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geonodectl is a commandline interface tool for geonode. It uses the geonode apiv2 to interact with a geonode installation.

Install Guide

first install the project with:

pip install  -e 'git+'

Additionally to package install, geonodectl requires to set two environment variables to connect to a geonode instance like:

GEONODE_API_URL: # make sure to supply full api url
GEONODE_API_BASIC_AUTH: dXNlcjpwYXNzd29yZA== # you can generate this string like: echo -n user:password | base64

How to use

geonodectl has currently the following capabilities:

geonodectl --help
usage: geonodectl [-h] [--not-verify-ssl] [--raw] [--page-size PAGE_SIZE] [--page PAGE]

geonodectl is a cmd client for the geonodev4 rest-apiv2.
To use this tool you have to set the following environment variables before starting:
GEONODE_API_URL: -- path to the v2 endpoint of your target geonode instance
GEONODE_API_BASIC_AUTH: YWRtaW46YWRtaW4= -- you can generate this string like: echo -n user:password | base64

positional arguments:
                        geonodectl commands
    resources (resource)
                        resource commands
    dataset (ds)        dataset commands
    documents (doc,document)
                        document commands
    maps                maps commands
    geoapps (apps)      geoapps commands
    users (user)        user | users commands
    uploads             uploads commands
    executionrequest    executionrequest commands
    tkeywords           thesaurikeyword commands
    tkeywordlabels      thesaurikeywordlabel commands

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --not-verify-ssl      allow to request domains with unsecure ssl certificates ...
  --raw, --json         return output as raw response json as it comes from the rest API
  --page-size PAGE_SIZE
                        Number of results to return per page
  --page PAGE            A page number within the paginated result set

Currently not all features of the API are implemented. Here is a list of what you can do with geonodectl:

geonode resource capabilities
resource list, delete, download metadata
dataset list, delete, patch, describe, upload
documents list, delete, patch, describe, upload
maps list, delete, patch, describe, create
geoapps list, delete, patch, describe
users list, delete, patch, describe, create
uploads list, describe
executionrequest list, describe
keywords list, describe
tkeywords list, describe
tkeywordlabels list, describe

This project is WIP, so feel free to add more capabilities.

Now, here is how you can upload a shape file using geonodectl:

❯ ./geonodectl ds upload -f ~/data/geolocation.shp -t example-shape
| key     | value                                       |
| title   | example-shape                               |
| success | True                                        |
| status  | finished                                    |
| bbox    | 13.1832819,52.4059715,13.5891838,52.5867805 |
| crs     | {'type': 'name', 'properties': 'EPSG:4326'} |
| url     | /catalogue/#/dataset/36                     |

show all datasets:

❯ ./geonodectl dataset list
|   pk | title                       | owner.username   | date                        | is_approved   | is_published   | state     | detail_url                                              |
|   36 | example-shape               | admin            | 2023-02-06T14:52:31.991113Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   35 | gps_mastertable_prieros2015 | thomas           | 2023-02-06T14:16:45.375526Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   34 | layer                       | thomas           | 2023-02-06T10:08:12.182176Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   33 | a__30                       | admin            | 2023-02-03T13:18:27.715898Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   28 | test                        | admin            | 2023-02-03T11:30:00.609472Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   13 | geolocation3                | mwall            | 2023-02-02T12:15:25.477127Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   12 | geolocation2                | mwall            | 2023-02-02T11:53:19.231994Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|   11 | geolocation1                | mwall            | 2023-02-02T11:51:28.975906Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |
|    6 | geolocation0                | mwall            | 2023-02-02T11:03:06.859857Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED |  |
|    5 | arh                         | admin            | 2023-01-31T09:11:00Z        | True          | True           | PROCESSED |  |
|    4 | data_00                     | admin            | 2023-01-25T15:56:05.026049Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED |  |
|    3 | geolocation                 | admin            | 2023-01-25T15:23:44.439151Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED |  |
|    2 | data_0                      | admin            | 2023-01-25T15:01:51.042680Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED |  |
|    1 | wheaterdata 2004            | admin            | 2023-01-23T10:19:00Z        | True          | True           | PROCESSED |  |

patch dataset:

geonodectl ds patch 36  --set '{"category":{"identifier":"biota"}}'

patch dataset from jsonb:

geonodectl ds patch 36  --json_path 'path_to/your_json_with_attributes_to_patch.json'

delete dataset:

❯ ./geonodectl ds delete 36
deleted ...

check if deleted:

./geonodectl ds list
|   pk | title                       | owner.username   | date                        | is_approved   | is_published   | state     | detail_url                                              |
|   35 | gps_mastertable_prieros2015 | thomas           | 2023-02-06T14:16:45.375526Z | True          | True           | PROCESSED | |

Inside the json-examples folder you can find examples on howto, e.g. patch a dataset to define certain fields.