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2019_09_16 LARMOR ZOOM LOQ (SANS2D) Instrument Demonstration

David Keymer edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 1 revision

Present: Four representatives from LSS group, but none from LARMOR.


  • None


  • Q: How to choose a particular time range on the log plotter?
    A: Demonstrated procedure and talked about the other functions available from the toolbar.


  • The 7.5T cryomagnet is not able to automatically control temperature below 4K. This must be done manually by adjusting the needle-valve and therefore requires large amounts of instrument staff time. Cryogenics group is aware of the problem.
  • IBEX client on NDXZOOM is very slow and unresponsive, sometimes taking as long as 15 seconds to act on a button push. As mentioned elsewhere, this was a problem when motion in the tank was attempted to be stopped when a cable became caught. (We mentioned that we are aware of the incident and no further discussion took place at the meeting). On further investigation after the demonstration, both the client and the GALIL_01 IOC were found to be using a large proportion of the CPU time, but the cause is currently not known.
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