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Third party sk SK

ArchiBot edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 26 revisions

Tretie strany

Táto časť obsahuje rôzne doplnky tretích strán napísané výhradne na použitie spolu s ASF. They range from ASF plugins, through simple web applications and internal libraries for integration, ending with fully-featured bots for other platforms. Ak by ste chceli niečo pridať do zoznamu, dajte nám vedieť na Discorde alebo v našej Steam skupine.

Please note that below programs are not maintained by ASF developers and therefore we give no guarantee about any of them, especially in terms of security, safety or Steam ToS compliance. Tento list slúži len ako referencia. Vždy by ste sa mali uistiť, že nástroje tretej strany ktoré sa chystáte použiť, je pre vás dostatočne bezpečný pretože všetky používate na vlastné riziko.

ASF pluginy

  • BoosterManager, plugin for ASF providing an easy-to-use interface for turning gems into booster packs as well as various features for managing inventories and market listings.
  • CS2Interface, plugin for ASF that allows you to interact with Counter-Strike 2 using IPC.
  • FreePackages, plugin for ASF that finds free packages on Steam and adds them to your account.
  • FriendAccepter, plugin for ASF to automatically accept all friend invites.
  • GameRemover, plugin for ASF implementing a command to remove Steam licenses for selected bot instances.
  • GetEmail, plugin for ASF implementing a command to fetch e-mail address of given bot instances directly from Steam.
  • ResetAPIKey, plugin for ASF implementing a command to reset API key for selected bot instances.
  • SteamKitProxyInjection, plugin for ASF allowing proxifying WebSocket connections.


  • ASFEnhance, plugin for ASF enhancing it with various new features, especially commands.
  • ASFFreeGames, plugin for ASF allowing one to automatically collect free steam games posted on reddit.


  • ASFBot, telegram bot written in python with ASF integration.
  • ASF STM userscript, for those who want to send automated trade offers to bots on our ASF STM listing through web browser, without using MatchActively feature provided by ASF.
  • telegram-asf, another (minimal) telegram bot written in python featuring ASF integration.


  • ASF-IPC, python library for further integration with ASF's IPC interface.


  • AUR repo #1, allowing you to easily install ASF on arch linux.
  • AUR repo #2, allowing you to easily install ASF on arch linux.
  • Homebrew, allowing you to easily install ASF on macOS.
  • Nix, allowing you to easily install ASF on distros with Nix.
  • NixOS, allowing you to configure and install ASF with NixOS.


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