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Usage@Preservation planning

Jan Tomášek edited this page Jul 9, 2024 · 6 revisions
  • Usage: administration of preservation planning entities

Issue dictionary

Issue dictionary is a dictionary of issues that can occur during ingest workflow process.

Attribute Description
Name name of the ingest issue
Code application code of the issue
Number unique number denominator of the issue
Reconfigurable boolean value, if true, the issue can be potentionally resolved by a reconfiguration of the respective Ingest workflow config, false otherwise

New issue types can be created only by a direct addition to the database. The current list is exhausting and new issues are up to be created only after a change of source code, e.g. adding a new type of task in the Workflow definition.

For the detail of issue user clicks one of the lines in table with the list of issues. This pages shows the additional attributes:

Attribute Description
Description description of the issue, what has happend and why it has occured
Solution description of the solution, how the issue should be resolved

Users with appropriate permission are able to edit all the attributes, except the attributes Code and Reconfigurable that are fixed, and save the updated issue type by clicking on Save and close.


Format library can be updated manually using Update formats using PRONOM action from Formats list page, or automatically by CRON defined in Pronom section of the application.yml.

Formats list

This page lists all available file formats managed in ARCLib. The table allows sorting and filtering using the following attributes:

Attribute Description
PUID PUID of the format
Format ID Format ID from the PRONOM registry
Format name name of the format
Action Description
Update formats using PRONOM To trigger the update process of formats with the current PRONOM definitions user clicks button Update formats using PRONOM now. This feature is available for the situations when the user does not want to wait until the scheduled format update is performed automatically.
Import format definitions To import format definitions (from other instance of ARCLib) stored in a file user clicks button Import format definitions. User can select from two file types, json and bytearray.
Import format definition To import a single format definition (from other instance of ARCLib) stored in a file user clicks button Import format definitions. User can select from two file types, json and bytearray.
Export format definitions To export format definitions to a file user clicks button Export format definitions. User can select from two file types, json and bytearray.

During the import of a local format definition, system performs these additional steps:

  1. sets attribute local definition to true
  2. sets attribute format occurrences to empty
  3. sets attribute preservation file to null
  4. sets the attribute internal version number according to current highest version local definition in DB (local and upstream definitions are numbered separately)
  5. if attribute preferred is true the currently preferred version is set to not preferred (if exists), if there is no currently preferred version, this version is set as preferred

During the update of format from upstream, system performs these additional steps:

  1. sets attribute local definition to false
  2. sets the attribute internal version number according to current highest version upstream definition in DB (local and upstream definitions are numbered separately)
  3. sets attribute preferred to true except the case when the previous version upstream definition has preferred set to false

To access format detail user clicks on one of the formats.

Format detail

In the format detail under the tab Format definition user can see all format definitions of the given format.

For every format there is a list of local and upstream definitions of format. In both lists the definitions are sorted according to the attribute internal version number that indicates their order according to the date of creation. Always only single definition from both lists together is marked as preferred. This definition is consequently used during new ingestions of the format.

Attribute Description
Format version Format version from the PRONOM registry
Internal version number Incremental integer attribute assigned to the format definition upon creation. Upstream and local format definitions are numbered separately.
Local definition Boolean attribute, true if the format definition is local, false if the format definition is upstream.
Preferred Boolean attribute that marks the format definition that is set to be preferred. This definition is used as the default definition during ingestion of SIP package.
Internal information filled Boolean attribute, if true the format definition has been filled with the internal information, false otherwise. The internal information are those information that are not included in the information fetched from the PRONOM registry, e.g. national format guarantor.
Action Description
Update format using PRONOM To trigger the update process of format with the current PRONOM definition user clicks button Update format using PRONOM now. This feature is available for the situations when the user does not want to wait until the scheduled format update is performed automatically.
Update with local definition To create a new local format definition user clicks Update with local definition. The form is prefilled with the values of the current preferred format definition. To save the new local definition user clicks on the Submit button. This definition is added to the list of local definitions with the attribute internal version number incrementaly larger than the previously newest local definition. If the attribute preferred is set to true the new local definition is set to be the preferred.
Export format definition To export format definition to a file user clicks button Export format definition in the line with the format definition in within the table with the list of format definitions. User can select two types of file format, json and bytearray.

Format definition detail

Action Description
Fill internal information To fill the information user clicks on of the format definitions. After filling the internal information user clicks on Save internal information.


This page allows management of Risks related to formats.

Attribute Description
Created datetime of creation
Updated datime of update
Name unique name
Description description of the risk
Action Description
Create To create new risk user clicks on New, fillws the name and description attributes and saves the new instance by clicking on Submit.
Delete To delete existing risk user clicks on the Delete button next to a list item.
Edit To edit the attributes name and description user clicks on of the risks and after filling / editing the attributes user clicks Save and close.


A tool in ARCLib is an entity associated with a particular action performed during the ingest workflow process. The naming of tools is referred to the respective premis events. New tool entites can be created only by a direct addition to database. The current list of tools is exhausting and new tools are up to be created only after a change of source code, e.g. adding a new type of task in the Workflow definition.

Attribute Description
Name Unique name of the tool.
Tool function Tool function according to the associated premis event.
License information License information description.
Version Incremental demoninator of the version in case of the internal tools, version name from the producer in case of external tools.
Documentation Textual documentation.
Description Short description, this information appears in the ARCLibXml.
Internal Boolean attribute, true in case of the internal tools (hardcoded in the ARCLib), false otherwise (e.g. DROID, CLAMAV)
Related issues Issues related to the tool. This includes all possible issues that can occur during execution of the given tool.
Action Description
Edit To fill information about a particular tool user clicks on one of the tools and in the tool detail fills the missing attributes, edits the existing attributes respectively. To save the form user clicks Save and close.


Planned notifications to administrators about format politics revisions.

Action Description
Create To create a new notification user clicks New and fills the CRON expression that describes the notification scheduling and message with the text body of the notification message. The expression must follow the format described at
Delete To delete a notification user clicks Delete button next to a list item.
Edit To edit the notification user clicks on of the notifications and after editing the attributes clicks Save and close.
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