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repos melodic

L-CAS ROS Buildfarm edited this page May 30, 2024 · 121 revisions

This is an overview of repositories and packages that form part of the distribution. This page is autogenerated for ROS distribution melodic.

Dependency Graph (download as PDF) repos

Install released packages

See the documentation to enable the Ubuntu repositories to be ready to install binary releases. To install all packages documented here, simply run

sudo apt install <PACKAGENAME>

after having enabled the repositories.


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-acado.

released version: 1.2.3-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: stable)

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
acado: ACADO Toolkit Marc Hanheide LGPLv3


source code: (branch: main) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: bacchus_internal
    version: main

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: saga_agrinav , persistent_topics , thorvald , roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins , slackeros , sentor , ros_numpy

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
bacchus_bringup: The bacchus_bringup package Michael Hutchinson, Riccardo Polvara Michael Hutchinson, Riccardo Polvara MIT
bacchus_localisation: The bacchus_localisation package sergi TODO
bacchus_description: The bacchus_description package C Small TODO
bacchus_crop_mapping: The bacchus_crop_mapping package Riccardo Polvara MIT
bacchus_data_collection: The bacchus_data_collection package sergi TODO
thorvald_battery_time_estimation: The thorvald_battery_time_estimation package sergi TODO


source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: bacchus_lcas
    version: master

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
bacchus_gazebo: The bacchus_gazebo package mhanheide, Riccardo Polvara mhanheide, gpdas MIT
bacchus_move_base: The bacchus_move_base package Sergi Molina mellado, Riccardo Polvara Sergi Molina Mellado MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-bacchus-gazebo ros-melodic-bacchus-move-base.

released version: 0.3.4-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: teaching) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: thorvald , robot_pose_publisher , depth_sensors

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
bacchus_gazebo: The bacchus_gazebo package mhanheide, Riccardo Polvara mhanheide, gpdas MIT
bacchus_move_base: The bacchus_move_base package Sergi Molina mellado, Riccardo Polvara Sergi Molina Mellado MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-bayes-tracking.

released version: 1.4.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
bayes_tracking: The bayestracking package uses extended or unscented Kalman filters to track movement. The constant velocity model has been designed to track the movement of people in cartesian space in particular. Christian Dondrup, Marc Hanheide Nicola Bellotto MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-catkin-simple.

released version: 0.2.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
catkin_simple: catkin, simpler Marc Hanheide William Woodall, Dirk Thomas BSD


source code: (branch: main) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: darko
    version: main

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
causal_discovery: The causal_discovery package Luca Castri TODO
interactions_predict: The interactions_predict package Sariah Mghames TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-depth-sensors ros-melodic-kinect-control ros-melodic-kinect2-description ros-melodic-kinect-description ros-melodic-senz3d-description ros-melodic-simple-description ros-melodic-asus-description.

released version: 0.1.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
depth_sensors: URDF and meshes describing the Kinect V2 and Senz3d depth sensors. Manuel Fernandez Marvin Ludersdorfer BSD
kinect_control: Publishes the state information for the Kinect stand. Manuel Fernandez Marvin Ludersdorfer BSD
kinect2_description: Description of Kinect V2 sensor on a stand. This package contains the URDF and meshes describing the Kinect V2. Manuel Fernandez Marvin Ludersdorfer BSD
kinect_description: Description of Kinect V2 sensor on a stand. This package contains the URDF and meshes describing the Kinect V2 sensor and a stand to place it on. Marvin Ludersdorfer Marvin Ludersdorfer BSD
senz3d_description: Description of Senz3d sensor. This package contains the URDF and meshes describing the Senz3d web camera. Manuel Fernandez Marvin Ludersdorfer BSD
simple_description: Description of a very simple color camera for debugging purposes. This package contains the URDF describing a simple RGB camera. Manuel Fernandez Marvin Ludersdorfer BSD
asus_description: Description of Asus xtion pro live sensor. Manuel Fernandez Manuel Fernandez BSD


source code: (branch: main) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: ecart_autonomy
    version: main

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
ecart_control: The ecart_control package ecart TODO
ecart_navigation: The ecart_navigation package ecart TODO
ecart_viz: The ecart_viz package ecart TODO
ecart_description: The ecart_description package ecart TODO
ecart_bringup: The ecart_bringup package ecart TODO
ecart_gazebo: The ecart_gazebo package ecart TODO
ecart_base: The ecart_base package ecart TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-franka-ros ros-melodic-franka-example-controllers ros-melodic-franka-visualization ros-melodic-franka-description ros-melodic-franka-hw ros-melodic-franka-control ros-melodic-franka-msgs ros-melodic-franka-gripper.

released version: 0.8.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: kinetic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
franka_ros: franka_ros is a metapackage for all Franka Emika ROS packages Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_example_controllers: franka_example_controllers provides example code for controlling Franka Emika research robots with ros_control Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_visualization: This package contains visualization tools for Franka Emika. Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_description: franka_description contains URDF files and meshes of Franka Emika robots Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_hw: franka_hw provides hardware interfaces for using Franka Emika research robots with ros_control Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_control: franka_control provides a hardware node to control a Franka Emika research robot Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_msgs: franka_msgs provides messages specific to Franka Emika research robots Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0
franka_gripper: This package implements the franka gripper of type Franka Hand for the use in ros Riccardo Polvara, Mohamed Sorour, Marc Hanheide Franka Emika GmbH Apache 2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-fremengrid ros-melodic-frongo ros-melodic-fremen2dgrid ros-melodic-fremenarray ros-melodic-fremenserver ros-melodic-frongoweb ros-melodic-froctomap.

released version: 0.3.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
fremengrid: Frequency Map Enhanced 3D occupancy grid - non uniform Fourier transform version Tom Krajnik Tom Krajnik MIT
frongo: The frongo package Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
fremen2dgrid: Fremen2dgrid is a tool for prediction of cells' occupancy of 2d grids based on non-uniform Fourier Transform. It uses the frequency spectrum analysis to identify reoccuring patterns in temporal sequences of binary states and represents the probability of these states in an analythical form as a combination of harmonic functions. This allows to learn long-term dynamics of the environment and use the learned experience to predict states of the world models used in mobile robotics. This ability is beneficial for tasks like self-localization, object search, path planning, anomaly detection and exploration. Tom Krajnik Tom Krajnik MIT
fremenarray: FremenArray is a tool for prediction of large arrays of binary states based on non-uniform Fourier Transform. It uses the frequency spectrum analysis to identify reoccuring patterns in temporal sequences of binary states and represents the probability of these states in an analythical form as a combination of harmonic functions. This allows to learn long-term dynamics of the environment and use the learned experience to predict states of the world models used in mobile robotics. This ability is beneficial for tasks like self-localization, object search, path planning, anomaly detection and exploration. Tom Krajnik Tom Krajnik MIT
fremenserver: FremenServer is a tool for prediction of binary states based on non-uniform Fourier Transform. It uses the frequency spectrum analysis to identify reoccuring patterns in temporal sequences of binary states and represents the probability of these states in an analythical form as a combination of harmonic functions. This allows to learn long-term dynamics of the environment and use the learned experience to predict states of the world models used in mobile robotics. This ability is beneficial for tasks like self-localization, object search, path planning, anomaly detection and exploration. Tom Krajnik Tom Krajnik MIT
frongoweb: The frongoweb package Marc Hanheide MIT
froctomap: The FrOctoMap (Frequency Enhanced OctoMap) method allows for efficient volumetric representation of dynamic three-dimensional environments over long periods of time. It is based on combination of a well-established 3D mapping framework called Octomaps and an idea to model environment dynamics by its frequency spectrum (FreMeN) [3]. The proposed method allows not only for efficient representation, but also reliable prediction of the future states of dynamic three-dimensional environments. Tom Krajnik Tom Krajnik MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-contact-monitor.

released version: 1.2.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
contact_monitor: Monitors collisions in gazebo by checking (gazebo) topic /gazebo/default/physics/contacts" and then republishes into ROS the collision timestamp. To check that two models are colliding we provide a keyword for each models name. See launchfile for params Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Manuel Fernandez-Carmona BSD


source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: graspberry
    version: master
- git:
    local-name: realsense_ros
    version: development

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: thorvald , realsense_ros

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
graspberry_description: The graspberry_description package Sariah Mghames TODO
graspberry_bringup: The graspberry_bringup package Marc Hanheide TODO
graspberry_ikfast_scara_arm1_plugin: The graspberry_ikfast_scara_arm1_plugin package jaycee TODO
graspberry_robot: The graspberry_robot package Pratik Somaiya TODO
graspberry_control: The graspberry_control package jaycee TODO
graspberry_planning_basic: The graspberry_planning_basic package Sariah Mghames TODO
graspberry_gazebo: The graspberry_gazebo package Sariah Mghames TODO
graspberry_moveit_config: An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the graspberry with the MoveIt! Motion Planning Framework Jaycee Jaycee BSD
graspberry_ikfast_scara_arm0_plugin: The graspberry_ikfast_scara_arm0_plugin package jaycee TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-kinect2-calibration ros-melodic-kinect2-viewer ros-melodic-kinect2-registration ros-melodic-iai-kinect2 ros-melodic-kinect2-bridge.

released version: 0.0.10-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: libfreenect2

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
kinect2_calibration: The kinect2_calibration package Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Apache 2.0
kinect2_viewer: The kinect2_viewer package Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Apache 2.0
kinect2_registration: The kinect2_registration package Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Apache 2.0
iai_kinect2: The iai_kinect2 metapackage Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Apache 2.0
kinect2_bridge: The kinect2_bridge package Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Apache 2.0


source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: iliad_sandbox
    version: master

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
iliad_sandbox: The iliad_sandbox package marc TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-image-to-v4l2loopback.

released version: 0.1.2-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
image_to_v4l2loopback: Publish ros images into a virtual v4l2 video device Marc Hanheide Lucas Walter BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-morse.

released version: 1.4.2-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
morse: The morse package Marc Hanheide see AUTHORS file BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-libfreenect2.

released version: 0.1.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
libfreenect2: libfreenect2 as a ros package Manuel Fernandez-Carmona Apache 2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-librealsense2-framos.

released version: 2.33.2-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: v2.33-framos) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
librealsense2_framos: Library for capturing data from the Intel(R) RealSense(TM) SR300, D400 Depth cameras and T2xx Tracking devices. This effort was initiated to better support researchers, creative coders, and app developers in domains such as robotics, virtual reality, and the internet of things. Several often-requested features of RealSense(TM); devices are implemented in this project. Includes the extensions for the FRAMOS camera. Marc Hanheide, Nikolas Tsagkopoulos Sergey Dorodnicov, Doron Hirshberg, Mark Horn, Reagan Lopez, Itay Carpis Apache License, Version 2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-marvelmind-nav.

released version: 1.0.9-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
marvelmind_nav: Marvelmind local navigation system Marc Hanheide smoker77 BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-mqtt-bridge.

released version: 1.4.3-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
mqtt_bridge: The mqtt_bridge package Marc Hanheide Junya Hayashi, Marc Hanheide MIT


source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: ncnr_uol
    version: melodic-devel

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: quadprogpp , thorvald , tradr_uol , depth_sensors , franka_ros_lcas

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
ncnr_gazebo_plugins: The ncnr_gazebo_plugins package Riccardo Polvara Riccardo Polvara MIT
grasping_via_gripper_workspace_spheres: Grasping algorithm using gripper workspace spheres Marc Hanheide, Mohamed Sorour, Riccardo Polvara Apache 2.0
ncnr_description: The ncnr_description package Marc Hanheide, Riccardo Polvara Marc Hanheide, Riccardo Polvara MIT
ncnr_logging: The ncnr_logging package Riccardo Polvara MIT
sl_lcas: The sl_lcas package Marc Hanheide TODO
ncnr_navigation: The ncnr_navigation package Marc Hanheide, Riccardo Polvara Marc Hanheide, Riccardo Polvara MIT
ncnr_gazebo: The ncnr_gazebo package Marc Hanheide, Riccardo Polvara Marc Hanheide, Riccardo Polvara MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-openni-wrapper.

released version: 0.1.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
openni_wrapper: The openniWrapper package Rares Ambrus Apache License Version 2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-pcl-catkin-c11.

released version: 1.8.3-1 (via release repository:

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: catkin_simple

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
pcl_catkin_c11: A catkin wrapper of the Point Cloud Library (PCL). Marc Hanheide Fadri Furrer New BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-pcl-conversions-c11.

released version: 0.2.3-1 (via release repository:

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: pcl_catkin_c11

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
pcl_conversions_c11: Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types Marc Hanheide William Woodall BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-pcl-ros-c11 ros-melodic-perception-pcl-c11.

released version: 1.4.6-1 (via release repository:

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: pcl_catkin_c11 , pcl_conversions_c11

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
pcl_ros_c11: PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS. Marc Hanheide Open Perception, Julius Kammerl, William Woodall BSD
perception_pcl_c11: PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS. Marc Hanheide Open Perception, William Woodall, Julius Kammerl BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-persistent-topics.

released version: 1.5.2-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: develop) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
persistent_topics: Persists the contents of specific latched topics between roscore invocations Marc Hanheide Benjamin Pelletier MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-py-at-broker.

released version: 0.0.14-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: catkinised) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
py_at_broker: The py_at_broker package: communication framework used for empowerment robot demo at automatica 2018 Marc Hanheide Felix Frank Proprietary


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-quadprogpp.

released version: 0.0.2-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
quadprogpp: The quadprogpp package: A C++ library for Quadratic Programming which implements the Goldfarb-Idnani active-set dual method. Marc Hanheide MIT


source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: rasberry
    version: master

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: um7 , rosduct , whycon , strands_executive , gazebo_contact_monitor , saga_agrinav , mqtt_bridge_lcas , persistent_topics , thorvald , strands_navigation , topological_navigation , slackeros , marvelmind_nav_lcas , sentor , robot_pose_publisher , strands_perception_people , strands_webtools

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
rasberry_core: The rasberry_core package Marc Hanheide Michael Robert Hutchinson, Marc Hanheide, gpdas MIT
rasberry_apps: The rasberry_apps package Jaime Pulido Fentanes TODO
rasberry_snapshots: The rasberry_snapshots package sadomqui TODO
rasberry_navigation: The rasberry_navigation package Marc Hanheide MIT
rasberry_core_sim: The rasberry core sim package Marc Hanheide TODO
rasberry_transportation: The rasberry_transportation package marc gpdas MIT
rasberry_optimise: The rasberry_optimise package adam TODO
rasberry_networking: The rasberry_networking package marc gpdas MIT
toc: The toc package Marc Hanheide MIT
rasberry_uv: The rasberry_uv package marc-hanheide gpdas TODO
rasberry_bringup: The rasberry_bringup package Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide, gpdas MIT
rasberry: The rasberry package Marc Hanheide TODO
rasberry_docking: The rasberry docking package for autonomous charging of Thorvald Michael Hutchinson MIT
rasberry_calibration: The rasberry_calibration package for calibrating Thorvald. Nikolas Tsagkopoulos MIT
rasberry_han: This packages provides some people aware navigation nodes Jose Mayoral MIT
rasberry_compliance: The rasberry_compliance package pratik TODO
rasberry_people_perception: The rasberry_people_perception package vicky TODO
rasberry_home_gui: The thorvald_uv_bringup package Sami Deiri Sami Deiri MIT
rasberry_monitors: The rasberry_monitors package Jaime Pulido Fentanes Jaime Pulido Fentanes TODO
rasberry_gazebo: The rasberry_gazebo package Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide, Adam Binch, Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
rasberry_topological_utils: The rasberry_topological_utils package Adam Binch TODO
rasberry_des: The rasberry_des package gpdas gpdas TODO
rasberry_scheduling: The rasberry_scheduling package marc gpdas MIT
rasberry_move_base: The rasberry_move_base package Jaime Pulido Fentanes Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
rasberry_uv_sim: The rasberry uv sim package Marc Hanheide TODO
rasberry_interfacing: The rasberry_interfacing package marc gpdas MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-realsense2-framos-description ros-melodic-realsense2-framos-camera.

released version: 3.2.14-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: framos) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: librealsense2_framos , realsense_ros

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
realsense2_framos_description: RealSense Camera description package for Intel 3D D400 cameras Marc Hanheide Sergey Dorodnicov, Doron Hirshberg Apache 2.0
realsense2_framos_camera: RealSense Camera package allowing access to Intel T265 Tracking module and SR300 and D400 3D cameras Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide, Sergey Dorodnicov, Doron Hirshberg Apache 2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-realsense-gazebo-plugin.

released version: 0.1.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
realsense_gazebo_plugin: Intel RealSense R200 Gazebo plugin package Riccardo Polvara Salah-Eddine Missri BSD


source code: (branch: development) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: realsense_ros
    version: development

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
ddynamic_reconfigure: The ddynamic_reconfigure package Raymond Kirk Noam Dori BSD
realsense2_camera: RealSense Camera package allowing access to Intel 3D D400 cameras Raymond Kirk Sergey Dorodnicov, Doron Hirshberg Apache 2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-robot-pose-publisher.

released version: 0.2.4-1 (via release repository:

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
robot_pose_publisher: A Simple Node to Publish the Robot's Position Relative to the Map using TFs Russell Toris Russell Toris BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-roboticsgroup-gazebo-plugins.

released version: 0.0.2-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
roboticsgroup_gazebo_plugins: Collection of small gazebo plugins Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis Marc Hanheide BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-ros-numpy.

released version: 0.0.3-1 (via release repository:

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
ros_numpy: A collection of conversion function for extracting numpy arrays from messages Eric Wieser Eric Wieser MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-rosduct.

released version: 0.0.6-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
rosduct: ROSduct, the duct of ROS messages. ROSduct acts as a proxy to expose ROS topics, services and parameters from a remote roscore into a local roscore via the rosbridge protocol. Marc Hanheide Sammy Pfeiffer BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-polytunnel-navigation-actions.

released version: 0.2.3-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: topological_navigation

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
polytunnel_navigation_actions: The polytunnel_navigation_actions package Jaime Pulido Fentanes See License


source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: saga_apps
    version: master

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-catkin-test-pkg.

released version: 0.0.14-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
catkin_test_pkg: The catkin_test_pkg package marc TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-scitos-teleop ros-melodic-scitos-touch ros-melodic-scitos-dashboard ros-melodic-scitos-apps ros-melodic-scitos-cmd-vel-mux ros-melodic-ptu-follow-frame ros-melodic-scitos-ptu ros-melodic-scitos-docking ros-melodic-scitos-virtual-bumper.

released version: 0.2.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: hydro-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: scitos_common

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
scitos_teleop: The scitos teleoperation package Christian Dondrup Nick Hawes, Christian Dondrup MIT
scitos_touch: Package containing nodes to meant to run on the touch screen of a Scitos A5 robot. Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
scitos_dashboard: The scitos_dashboard package providing and rqt interface for the scitos robot. chris burbridge chris burbridge GPL
scitos_apps: The scitos_apps metapackage Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
scitos_cmd_vel_mux: Launch and config files for the yocs_cmd_vel_mux tailored to the scitos A5 robot. Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
ptu_follow_frame: The ptu_follow_frame package provides a node that keeps the PTU targeted at the origin of a given frame. Chris Burbridge Chris Burbridge BSD
scitos_ptu: The scitos_ptu package Christian Dondrup MIT
scitos_docking: The charging package providing a visual charging action service for the scitos robot. gestom gestom MIT
scitos_virtual_bumper: Puts robot on free run whenever pushed gestom gestom WTFPL


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-scitos-common ros-melodic-scitos-description ros-melodic-scitos-msgs.

released version: 0.1.12-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: indigo-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: robot_pose_publisher

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
scitos_common: This package contains robot-specific definitions of the SCITOS robot such as the URDF description of the robot's kinematics and dynamics and 3D models of robot components. Lars Kunze Lars Kunze, Nils Bore BSD
scitos_description: The scitos_description package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the SCITOS robot. Lars Kunze Lars Kunze, Nils Bore BSD
scitos_msgs: Messages for the Scitos-G5 using the MIRA framework. cburbridge cburbridge, Tom Krajnik MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-flir-pantilt-d46 ros-melodic-scitos-pc-monitor ros-melodic-scitos-mira ros-melodic-scitos-drivers ros-melodic-scitos-bringup.

released version: 0.2.0-2 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: kinetic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: scitos_common , sicks300

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
flir_pantilt_d46: Driver for the FLIR ptu46 pan/tilt, forked from wu_robotics, which was forked from player. Marc Hanheide Erik Karulf, David V. Lu!!, Chris Burbridge GPL
scitos_pc_monitor: Monitors the SCITOS embedded PC, ouputs diagnostics messages. Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide MIT
scitos_mira: Driver for Scitos-G5 using the MIRA framework. Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide, Tom Krajnik GPL
scitos_drivers: Driver for Scitos-G5 using the MIRA framework. Includes drivers for other typical Scitos Hardware, eg laser scanner. Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide GPL
scitos_bringup: The scitos_bringup package Jaime Pulido Fentanes Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-sentor.

released version: 2.2.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
sentor: The sentor package, to monitor ROS messages Francesco Del Duchetto, Adam Binch, Marc Hanheide Francesco Del Duchetto, Adam Binch MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-sicks300.

released version: 1.2.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
sicks300: Driver for the SICK S300 Professional laser scanner. ROS package for reading continuous data output of the SICK S300 Professional laser scanner via RS-422. Note that it supports both the old (v.1.02) and the new (v.1.03) protocol. Please note that this is an extension of the original "fuerte" driver that was developed by the Autonomous Intelligent Systems Department at Bonn University. Marc Hanheide Dimitri Bohlender GPL


source code: (branch: catkinised) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: sl_panda
    version: catkinised

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: py_at_broker

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
sl: The sl package: An L-CAS branch of the simulation lab for dynamic simulation and control Marc Hanheide Stefan Schaal, IAS Team, L-CAS Team Proprietary


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-slackeros.

released version: 0.2.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
slackeros: The slackeros package Marc Hanheide MIT


source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: snap_cart
    version: melodic-devel

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
snap_cart_control: The snap_cart_control package sergi TODO
obstacle_avoidance: The obstacle_avoidance package Marc Hanheide TODO
snap_cart_teleoperation: The snap_cart_teleoperation package sergi TODO
snap_cart_localisation: The snap_cart_localisation package sergi TODO
snap_cart_gazebo: The snap_cart_gazebo package sergi TODO
obstacle_detection: The obstacle_detection package Marc Hanheide TODO
snap_cart_navigation: The snap_cart_navigation package sergi TODO
snap_cart_visualisation: The snap_cart_visualisation package sergi TODO
mqttros_interfaces: The mqttros_interfaces package sergi TODO
snap_cart_driver: The snap_cart_driver package is used to interface with the motors on the snap cart. Richard Voice TODO
snap_cart_description: The snap_cart_description package sergi TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-spencer-perception-mocks ros-melodic-spencer-control-msgs ros-melodic-spencer-tracking-utils ros-melodic-srl-tracking-exporter ros-melodic-spencer-people-tracking-full ros-melodic-pcl-people-detector ros-melodic-spencer-leg-detector-wrapper ros-melodic-srl-tracking-logfile-import ros-melodic-spencer-group-tracking ros-melodic-spencer-tracking-msgs ros-melodic-spencer-detected-person-conversion ros-melodic-spencer-people-tracking-launch ros-melodic-rwth-ground-hog ros-melodic-srl-nearest-neighbor-tracker ros-melodic-spencer-social-relations ros-melodic-spencer-social-relation-msgs ros-melodic-spencer-tracking-rviz-plugin ros-melodic-rwth-ground-plane ros-melodic-spencer-tracking-metrics ros-melodic-spencer-bagfile-tools ros-melodic-srl-laser-segmentation ros-melodic-video-to-bagfile ros-melodic-spencer-diagnostics ros-melodic-srl-laser-detectors ros-melodic-srl-laser-features ros-melodic-track-annotation-tool ros-melodic-spencer-vision-msgs ros-melodic-spencer-human-attribute-msgs ros-melodic-rwth-perception-people-msgs ros-melodic-spencer-detected-person-association ros-melodic-rwth-upper-body-detector.

released version: 1.2.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic)

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
spencer_perception_mocks: Perception Mock components for SPENCER Dr. Mock BSD
spencer_control_msgs: Messages used for controlling the SPENCER robot platform. Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
spencer_tracking_utils: Utilities for filtering spencer_tracking_msgs/TrackedPersons output of a person tracker Timm Linder BSD
srl_tracking_exporter: Various exporters e.g. for SVG renderings Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
spencer_people_tracking_full: A metapackage which depends on all subpackages of the SPENCER People Tracking Framework. Timm Linder BSD
pcl_people_detector: ROS wrapper for the ground-based people detector from the PCL library, based upon the implementation provided by M. Munaro, F. Basso and E. Menegatti. "Tracking people within groups with RGB-D data". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2012, Vilamoura (Portugal), 2012. Timm Linder Matteo Munaro, Timm Linder, Timm Linder BSD
spencer_leg_detector_wrapper: Wrapper that integrates the leg_detector from wg-perception into the SPENCER people tracking framework. The leg_detector needs to be installed separately from Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
srl_tracking_logfile_import: Imports old CARMEN logfiles containing laser scans and annotations, and allows to publish them as ROS topics Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
spencer_group_tracking: SPENCER components for tracking groups of persons Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
spencer_tracking_msgs: Messages used for Person Detection and Tracking Timm Linder, Stefan Breuers, Lucas Beyer Timm Linder, Stefan Breuers, Lucas Beyer BSD
spencer_detected_person_conversion: Converter scripts for converting geometry_msgs/PoseArray or people_msgs/PositionMeasurementArray to spencer_tracking_msgs/DetectedPersons, and vice versa. Timm Linder BSD
spencer_people_tracking_launch: Launch files for multi-modal people tracking on the SPENCER robot platform Timm Linder Timm Linder, Stefan Breuers BSD
rwth_ground_hog: The ground_hog package Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel GPLv3
srl_nearest_neighbor_tracker: Nearest-neighbor person tracker Timm Linder Timm Linder, Fabian Girrbach BSD
spencer_social_relations: Calculates various kinds of spencer_social_relation_msgs/SocialRelations from spencer_tracking_msgs/TrackedPersons Timm Linder BSD
spencer_social_relation_msgs: Messages used for Social Activity Detection and Social Relation Analysis Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
spencer_tracking_rviz_plugin: RViz plugin for visualizing tracked and detected persons and groups Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD; CC BY 3.0 (Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane)
rwth_ground_plane: The rwth_ground_plane package Dennis Mitzel, Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel BSD
spencer_tracking_metrics: Wrappers for CLEAR MOT and OSPA (multi-object tracking) metrics which use the SPENCER message definitions Timm Linder Timm Linder, Fabian Girrbach, Other authors (for actual CLEAR MOT and OSPA implementations) For research use only (PyMot licensing is unclear)
spencer_bagfile_tools: spencer_bagfile_tools Timm Linder BSD
srl_laser_segmentation: Messages and algorithms + ROS nodes for segmentation and annotation of laserscans Timm Linder Matthias Luber, Timm Linder BSD
video_to_bagfile: Converts video files (e.g. *.mov, *.avi) into ROS bagfiles. Timm Linder BSD
spencer_diagnostics: Easy-to-use diagnostic tools (e.g. MonitoredPublisher) that publish diagnostic_msgs/DiagnosticArray messages which can be processed by diagnostic_aggregator and displayed by rqt_runtime_monitor or rqt_robot_monitor. Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
srl_laser_detectors: Person detectors for laser range data Timm Linder Matthias Luber, Kai O. Arras, Timm Linder BSD
srl_laser_features: Features that can be calculated on segments of laser range data, based upon the features described in Matthias Luber's PhD thesis Timm Linder Kai O. Arras, Matthias Luber, Timm Linder BSD
track_annotation_tool: Standalone tool and supplementary RViz plugin for annotating person tracks Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD; CC BY 3.0 (Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane)
spencer_vision_msgs: Messages used for Vision-related tasks in SPENCER Lucas Beyer, Stefan Breuers, Timm Linder Timm Linder, Stefan Breuers, Lucas Beyer BSD
spencer_human_attribute_msgs: Messages used for Human Attribute Recognition Timm Linder Timm Linder BSD
rwth_perception_people_msgs: The rwth_perception_people_msgs package Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel BSD
spencer_detected_person_association: Provides C++ nodelets for fusing spencer_tracking_msgs/DetectedPersons messages output by different detectors, associating detected persons with tracked persons, and associating persons detected by a single detector with fused detections in the form of spencer_tracking_msgs/CompositeDetectedPersons messages. Timm Linder BSD
rwth_upper_body_detector: The upper_body_detector package Stefan Breuers Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel Academic/research use only


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-steering-functions.

released version: 1.0.5-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: iliad)

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
steering_functions: The steering_functions package Marc Hanheide Holger Banzhaf Apache-2.0


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-topic-republisher ros-melodic-strands-emails ros-melodic-ramp-climb ros-melodic-reconfigure-inflation ros-melodic-topological-roslaunch ros-melodic-marathon-reporter ros-melodic-roslaunch-axserver ros-melodic-watchdog-node ros-melodic-static-transform-manager ros-melodic-pose-extractor ros-melodic-strands-apps ros-melodic-odometry-mileage ros-melodic-door-pass ros-melodic-state-checker.

released version: 0.2.6-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: kinetic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: strands_ui

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
topic_republisher: The topic_republisher package Nick Hawes BSD
strands_emails: The strands_emails package Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
ramp_climb: Used to navigate through narrow corridors gestom gestom MIT
reconfigure_inflation: The reconfigure inflation package Nils Bore Nils Bore BSD
topological_roslaunch: A package to trigger roslaunch_axserver at topological nodes. Nick Hawes Nick Hawes MIT
marathon_reporter: The marathon_reporter package sends mileage and runtime statistics to the STRANDS Robot Marathon server. Chris Burbridge GPL
roslaunch_axserver: launch other ROS launch files via an actionlib interface Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide MIT
watchdog_node: The watchdog_node package provides configurable watchdogs that trigger configurable actions. Chris Burbridge Chris Burbridge BSD
static_transform_manager: The static_transform_manager package provides a node providing services to set static transformations, similar to starting a tf/static_transform_publisher node. Chris Burbridge Chris Burbridge BSD
pose_extractor: The pose_extractor package Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
strands_apps: The strands_apps metapackage Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
odometry_mileage: The odometry_mileage package Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
door_pass: Used to navigate through narrow doors gestom, Bruno Lacerda, Nick Hawes MIT
state_checker: The state_checker package Rares Ambrus Rares Ambrus MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-sim-clock ros-melodic-prism-strands ros-melodic-strands-executive-msgs ros-melodic-gcal-routine ros-melodic-task-executor ros-melodic-wait-action ros-melodic-mdp-plan-exec.

released version: 1.2.5-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: kinetic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: topological_navigation , strands_navigation , strands_apps

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
sim_clock: A package to run rostime at a configurable rate. Nick Hawes Nick Hawes MIT
prism_strands: The PRISM model checker adapted for use in the STRANDS system. Note you require Java 8 to be set as your default runtime to use this pacakge. Bruno Lacerda, Nick Hawes GPL
strands_executive_msgs: Messages used to interact with the STRANDS executive framework. Nick Hawes Nick Hawes MIT
gcal_routine: The gcal_routine package Marc Hanheide MIT
task_executor: A package for triggering and monitoring the execution of actionlib-based tasks. Nick Hawes Nick Hawes MIT
wait_action: The wait_action package implements an action to wait for a configurable length of time, or until woken. nah Jane Doe MIT
mdp_plan_exec: The mdp_plan_exec package Bruno Lacerda MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-strands-morse.

released version: 0.2.3-2 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: scitos_common , openni_wrapper , strands_movebase , scitos_apps , strands_apps

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
strands_morse: The strands_morse package Marc Hanheide, Lars Kunze, Chris Burbridge Lars Kunze, Chris Burbridge BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-calibrate-chest ros-melodic-param-loader ros-melodic-movebase-state-service ros-melodic-strands-movebase ros-melodic-strands-description.

released version: 1.0.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
calibrate_chest: This package contains one node that calculates the angle and height between the camera publishing on topic /chest_xtion and the floor. This data is saved in the mongodb_store and published by another node when starting the robot with the scitos_bringup launch file. Nils Bore Nils Bore BSD
param_loader: The param_loader package Bruno Lacerda MIT
movebase_state_service: This service returns the local and global costmaps as image with the global and local plans overlaid. It also returns the last image from the camera. nbore Nils Bore, Bruno Lacerda BSD
strands_movebase: This package contains components for using the ROS move base together with the Scitos G5 robot. There is options for running obstacle avoidance both with only laser and with an additional depth-sensing camera mounted in front. The additional nodes in the package are for processing the incoming clouds from the camera for obstacle avoidance. nbore Nils Bore, Bruno Lacerda MIT
strands_description: The strands_description package contains the description of the optional chest camera of the STRANDS robot. Nils Bore Nils Bore MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-monitored-navigation ros-melodic-pose-initialiser ros-melodic-strands-navigation ros-melodic-strands-navigation-msgs ros-melodic-emergency-behaviours ros-melodic-nav-goals-generator ros-melodic-topological-logging-manager ros-melodic-joy-map-saver.

released version: 2.0.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: indigo-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: topological_navigation , strands_apps , strands_movebase

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
monitored_navigation: The monitored_navigation package Bruno Lacerda MIT
pose_initialiser: The pose_initialiser package Jaime Pulido Fentanes Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
strands_navigation: The strands_navigation package Bruno Lacerda MIT
strands_navigation_msgs: The strands_navigation_msgs package Bruno Lacerda Bruno Lacerda MIT
emergency_behaviours: The emergency_behaviours package Jaime Pulido Fentanes Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
nav_goals_generator: The nav_goals_generator package Lars Kunze Lars Kunze MIT
topological_logging_manager: The topological_logging_manager package cdondrup MIT
joy_map_saver: The map_saver package Jaime Pulido Fentanes, Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup, Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-vision-people-logging ros-melodic-odometry-to-motion-matrix ros-melodic-human-trajectory ros-melodic-people-tracker-emulator ros-melodic-visual-odometry ros-melodic-bayes-people-tracker-logging ros-melodic-bayes-people-tracker ros-melodic-perception-people-launch ros-melodic-detector-msg-to-pose-array ros-melodic-ground-plane-estimation ros-melodic-people-tracker-filter ros-melodic-mdl-people-tracker ros-melodic-strands-perception-people ros-melodic-upper-body-detector.

released version: 1.10.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: strands_navigation , bayes_tracking

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
vision_people_logging: The vision_people_logging package Lucas Beyer Lucas Beyer MIT
odometry_to_motion_matrix: The odometry_to_motion_matrix package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
human_trajectory: A package that stitch human poses together to create a trajectory for the human Ferdian Jovan Ferdian Jovan MIT
people_tracker_emulator: The people_tracker_emulator package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
visual_odometry: The visual_odometry package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel GPL-3
bayes_people_tracker_logging: The bayes_people_tracker_logging package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
bayes_people_tracker: The bayes_people_tracker package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
perception_people_launch: The perception_people_launch package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel MIT
detector_msg_to_pose_array: The detector_msg_to_pose_array package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
ground_plane_estimation: The ground_plane_estimation package Marc Hanheide Dennis Mitzel, Christian Dondrup BSD
people_tracker_filter: The people_tracker_filter package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
mdl_people_tracker: The mdl_people_tracker package Marc Hanheide Dennis Mitzel, Christian Dondrup BSD
strands_perception_people: The strands_perception_people metapackage Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup MIT
upper_body_detector: The upper_body_detector package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup, Dennis Mitzel BSD


source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Install from source

rosinstall definition (including any unreleased dependencies), to be used with wstool:

- git:
    local-name: strands_qsr_lib
    version: master

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
qsr_lib: The qsr_lib package Yiannis Gatsoulis, Marc Hanheide MIT
qsr_prob_rep: The qsr_prob_rep package Marc Hanheide Christian Dondrup GPLv2
strands_qsr_lib: The strands_qsr_lib metapackage Yiannis Gatsoulis, Marc Hanheide MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-pygame-managed-player ros-melodic-mary-tts ros-melodic-music-player ros-melodic-sound-player-server ros-melodic-strands-webserver ros-melodic-mongodb-media-server ros-melodic-strands-ui ros-melodic-robot-talk.

released version: 0.2.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: hydro-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: twitter_bootstrap , strands_webtools

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
pygame_managed_player: This implements a pygame based player class that can (and should) be instantiated in any sound playing nodes (e.g. Mary, Music player of the walking group, sample playing for navigation feedback, etc.) It uses some negotiation between different instances of this class using a shared ROS topic and priorities to control the volume. E.g. speech output should be set to a high priority (1.0), ensuring that it always take preference over e.g. music (by assigning a music playing node a priority of 0.8). The volume is controlled by min_vol and max_vol, being floats between 0.0 (muted) and 1.0 (max volume). The player sets the volume to min_vol when another player with higher priority starts playing and sets it back to max_vol when that other component stops. Furthermore, the class wraps the strange pygame event handling into an event-driven framework, where programmers can register a stop_callback to be called whenever the playing ends. Also, optionally, play methods can be used blocking to wait for a tune to finish playing. Marc Hanheide Marc Hanheide MIT
mary_tts: The mary-tts package Marc Hanheide MARY License
music_player: The media player for AAF, working with general mp3 folders Nils Bore Nils Bore BSD
sound_player_server: The media player for AAF, working with general mp3 folders Nils Bore Nils Bore BSD
strands_webserver: A webserver which responds to ROS service calls to display content. Nick Hawes, Chris Burbridge Nick Hawes, Chris Burbridge MIT
mongodb_media_server: The mongodb_media_server package provides a web based interface for storing and retrieving media files in a mongodb database. Chris Burbridge MIT
strands_ui: The strands_ui metapackage Christian Dondrup Christian Dondrup MIT
robot_talk: The robot_talk package Lars Kunze BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-strands-webtools.

released version: 0.1.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: kinetic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: scitos_common , robot_pose_publisher

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
strands_webtools: Remote control our robots via a browser Lars Kunze Lars Kunze, Nick Hawes, Marc Hanheide BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-swerve-steering-controller.

released version: 0.0.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: main) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
swerve_steering_controller: The swerve_steering_controller package Marc Hanheide Mark Naeem BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-thorvald-msgs ros-melodic-thorvald-base ros-melodic-thorvald-teleop ros-melodic-thorvald-gui ros-melodic-thorvald-extras ros-melodic-thorvald-description ros-melodic-thorvald ros-melodic-thorvald-imu ros-melodic-thorvald-can-devices ros-melodic-thorvald-twist-mux ros-melodic-thorvald-example-robots ros-melodic-thorvald-bringup ros-melodic-thorvald-gazebo-plugins ros-melodic-thorvald-simulator ros-melodic-thorvald-2dnav.

released version: 2.2.0-2 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
thorvald_msgs: The thorvald_msgs package Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_base: This package handles communication between ros and the thorvald mobile base Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_teleop: This package converts joy messages into velocity commands for the Thorvald robotic platform Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_gui: GUIs for the Thorvald II robot Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_extras: The thorvald_extras package Callum Small Proprietary
thorvald_description: A package for generating Thorvald II model descriptions Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald: Metapackage for Thorvald II software Lars Grimstad TODO
thorvald_imu: Example package for using library Salvador Dominguez Salvador Dominguez BSD
thorvald_can_devices: This package provide an interfaces for motor drives and batteries. Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_twist_mux: The thorvald_twist_mux package Lars Grimstad TODO
thorvald_example_robots: Launch files for bringing up Thorvald II robots Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_bringup: Launch files for bringing up Thorvald II robots Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_gazebo_plugins: The thorvald_gazebo_plugins package Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary
thorvald_simulator: Metapackage for Thorvald II simulation software Lars Grimstad TODO
thorvald_2dnav: The thorvald_2dnav package Lars Grimstad Lars Grimstad Proprietary


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-topic-compression.

released version: 0.0.4-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: main) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
topic_compression: The topic_compression package. Used for compressing common ROS topic messages. Raymond Kirk, Raymond Tunstill GNU GPLv3


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-topic-store.

released version: 0.1.8-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: ros_numpy

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
topic_store: The topic_store package. Used for serialising common ROS topic messages to a database or filesystem. Raymond Kirk, Raymond Tunstill GNU GPLv3


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-topological-navigation ros-melodic-topological-navigation-msgs ros-melodic-topological-rviz-tools ros-melodic-topological-utils ros-melodic-bayesian-topological-localisation.

released version: 2.4.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
topological_navigation: The topological_navigation package Jaime Pulido Fentanes, Adam Binch, Francesco Del Duchetto Jaime Pulido Fentanes, Adam Binch, Francesco Del Duchetto MIT
topological_navigation_msgs: The topological_navigation_msgs package Adam Binch, Jaime Pulido Fentanes Adam Binch, Jaime Pulido Fentanes MIT
topological_rviz_tools: Topological map construction Michal Staniaszek Michal Staniaszek BSD
topological_utils: The topological_utils package Jaime Pulido Fentanes Jaime Pulido Fentanes, gpdas MIT
bayesian_topological_localisation: The bayesian_topological_localisation package Francesco Del Duchetto Francesco Del Duchetto MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-nifti-teleop ros-melodic-nifti-robot-driver-msgs ros-melodic-robot-trajectory-saver-msgs ros-melodic-patrolling-build-graph-msgs ros-melodic-tradr-trajectory-control ros-melodic-tradr-path-planner-rviz-wp-plugin ros-melodic-exploration-msgs ros-melodic-networkanalysis-msgs ros-melodic-nifti-robot-description ros-melodic-ms-octomap-mapping ros-melodic-tradr-path-planner ros-melodic-ms-octomap-server ros-melodic-stamped-msgs ros-melodic-tradr-trajectory-control-msgs ros-melodic-wireless-network-msgs ros-melodic-nifti-launchers.

released version: 1.1.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: melodic-devel) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: pcl_conversions_c11 , pcl_catkin_c11 , perception_pcl_c11

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
nifti_teleop: The nifti_teleop package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni Francis Colas, Renaud Dubé, Abel Gawel, Martin Pecka BSD
nifti_robot_driver_msgs: The nifti_robot_driver_msgs package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni Francis Colas BSD
robot_trajectory_saver_msgs: The robot_trajectory_saver_msgs package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
patrolling_build_graph_msgs: The patrolling_build_graph_msgs package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
tradr_trajectory_control: The trajectory control package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
tradr_path_planner_rviz_wp_plugin: The tradr_path_planner_rviz_wp_plugin package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
exploration_msgs: The exploration_msgs package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
networkanalysis_msgs: Network analysis package in ROS, messages. Developed for TRADR-TJEX Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
nifti_robot_description: The package containing the NIFTI robot 3D model data which can be loaded in Rviz. Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
ms_octomap_mapping: Mapping tools to be used with the Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni Armin Hornung BSD
tradr_path_planner: The tradr_path_planner package - path planner Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
ms_octomap_server: octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. It also allows to incrementally build 3D OctoMaps, and provides map saving in the node octomap_saver. Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni Armin Hornung BSD
stamped_msgs: std_msgs with headers (timestamps). Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni TRADR
tradr_trajectory_control_msgs: The tradr_trajectory_control_msgs package Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni BSD
wireless_network_msgs: A set of useful messages for the TRADR project related to Wireless network monitoring, mapping and predictions Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni Ramviyas Parasuraman, Sergio Caccamo BSD
nifti_launchers: Global launchers and configuration files Riccardo Polvara, Marc Hanheide, Mario Gianni Francis Colas BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-twitter-bootstrap.

released version: 0.0.3-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master)

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
twitter_bootstrap: This package contains the source for Bootstrap and exposes it to catkin in a way that makes it useable within ROS nodes which create webpages. All code under bootstrap is licensed and authored according to the original documentation of that package. Nick Hawes MIT


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-um7.

released version: 0.0.6-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: indigo-devel)

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
um7: The um7 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM7. Michael Hutchinson, Michael Hutchinson Mike Purvis, Alex Brown BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-uol-cmp9767m-tutorial ros-melodic-uol-cmp9767m-base.

released version: 0.7.1-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Repository dependencies

depends on these other repositories: topological_navigation , thorvald , depth_sensors , bacchus_teaching

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
uol_cmp9767m_tutorial: The uol_cmp9767m_tutorial package mhanheide mhanheide, gcielniak, gpdas TODO
uol_cmp9767m_base: The uol_cmp9767m_base package mhanheide mhanheide, gpdas TODO


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-velodyne-pointcloud-oru.

released version: 1.5.6-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: master) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
velodyne_pointcloud_oru: Copy of velodyne_pointcloud - Point cloud conversions for Velodyne 3D LIDARs. Daniel Adolfsson BSD


Install from released Ubuntu packages

Install using apt install ros-melodic-whycon-ros.

released version: 2.3.0-1 (via release repository:

source code: (branch: snapcart) buildStatus

Included packages

package maintainer authors licence
whycon_ros: Implementats the WhyCon localisation system into ROS. Marc Hanheide Tom Krajnik MIT
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