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2020 07 30 ENGIN X IMAT HRPD Demo

Dominic Oram edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 5 revisions

Present: JK, DK (ExptCtrls) ; SK, TL (ENGINX) ; WK, GB (IMAT) ; AG (HRPD)


  • JK talked through Release Notes for versions 7.0 and 7.1 and relevant tickets highlighted
    • In particular highlighting the importance of converting script to Python 3
  • JK demonstrated Script Generator from first principles for those present who hadn't seen it


  • GB enquired about installing IBEX client on own machine -> Instructions emailed after meeting.
  • WK asked about GeniePython command set_title being removed -> Happy to replace with change_title.
  • SK spotted support for Superlogics 8018 device which ENGINX uses -> Currently using ad-hoc method of communicating with it, but will use EPICS driver when able. Ticket.
  • WK interested in ability to set alarm/alert when motor steps and encoder counts out of sync. Enquired whether or not an automatic "stop all" (c.f. button in banner) could be implemented in case of a physical clash of axes -> The PV could be monitored via a block and an alert added for time being.
  • SK mentioned a new device to be used on ENGINX. Consists of an actuator (effectively just an electromagnet) to manipulate a shape-memory alloy -> unsure of details as yet and device not delivered, but SK will let group know in good time.
  • WK very happy with performance improvement of script linter.
  • AG mentioned upcoming tests with sample-changer on POLARIS after spotting work done on it. Ticket 5342
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