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Connections between LAWD Domains

Gabriel Bodard edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 8 revisions

First meeting: Friday, June 23, 2017 (Instutute of Classical Studies, London)

Working group: Gabriel Bodard, Paula Granados García, Timothy Hill, Gethin Rees, Simona Stoyanova, Valeria Vitale, Polina Yordanova; plus in the afternoon: Maria Baramova, Grigor Boykov, Dimitar Illiev.


Discussing the connections between domains of Linked Ancient World Data, such as places (Pelagios), people (SNAP:DRGN), etc.


After some discussion of using dates (GB argued for numerical expression for simplicity and universality, but ontologies such as PeriodO and GODOT were also considered), we moved on to imagining an implementation of Recogito for identifying person references by querying the SNAP:DRGN sparql endpoint.

The main issue would be that a name search is both problematic (different spellings, alphabets, etc.) and inadequate (thousands of people are likely to exist for relatively common names), so we would need to implement search filtering by place, date, titles, and ideally also standard identifiers (PIR/PBW/Wikidata/etc.).

We considered a follow-up hackathon to actually try to implement this, perhaps based on the modified Recogito code created by the Tudor Letters project.

  • features for a "prosoporecogito"

    • limiting by date: based on doc metadata/based on text entry
    • limiting by place: based on string/uri search
    • limiting by place: based on doc metadata?
    • limiting by coordinates: based on places in same doc, + extrapolated from uri in prosopography
    • limiting by source/prosopography: e.g. only Wikidata; only LGPN
    • filtering based on SNAP data model
    • search by parentage
  • people for a hackathon

    • TH + GR to hack
    • GB + VV with specs/desiderata
    • Rainer
    • Faith?
    • Ruth + Sebastian (Tudor Letters)?
    • Jonathan/Philip (from BHO)?
    • Others from LP WG?
  • occasions for hackathon

    • adjacent to Linked Pasts WG? (c. Jul 24-6?)