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ChangeLog 2.4.9

hetech edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • Form 组件 clearValidate 方法参数支持字符串,#12990 (by @codinglobster)
  • Badge 新增 type 属性,#12991
  • 用户可以使用 scoped-slot 来自定义表头,#13012(by @ivanseidel)
  • 修复 IE 下 Select 输入框不能输入的问题,#13034(by @GaliMU)
  • Select 多选时,选项不换行 @akki-jat #12329
  • Select 下拉列表展开后,箭头图标也可以正确显示,#12353(@firesh)
  • 修复 Select 的 size 属性不生效的问题,#13070
  • 多选时可以清除 Select 已选中的值,#13049(@ZSkycat)
  • 修复最后一个 TabNav 不能删除的问题,#13039
  • 修复 TabNav 中 label 显示不正确的问题,#13178
  • Alert 新增 title slot,#13082(不用@Kingwl)
  • 修复 Table 中的 tooltip 内容不正确的问题,#13159(by @elfman)
  • 优化 Upload 文件列表删除时的动画,#12987
  • 当 InputNumber 控制按钮不显示时,调整了边距,#13052

  • The parameter of Form's clearValidate supports string, #12990 (by @codinglobster)
  • Added type attribute for Badge, #12991
  • Users can use scoped-slot to customize table column header #13012 (by @ivanseidel)
  • Fixed the input box of Select unable to type text under IE, #13034 (by @GaliMU)
  • Select option does not wrap when space is enough, #12329 (by @akki-jat)
  • When dropdown list of Select is expanded, the arrow icon will also display correctly, #12353 (by @firesh)
  • Fixed that the size attribute of Select does not work #13070
  • Select multiple values can be cleared, #13049 (by @ZSkycat)
  • Fixed the last TabNav unable be deleted #13039
  • Fixed that TabNav label is not displayed correctly #13178
  • Added title slot for Alert, #13082 (by @Kingwl)
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip content in Table was incorrect, #13159 @elfman
  • Optimize the animation of Upload when file is deleted #12987
  • Adjusted style of InputNumber when control button is not displayed #13052
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