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Throne Room Farmer Joiner

Huw2k8 edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 1 revision

The farmer joiner encounter is the 35th encounter in the throne room, it will only occur if you allow rabble in your throne room.

The encounter has 8 possible encounter texts

  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to join your army as his prized chicken was killed by a rebel"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to join your army as his son was killed fighting against the rebels"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to do his duty for the realm and join the ranks of Aslona"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to do his part for the country and fight"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who asks to join your army as his farm was burned down by goblins"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who asks to join your army as his farm was burned down by bandits"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who asks to join your army as his farmland was ruined by bandits"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who asks to join your army as his farmland was ruined by goblins"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to join your army as his children were eaten by goblins"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to join your army as his family were all killed by goblins"
  • "you are visited by a farmer who wishes to join your army as his family were all killed by bandits"

your options are as follows

  1. Allow him to join (+1 peasant)
  2. Refuse his enlistment
  3. to the dungeons with him (+1 prisoner)(50% chance of -1 public opinion)
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