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nGEM detector

Tom Willemsen edited this page Aug 13, 2019 · 7 revisions

The nGEM detector is a portable detector with its own laptop, it is installed by detector group.

The nGEM IOC is usually installed and run on the laptop, it should already be present unless the laptop has changed. It basically runs like a mini-inst. You need:

  • to make sure config_env_base.bat sets the right pv prefix
  • to run the nGEM IOC
  • to run the gateways

Normally there will be two shortcuts on the desktop to start these. If it has moved instrument you will need to edit config_env_base to change the PV prefix. The IOC is an areaDetector based IOC and talks via a TCPIP link to the detector, which is on a private IP address. The IOC does not need to know the detector IP address - it talks to the detector program which is on localhost, detector group will start this program (called ngem_server I think)

After a run is ended data is copied to C:\Users\det_mgr\nGEM_data on the laptop into a directory with the instrument run number added.

The port exposed by the vendor ngem server application started by detector group should not change, but if you need to it is specified within the NGEMIP ioc macro. The hostname should remain as localhost.

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