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Publishing GTDB Tk

Pierre Chaumeil edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 3 revisions

Publishing GTDB-Tk

Note: The majority of processes are automated and are triggered when a release is created.

Getting ready for release

Step 1: Increment version

Note: GTDB-Tk uses semantic versioning (i.e. major.minor.patch).

  • Update __version__ in gtdbtk/

Step 2: Update documentation

  • Update documentation changelog in docs/src/changelog.rst

Step 2: Run GTDB-Tk unit tests

Step 3: Test GTDB-Tk installation

  • python sdist
  • conda create -n GTDBTK_TEST --clone gtdbtk-dev
  • conda activate GTDBTK_TEST
  • pip install dist/*

Step 4: Create a new release

  • Create a new release (tag and name should match the new version)
  • Include the changelog.rst information in the description.

Note: This will trigger CI to do the following:

  • DockerHub - will build a new image based on the version (~10 mins)
  • GitHub Actions - will build the PyPI package and upload it.
  • Bioconda - will automatically open a new PR which will need to be approved and merged.

Step 5: Update

Add an announcement for the new release in Announcements.html (gh_page branch of GTDB-Tk).

Publishing GTDB-Tk reference data


python GTDBTk/scripts/ --package_directory ~/release<n>/ --output_file gtdbtk.r<n>_data.tar.gz

The script will check all files and generate a targz file at the end of the process