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Usage@Deletion requests

Jan Tomášek edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Usecase: Management of AIP deletion requests waiting to be resolved

A deletion request is created when a user requests for (physical) deletion of AIP package. Followingly, the request has to be ackonwledged by two separate users with the appropriate permission.

If the first user disacknowledges the request, the request is set to disacknowledged immediatly. If the first user acknowledges the request, it needs to be further acknowledged by the second user. If also the second user acknowledges the deletion, the AIP is set to be deleted at archival storage and in case of success, the AIP state in the index changes to DELETED. When the second user disacknowledges deletion, the request is disacknowledged.

The dashboard lists all deletion requests that are waiting to be resolved and have not yet been acknowledged by the current user. Requester denotes the the user that request the AIP deletion.

Action Description
Acknowledge deletion User clicks on the Acknowledge deletion button
Disacknowledge deletion User clicks on the Refuse deletion button
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