: Initial migrations are a part of the repository.

  • .NET Core CLI

    • dotnet ef database update
  • Visual Studio

    • Update-Database

OR: you can just restore the TPS.bak to your SQL Server localhost

Logging & App Setting

  • We are using Serilog with pre-defined following Sinks - white are available in appsettings.Logs.json

  • Initial App setting appsettings.json

    • {
        "ConnectionStrings": {
          "SQLDBConnectionString": "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=TPS;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;Encrypt=False;TrustServerCertificate=False;ApplicationIntent=ReadWrite;MultiSubnetFailover=False"
        "SystemSetUp": {
          "CompanyName": "AJ3 Universal Driving School",
          "Address": "730A Del Monte Ave. Talayan, Quezon City",
          "PhoneNumber": "",
          "MobileNumber": "+639",
          "Manager": "Manager",
          "TagLine": "Tag line"
        "License": {
          "LicenseId": "123",
          "LicenseTo": "test"
        "AllowedHosts": "*",
        "DbBackUp": {
          "Location": ""

UI preview

​ Login Page


Student Master List


Student Profile

  • Personal Infoprofile-info
  • Course Notesprofile-note
  • Course Detailprofilecourse
  • Payments History profile-payment
  • Sample Certificate cert


I am happy to share my attempt of the implementation of the ASP.NET Core.

Any feedback is welcome - feel free to create an issue or send me an email - Thank you 😊