Python wrapper for UAV's (PX4/Ardupilot) running ROS interfaces such as MAVROS - template for a basic hover in offboard - example usage of the continous_survey function for continous pattern flight
uav - main class (from uav import uav)
uav_variables - class to hold variables as different data types have different structures (from uav import uav_variables)
controller - allows for controller to be used in addition to the built in mpc (from controller import controller), can be imported seperately from the uav class if needed
self.[variable_name].setpoint(x,y,z) - send an x y z setpoint while mantaining current orientation
self.[variable_name].setpoint_yaw(x,y,z,yaw) - send cartesian and yaw setpoint
self.[variable_name].setpoint_quat(x,y,z,rx,ry,rw,rz) - send both pose and orientation setpoint
self.[variable_name].global(latitude,longitude,altitude) - send setpoint in latitude longitude and altitude setpoint
self.[variable_name].survey - conduct survey of array(initialised on creation of class with survey_array)
self.[variable_name].continous_survey - conduct survey of array(initialised on creation of class with survey_array_z)
self.[variable_name].continous_survey_update(self, array) - update continous survey array
self.[variable_name].init_controller(name, x_k, x_kd, y_kp, y_kd, z_kp, z_kd, yaw_kp, yaw_kd) - initalise controller, leave empty for unused fields
self.[variable_name].setpoint_controller(setpoint,controller_name) - send setpoints via controller
self.[variable_name].pos.x - local position callback of uav in X axis
self.[variable_name].pos.rx - local position callback of uav in rx quat frame