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ChangeLog 2.4.1

杨奕 edited this page Jun 7, 2018 · 4 revisions
  • 移除 Autocomplete 的重复类型声明,#11388
  • 修复嵌套在 Form 内的 Select 在 FireFox 浏览器中下拉箭头错位的问题,#11427
  • 修复 Select 的初始值为 null 时仍然显示清除图标的问题,#11460
  • 修复禁用的 Radio 在点击时显示 box-shadow 的问题,#11462
  • 新增 MessageBox 的 iconClass 属性,#11499
  • 新增 Tabs 的 stretch 属性,#11476
  • 修复 Tabs 开启 lazy 时渲染顺序异常的问题,#11461
  • 修复 Table 展开行时无法保留选中行样式的问题,#11464
  • 修复 Tabs 调用 before-leave 并返回 Promise 的时候,Tabs 会存在 focus 状态的问题,#11386
  • 修复 Popover 禁用状态下创建弹出框的问题,#11426
  • 修复 Tree 在懒加载状态下添加新节点造成无限循环的问题,#11430 (by @wangjingf)
  • 新增 Dialog 的 closed 事件,#11490

  • Removed Autocomplete's duplicate type declaration, #11388
  • Fixed Select's dropdown arrow style in FireFox when nested in Form, #11427
  • Fixed clear icon of Select still showing when the initial value is null, #11460
  • Fixed disabled radio showing box-shadow when clicked, #11462
  • Added iconClass attribute for MessageBox, #11499
  • Added stretch attribute for Tabs, #11476
  • Fixed rendering order issue of TabPane when Tabs is lazy, #11461
  • Fixed Table not retaining current highlight row when expanded, #11464
  • Fixed focusing state when before-leave returns a resolved promise, #11386
  • Fixed disabled Popover still creating poppers, #11426
  • Fixed Tree's endless loop when a new node is added in lazy mode, #11430 (by @wangjingf)
  • Added closed event for Dialog, #11490
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