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ChangeLog 2.3.4

杨奕 edited this page Apr 12, 2018 · 2 revisions
  • 删除 SubMenu 在 TypeScript 类型声明中重复的 showTimeout 属性,#10566(by @kimond)
  • 现在 Transfer 数据项的渲染支持通过 scoped slot 自定义,#10577
  • 修复点击 Pagination 禁用的上一页、下一页按钮仍会触发 current-change 事件的问题,#10628
  • 修复未绑定值的 Textarea 在 SSR 中会显示 undefined 的问题,#10630
  • 修复 type 为 border-car 的 Tabs 中被禁用标签项的样式,#10640
  • 新增 $index 为 Table 的 formatter 属性回调的第四个参数,#10645
  • 修复 TypeScript 类型声明未导出 CheckboxButton 的问题,#10666

  • Deleted duplicate showTimeout attribute in SubMenu's TypeScript declaration, #10566 (by @kimond)
  • Now you can customize Transfer's data item using scoped slot, #10577
  • Fixed clicking disabled prev and next button of Pagination still triggers current-change event, #10628
  • Fixed Textarea displaying undefined in SSR when its value is not set, #10630
  • Fixed disabled TabItem style when type is border-car, #10640
  • Added $index as formatter's fourth param of Table, #10645
  • Fixed CheckboxButton not exported in TypeScript declaration, #10666
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