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ChangeLog 2.4.6

hetech edited this page Aug 10, 2018 · 3 revisions
  • 修复 Table 的 filter 初始值为空数组时不显示筛选图标的问题,#12165
  • 修复 Menu 在更改 collapse 时不保存菜单激活状态的问题,#12178 (by @elfman)
  • 修复 Cascader 未转义特殊字符的问题,#12248
  • 修复禁用的 RadioButton 在点击时显示 box-shadow 的问题,#12262
  • 修复 Select 初始值为 undefined 时方向键失效的问题,#12322
  • 修复 Select 多选时输入的关键字消失的问题,#12304
  • 修复 Select 多选时查询函数没有去抖的问题,#12181
  • 修复 Dialog 在全屏显示时宽度不正确的问题,#12203
  • 修复 Main 在 IE 下的显示不正确的问题,#12237
  • 修复 Input 触发两次表单校验的问题,#12260
  • 修复 Tree 在懒加载时添加节点导致节点消失的问题,#12256
  • 修复 Tree 节点在拖拽后无法删除的问题,#12279
  • 修复 Popover 在 InputNumber 聚焦时不显示的问题,#12284
  • 添加 Autocomplete 的 popper-append-to-body 属性,#12241
  • 添加 Pagination 的 page-size 属性 sync 修饰符的支持,#12281

  • Fixed Table not showing filter icon when filters is assigned empty array, #12165
  • Fixed Menu not saving active state when collapse is changed, #12178 (by @elfman)
  • Fixed Cascader not escaping special characters for Regexp, #12248
  • Fixed disabled RadioButton showing box-shadow when clicked, #12262
  • Fixed arrow key not effect when default value is undefined,#12322
  • Fixed query function of Select not debounced in multi mode, #12181
  • Fixed query keyword of Select disappearing in multi mode, #12304
  • Fixed incorrect width of Dialog when it is displayed in full screen, #12203
  • Fixed incorrect display of Main on IE, #12237
  • Fixed Input triggering two form validations, #12260
  • Fixed adding new Tree node causing nodes to disappear, #12256
  • Fixed Tree node not deleted after dragging, #12279
  • Fixed Popover not visible when InputNumber focuses, #12284
  • Added popper-append-to-body attribute for Autocomplete, #12241
  • Added sync modifier support for Pagination's page-size attribute, #12281
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