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Throne Room Christmas Gift

Huw2k8 edited this page May 29, 2017 · 1 revision

The 'Christmas Gift' Throne room encounter is the 31st throne room encounter, it was added during the christmas update of 2016 and could only be active if rabble was allowed and the second independent kingdom is known as 'Little Elf Kingdom' which means it can be recreated by modding the faction names in your save file.

The encounter text says "You are visited by a townsman"

followed by one of four possibilities

  • who has brought you a present (between 21 and 110 gold)
  • who has brought you a little present (between 11 and 70 gold)
  • who has brought you a small present (between 3 and 16 gold)
  • who has brought you a great present as you deserve it (between 50 and 250 gold)

you can accept the gold or refuse the gift, either way there are no negative consequences

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