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Jan Tomášek edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 1 revision
  • Usecase: Administration of roles

Role is esentially an editable named group of permissions used to link permissions with users. Every user can have multiple roles. ARCLib comes with 5 default roles: superadmin, admin, analyst, archivist and deletion acknowledgement. See Authorization sheet for mapping of GUI sections, API endpoints and required permissions and roles.

Roles page allows modification of the default roles and creation of new ones. Permissions of users are evaluated according to assigned roles on every API request. Once the role is updated, all users assigned with the updated role will imediatelly lose/gain API access to agenda related with removed/added permission. However GUI may not be updated until the next login so if the users were already logged in, they will still / not yet see the agenda related with removed/added permission, although they can't use it (the error message about missing permissions is propagated to the user).

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