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ChangeLog 2.0.8

杨奕 edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 1 revision
  • 新增西班牙语文档
  • 修复 show-timeout 对点击触发的 Dropdown 无效的问题,#8734(by @presidenten)
  • 修复 Form 对于 trigger 为 blur 的校验规则触发时机有误的问题,#8776
  • 修复 DatePicker 在范围选择时 blur 事件触发时机有误的问题,#8784
  • TimePicker 的 format 新增对 AM/PM 的支持,#8620(by @firesh)

  • Added Spanish documentation
  • Fixed show-timeout of Dropdown not working when trigger is click, #8734 (by @presidenten)
  • Fixed Form validation timing for rules whose trigger is blur, #8776
  • Fixed blur event of ranged DatePicker, #8784
  • format of TimePicker now supports AM/PM, #8620 (by @firesh)
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