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ChangeLog 2.4.4

Jikkai Xiao edited this page Jul 13, 2018 · 5 revisions
  • 修复重置表单后触发 Select 组件校验问题,#11837
  • 修复 Input 组件 suffixappend 共存时样式错乱问题,#11951
  • 修复可清空的只读 Input 仍会显示清空图标的问题,#11967
  • 修复 Tree 节点禁用时仍可以选中的问题,#11847
  • 修复 Tree default-checked-keys 属性不生效的问题,#11971
  • 修复 Tree 在过滤节点时下 empty-text 不显示的问题,#11971
  • 修复 Table 的 empty-text 过长时的位置样式问题,#11965
  • 修复 Table 的 current-row-key 设置为 null 时高亮行不清除的问题,#11866
  • 修复当 filters 为空数组时显示过滤器下拉列表的问题,#11864
  • 修复 Radio 的 label 不阻止事件冒泡的问题,#11912

  • Fixed triggering Select validation after Form resetting, #11837
  • Fixed wrong position of Input suffix slot when suffix slot with append slot, #11951
  • Fixed clearable Input still displaying the clear icon when readonly, #11967
  • Fixed Tree node checked when it's disabled, #11847
  • Fixed Tree's default-checked-keys not working, #11971
  • Fixed empty-text not visible when Tree node filtered, #11971
  • Fixed the position of oversized empty-text in Table, #11965
  • Fixed Table row not be unhighlighted when current-row-key is assigned to null, #11866
  • Fixed showing filter dropdown when filters is an empty array, #11864
  • Fixed Radio's label does not stop event propagation, #11912
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