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presentation and resources for NorPreM bioinformatics workshop in March 2024

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Bioinformatics session

A two-day workshop for bioinformaticians and molecular biologists with focus on the TSO500 pipeline in InPreD

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  1. Setup
  2. Development & Collaboration
  3. Nextflow
  4. tso500_nxf_workflow
  5. Python

1. Setup

1.1. Create a GitHub account

1.1. Create a GitHub account

  • enter your email

1.1. Create a GitHub account

  • set a password

1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • choose a username

1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • choose email preferences

1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • solve the puzzle

1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • create your account


1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • find the activation code in the email you received


1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • select the desired options

1.1 Create a GitHub account

  • choose the free plan


1.2. Be added to InPreD organisation at GitHub

1.3. Resources

2. Development & Collaboration

2.1. Short git introduction

  • distributed version control system
  • tracks history of changes commited by different contributors
  • every developer has full copy of project and its history

2.1.1 git config

git config --global <your name>
git config --global <your email>

2.1.2. Basic git commands

git init: initialises new git repository

git clone <repository url>: creates local copy of remote repository

git add <file/s>: stage new or changed files (anything that should be committed to the repository)

git commit -m "feat: my new feature": commit changes to the repository commit message conventions

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

  • feat: new feature
  • fix: patching bug
  • refactor: code change that neither is neither feat nor fix
  • build: build system related changes
  • perf: improving performance commit message conventions

<type>[optional scope]: <description>

  • chore: code unrelated changes, e.g. dependencies
  • style: code change that does not change meaning
  • test: changes to tests
  • docs: adding/updating documentation
  • ci: continuous integration, e.g. github actions

2.1.2. Basic git commands

git status: overview over untracked, modified and staged changes

git branch: show local branches

git merge: merge branches

git pull: load changes from remote counterpart

git push: upload changes to remote counterpart

2.2. Branching model: simplied Gitflow workflow

  • start with two branches to record project history: main and develop
  • each new feature resides in its own branch (feature branch)
  • feature branch is generally created off latest develop commit
  • upon feature completion, feature branch is merged into develop
  • whenever you are ready to release, merge develop into main and tag it

2.2. Branching model: simplied Gitflow workflow

2.3. GitHub Actions

  • continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD)
  • building, testing and deploying directly from GitHub
  • set up by adding yaml instructions to .github/workflows
name: GitHub Actions Demo
on: [push]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - run: echo "Hello world!"

2.3. GitHub Actions

name: Docker Build
      - main
      - develop
      - '*.*.*'

    name: Run unit tests
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
        name: Check out the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
        name: Unit testing
        uses: fylein/python-pytest-github-action@v2
          args: pip3 install -r requirements.txt && pytest

2.3. GitHub Actions

    name: Build Image
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: test
        name: Check out the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
        name: Lint Dockerfile
        uses: hadolint/hadolint-action@v3.1.0
        name: Docker Meta
        id: meta
        uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
          images: |
          tags: |
        name: Login to Dockerhub
        uses: docker/login-action@v3
          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
        name: Build and push image to Docker Hub
        uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
          push: true
          tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
          labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}

2.3. GitHub Actions

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2.3. GitHub Actions

2.3. GitHub Actions

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • go to issues and create a New issue

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2.4. GitHub workflow

  • give the issue a descriptive title and a description and Submit new issue

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • if you decide to work on the issue (own repository), Create a branch via the issue

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • Change branch source to develop and Create branch


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • load the new branch to your local repository, check it out and start working
  • push your changes back to the remote
$ git pull
$ git checkout 4-new-fancy-feature
$ git add
$ git commit -m "docs: updating docs"
$ git push

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • for repositories you don't have access to, create a fork


2.4. GitHub workflow


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • once you have a fork, git clone your forked repository
  • create a new branch and work on that
  • git push your changes back to the forked remote

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • when you are done, go to pull requests and create a New pull request

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2.4. GitHub workflow

  • choose develop as base and your new feature branch (same repo or forked) for compare

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • assign yourself, add at least one reviewer (cog icon), provide some context and Create pull request

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • if you still want to work on the pull request, you can Convert to draft to let the reviewers know that it is not done yet
  • otherwise you can just wait for them to review your changes


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • as a reviewer, make your you check your email notifications to see if there is pull requests waiting for you
  • open the pull request and start the review in the Files changed tab


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • you can leave comments and suggestions in the code by hovering over the line with the changes and clicking on +

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • you can type your comment

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • or you leave a suggestion, ideally you click Start a review to initialise the reviewing process

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2.4. GitHub workflow

  • when you are done with reviewing, Finish your review


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • again, leave a comment if you like, and choose if you just want to Comment, Approve or Request changes


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • you can add a general comment to the pull request under Conversation

2.4. GitHub workflow

  • after the reviewer left their comments and suggestions, you can address them one by one by replying or applying the suggested changes
  • whenever a certain comment/suggestion is handled (discussion comes to conclusion, suggestion was applied), you can resolve it


2.4. GitHub workflow

  • as soon as the reviewers gave you an approval, you can finally Merge pull request

2.4.1 Hands-on pull request

  • go to
  • create fork to your own account
  • open an issue "test pull request" or similar and create a branch
  • go to the branch and add a markdown file with your first name and favorite emoji to the participants folder, ideally the file is named <your first name>.md
  • open a pull request in the original repository and add someone else in the group to review your pull request
  • review someone else's pull request, give feedback and approve if correct

2.5. Release

  • releases should be from main branch
  • good practice is to open a pull request for develop into main when you are done with the desired features

2.5. Release

  • whenever you are ready for a new release, create a new release

2.5. Release

  • add a title and a description for your release and Choose a tag

2.5. Release

  • ideally, you choose a tag according to semantic versioning

2.5.1. Semantic versioning

  • version tag should be MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
  • you increment one of the three depending on the change
    • MAJOR: version when you make incompatible API changes
    • MINOR: version when you add functionality in a backward compatible manner
    • PATCH: version when you make backward compatible bug fixes

2.5. Release

  • when you are satisfied with your release, Publish release


2.6. Licensing

  • let's discuss

2.7. Resources

3. Nextflow

3.1. Short introduction

  • workflow manager that enables scalable and reproducible scientific workflows using software containers
  • an extension of groovy which is object-oriented programming language for the Java platform
  • can be used with an array of executors, such as SLURM, k8s, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and many more
  • nf-core: project/community that develops framework for nextflow including guidelines, tools, modules, subworkflows, pipelines and test data

3.2. Requirements

  • POSIX compatible system (e.g. Linux, Os X)
  • Bash
  • Java ≥ 11 / ≤ 21
  • Docker/Singularity

3.3. Installation

$ curl -s | bash
$ chmod +x nextflow


$ wget -O nextflow

or via browser at

3.4. Best pratice: nf-core template

├── assets
│   ├── mock.genome.fasta
│   ├── samplesheet.csv
│   └── schema_input.json
├── bin
│   └──
├── conf
│   ├── base.config
│   ├── modules.config
│   └── test_stub.config
├── lib
│   ├── NfcoreSchema.groovy
│   ├── NfcoreTemplate.groovy
│   ├── WorkflowMain.groovy
│   └── nfcore_external_java_deps.jar
├── modules
│   ├── local
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── nf-core
│       ├── module_1
│       │   └── arg_1
│       │       ├──
│       │       └── meta.yml
│       └── custom
│           └── dumpsoftwareversions
│               ├──
│               ├── meta.yml
│               └── templates
│                   └──
├── modules.json
├── nextflow.config
├── nextflow_schema.json
└── workflows

3.6 Resources

4. tso500_nxf_workflow

4.1. Status update

  • modified nf-core template (removed unnecessary functionality, config and metadata files)
  • added devcontainer to have controlled environment (dind and sind available)
  • stubbing data available
  • containing three modules so far (localapp_prepper, LocalApp, dumpsoftwareversions)
  • using nf-validation plugin

4.2. Overview


4.3. Demonstration

4.4. Outlook

  • samplesheet_generator
  • tsoppi (requires some restructuring)
  • include configuration files for each node
  • Documentation

4.5. Resources

5. Python project

5.1. Repository structure

  • consistency/standard
  • keep main script short and sweet - functionality in modules

from my_module import main

if __name__ == "__main__":

5.1. Repository structure

  • module folder should contain
  • keep functions short and try to refactor big functions
  • leave descriptive comments in code
  • use libraries to make your life easier
    • pandas: csv/tsv files
    • click or argparse: define cli input flags
  • introduce proper exception handling
  • logging with log levels

5.1.1. Unit testing

  • pytest for testing
  • include unit tests for functions, preferable table-driven
def addition(x, y):
  return x+y
import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("x, y, z", [(1, 1, 2), (1, -1, 0)])
def test_eval(x, y, z):
    assert addition(x, y) == z
$ pytest

5.1. Repository structure

  • include test data for unit testing if necessary
  • create container image from project, preferably docker
  • include all necessary dependencies in requirements.txt (locked versions)
  • add GitHub actions for testing, linting, building, etc.
  • preferable include a devcontainer definition
  • and other docs

5.1. Repository structure

|-- .devcontainer
|   `-- devcontainer.json
|-- .github
|   `-- workflows
|       `-- main.yml
|-- .gitignore
|-- Dockerfile
|-- docs
|-- my_module
|   |--
|   |--
|   `-- tests
|       |--
|       `--
|-- requirements.txt
`-- test

5.2. Resources


presentation and resources for NorPreM bioinformatics workshop in March 2024






No releases published


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