The pythonic version of the famous two player game tic-tac-toe
start by typing in the terminal --python n-- where n represents the number of players (1 or 2) note that n is optional if not written the 2 player mode will be started each player will be prompted to enter a notation and if a player win he will get +1 to his score if they get a tie the will both get +1 in the end the player/s will be asked if they want to play again (y, yes) for accept and (n, no) for refuse
- python
- tabulate library
- sys library
- random library
- pytest library
table is the x/o columns and rows :Table print returns a string (table with values)
ATTRIBUTES: :type self.table dict :self.table dict excpects 'x', 'o', None if empty self.x contains all the notations occupied by x self.o contains all the notations occupied by o self.available contains all the free notations
INIT METHOD: initializes the table to empty table
STRING METHOD: returns the table with all data in the right format using tabulate
METHODS: generate_table() generates table with empty columns and row [a1 - c3] generate_possibilities() generates all possible solutions to tic tac toe
add(notation, char) adds char to the provided notation, if Notation is already occupied it raises a ValueError if Notation doesn't exist it raises a TypeError
check() checks wether the game ended or no the game end of win if one player get's a straigt/diognal line (3 blocks) the game ties of all blockes get full and no one gets a straight or diognal line (3 blocks) check return "x" or "o" if a user wins "tie" if all places gets full and None if the game is still going
main function contains three main variables: global x which contains the score of x player global o which contains the score of o player players which calls the get_players() function to get the number of players whom are playing
IMPLEMENTATION: there is a forever loop where: it first calls the simulate_game function passing players number to get the winner of the game it increments the winner 's score by one, if it is tie then both will be incremented by one the function will print the scores of both user and finally ask for a remetech: y: accepted, n: quite program other: re-ask
Get player function returns an int (1 or 2) it returns number of players whom are going to play
it checks the user input if he inputed 1 or 2 it will be returned if he didn't input anything 2 will be returned if he inputs anyother thing the system will quit and show usage to user
This function manages the game rounds return value: "x" or "o" if a user wins, tie if tied
it creates a table using the Table class then it loops for ever during each loop it calls either one/multiplayer round depending on the players finally it checks if the game ended if so it retruns the winner or tie
this function simulates a round it accepts a table and players_count as input returns a list of table and game_state
for each user this function: prompts user for notation if the player is a bot it asks the bot's function for notation it adds the player and his notation to the table finaly check if the game ended if so it retruns the winner and the table if it is the end of round it returns table and None
accepts available notations as input returns one random notation of the avaiable notations choice is made using the random.choice library