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Jan Tomášek edited this page Dec 15, 2022 · 4 revisions
  • Usecase: administration of producers

Producers represent organizations using the ARCLib system.

Action Description
Create From the dashboard user creates a new producer. Name has to be filled with a producer denomination later shown in the list of producers. Name must be unique, it is not allowed to use a name of an existing producer. Transfer area path is a path to the folder where the incomming SIP packages of the given producer reside. This path is relative to the path to the file storage common to the all prodcers in ARCLib. Export folders is a set of folders mounted on the ARCLib server to which users of this producer can export data. Export folder may be specified in absolute or relative format, in the case of relative format it is relative to the working directory of the ARCLib application.
Edit From the dashboard user clicks on one producer from list. On the producer detail page the producer can be edited by changing either the name or the transfer area path. User clicks on the Save and close button to save the changes.
Delete From the dashboard, user clicks on the Delete button next to the given producer.
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