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ChangeLog 2.4.8

hetech edited this page Sep 30, 2018 · 1 revision
  • Switch 聚焦时不显示轮廓,#12771
  • 修复 Dropdown 在 ButtonGroup 中样式问题,#12819 (by @bluejfox)
  • Dialog 新增 opened 事件,#12828
  • 修复 TabNav 显示顺序不正确的问题,#12846
  • 修复 Tabs 没有滑动到选中 tab 的问题,#12948
  • 修复 Tree 节点在拖拽时标识符不显示的问题,#12854
  • Form 的 validate 事件参数中包含了校验的信息,#12860 (by @YamenSharaf)
  • 修复 DatePicker 没有校验用户输入时间的合法性问题,#12898
  • 修复 Table 表头的 render-header属性不生效的问题,#12914

  • Not display outline when Switch is focused, #12771
  • Fixed Dropdown's style in ButtonGroup, #12819 (by @bluejfox)
  • Added opened event for Dialog, #12828
  • Fixed the incorrect display order of TabNav, #12846
  • Fixed the problem that Tabs did not scroll to the selected tab, #12948
  • Fixed the problem that the identifier does not display when the Tree node is dragged, #12854
  • The validate event parameter of Form contains the validation message, #12860 (by @YamenSharaf)
  • Fixed DatePicker not to verify the validity of user input time, #12898
  • Fixed the problem that render-header attribute of Table header doesn't work, #12914
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