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Three Blades Inn

Huw2k8 edited this page Aug 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

The Three Blades Inn is a tavern nested in the Adventurer's district of the Artifact Market, it is owned by Doran the Dim.

The Tavern


The Three Blades Inn sells only a single drink, Local Warm Ale.

Things to do

There are a handful of things to do in the Three Blades Inn:

  • You can buy a drink
  • You can speak to the Bartender (8 unique dialogues)
  • You can speak to a customer (many random unique dialogues)
  • You can play a game called Dragon, Wench, Knight


If you speak to Doran and ask him 'Tell me about this Tavern' he will prompt you to speak to his father, taking you to dialogue with Diran the Old.


The Inn was founded by the gold earned selling an obsidian sword and a blood-iron sword won in a bet, the counter stake on the bet was the sword of Diran the Old, hence the name, the Three Blades Inn.

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