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The Slums District

Huw2k8 edited this page Oct 10, 2018 · 13 revisions

The slums district is the first of the six districts of the Blackmarket, it is the district of the poor and unfortunate, but was once the centre of the blackmarket when the market was much smaller. The slums has a total population cap of 1500 but this increases to 2500 if enough gold is donated to improve the slums.

There are several possible random encounters as you enter the slums district.

Locations inside the district

Notable Slumfolk

Things to do

Development and Changes to the Slums

The slums can change a lot during your play, for example slavery can be outlawed either by the leader of the market (more likely if they have a kind personality) or by yourself if you own it, this will increase the population of the slums but will significantly decrease the income the slums produces as they have basically no other 'industries', if the slavers are outlawed then instead of 'The Slavers Post' you have the option to 'Visit the Ruins of the Slavers Post'

The Slums watch tower can also appear in a variety of states, if the slums is not owned by yourself and the market has less than 200 men overall, the tower will appear as a ruin, if it has enough men it will appear as normal, however if the market leader is a goblin it will gain a special goblin decoration across it. If the market is owned by you and you have 200 or more soldiers garrisoned in the market, the tower will appear built and will have the banner of Aslona draped on it using either the standard 'A' symbol or whatever replacement you choose in the kingdom reports 'replace kingdom symbol' menu.

The biggest change to the slums will happen if they collect 25000 gold, which is enough to upgrade their buildings from mostly tents, to actual buildings, you will see the architecture of all the buildings as well as the bug hunters hut and the smoking hut change.

During the 100 year century festival, the wizards tower gets decorated with colourful banners.

Tax Information

The Slums is taxed based on what condition it's in, the best yield is a slum that has been donated 25000 gold, in a full upgraded blackmarket during the century festival, with slavery legal, this results in a total of 1300 gold, the lowest yield is a banned slavery, unupgraded, undonated, non celebration time market with a yield of 150 gold.

These numbers aren't the direct gold you earn however, the figure is randomised from between 0 and itself, so 1300 could be 189, 1021, or 0.

The following are the tax rewards

Blackmaket Unupgraded

  • Slums Default with slavery ban (150 gold)
  • Slums Default with slavery legal (550 gold)
  • Slums Upgraded with slavery ban (250 gold)
  • Slums Upgraded with slavery legal (650 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Default with slavery ban (350 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Default with slavery legal (800 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Upgraded with slavery ban (450 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Upgraded with slavery legal (1050 gold)

Blackmaket Upgraded

  • Slums Default with slavery ban (300 gold)
  • Slums Default with slavery legal (750 gold)
  • Slums Upgraded with slavery ban (450 gold)
  • Slums Upgraded with slavery legal (900 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Default with slavery ban (600 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Default with slavery legal (1200 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Upgraded with slavery ban (650 gold)
  • Celebration Boost Slums Upgraded with slavery legal (1300 gold)
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