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Developers corner How to submit a pull request (PR)

shantigilbert edited this page Feb 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Unless you know how to troubleshoot, I recommend that you do not compile the "master" branch as it will be frozen to the current stable version, and some errors might arise (like 404s from external repositories). Use the "dev" branch instead

If you want to contribute with a PR but are new to GitHub, follow these instructions courtesy of

Also note, please use the dev branch for PRs

Git fork -- Update from upstream and 'push' your changes..

after creating fork from with github web interface head to your build environment...

Open your terminal of choice in the directory and start with...

git clone
cd EmuELEC
git checkout dev


now check your remotes and upstream from original repo

git remote -v

if upstream is missing add it -- one time operation

git remote add upstream


update from upstream

git fetch upstream
git merge upstream/dev

sync upstream merge back to your fork on git

git push origin dev


after making changes push them to your fork

making sure back at your EmuELEC/

git add .
git commit . -m "short description"
git push origin dev


head back to your fork on github and submit a Pull Request...

** the notes are more for linux users but can be adapted to any git client

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