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Usage@AIP search

Jan Tomášek edited this page Dec 6, 2022 · 9 revisions
  • Usecase: searching in indexed fields of AIP packages

Search formular

The page allows users:

  • Sorting - In the top left corner user selects from drop down menu attribute for sorting of the results. Results can be sorted ascendingly or descendingly.

  • Filtering - User fills the attributes with values to filter by. There are several operations to use in filter: equality, nonequality, prefix, sufix and occurence in string.

The indexed fields are grouped by the sections of ARCLibXml. There are three indexed fields that are not incluced in the ARCLibXml:

  • Producer name: name of the producer that owns the ingested AIP
  • Responsible person: name of the user that ingested the AIP
  • AIP state: state of the AIP at archival storage

Every ARCLibXml has saved in index the associated state of AIP package:

  • ARCHIVED - AIP has been successfully persisted at Archival storage
  • DELETED - AIP has been physically deleted from the Archival storage
  • REMOVED - AIP has been logically removed

Full text search is done through field Text content of the element in the General search in whole XML section. You can restrict the full text search to certain element name or to only those elements which contain certain attribute. You can also restrict the search with any other filter of any other filter section as all filters are joined with AND operator.

For reseting the formular and the list of results click the button Reset at the bottom of the page.


Action Description
Save search query User fills the query name and clicks on Save button and saves search query that can be later retrieved on page Search queries
Pile User can select subset of search results and add those records to his Pile. In the Pile section, user can remove items from the Pile or export all its items.
Perform search User clisks on Send button and performs new search based on the query


After hitting the Send button a list of AIPs found is shown at the botton of the page. The results are organized in a table consitings of four columns:

  • Producer name - name of the producer that owns the ingested AIP
  • Label - label from the METS root element
  • Authorial ID - authorial id of the authorial package
  • AIP ID - id of the AIP package (same as SIP id)
  • Xml version - consists of two parts, before the dot - number of SIP version, after the dot - number of XML version
  • State - state of the AIP package, one of: ARCHIVED, REMOVED, DELETED

Records of some state may be hidden to users without appropriate permissions, see Authorization sheet for more info.

Each line represents a single ARCLib Xml. After clicking on one of the search results, user is shown with an AIP detail. This page lists all the identifiers related to the given ARCLib Xml and a file structure of the AIP package.

Action Description
Download AIP Users clicks on the Download aip button in the list of AIP packages or at the Download aip button in the AIP detail. Available only for packages with state PERSISTED.
Download XML Users clicks on the Download xml button in the list of AIP packages or at the Download xml button in the AIP detail. Available only for packages with state PERSISTED.
Edit User clicks on the Edit button in the AIP detail to start editation of XML. The action is available only for that ARCLib Xml of AIP that has the latest xml version and latest physical verison. See Editation of ARCLib XML for further information.
Remove AIP User clicks on the Remove aip button in the AIP detail. Removing performs a logical deletion of a package. A logicaly deleted package can be renewed again. Available only for packages with state PERSITED.
Renew AIP User clisks on the Renew aip button in the AIP detail. Available only for package with state REMOVED.
Delete AIP User clicks on the Delete aip button in the AIP detail. Deletion creates a deletion request that has to be confirmed by two other users. Available only for packages with state PERSITED or REMOVED.
Test on Storage User clicks on the Test on storage select box in the AIP detail and chose the logical storage. The object is looked up at the selected storage and its checksum is verified. Result of the verification is displayed to the user in a popup window.

More on indexing and searching

The list of indexed items is part of the ARCLib XML Index Config. Every item with filled Index field name column is indexed. The Description column indicates in which form section the particular field can be queried. The Xpath column contains the Xpath to the node in ARCLib XML.

All filters filled in the search form are joined with logical conjunction (AND). The result list is filled with documents matching the joined filter.

Search examples

  1. To search by particular Scanner model serail number only in document ARCLIB_004, you have to fill the Scanner model serial no (Provenance extracted from SIP section) and also fill the XML ID (Header section). Result will be either empty, or filled with one record: ARCLIB_004 if it contained the element with the particular Scanner model serail number.

  2. Basic search
    2.1) If you leave the form empty, all documents are searched (ARCLIB_001, ARCLIB_002, ARCLIB_xxx). Result will be list of all documents that you are authenticated to see.
    2.2) Fill XML version number >= 2. Result contains only those documents which were created during update of the first XML version.
    2.3) Now add filter AIP ID = 4b66655a-819a-474f-8203-6c432815df1f, the result is all XML versions of the particular AIP, except the first one.
    2.4) Remove XML version number filter and the result are all versions of the particular AIP.

  3. Descriptive metadata
    3.1) Leave the Specifier empty and fill the Dublin Core with periodicalitem. Result contains all documents containing the periodicalitem string in any DC element.
    3.2) Fill DCMD_ISSUE_0001 (example value from attribute dmdsec@id attribute from METS) into Specifier field. Result contains all documents containing the periodicalitem string in any DC element nested within dmdsec with the DCMD_ISSUE_0001 id.
    3.3) After changing the specifier to DCMD_VOLUME_0001 the result will be most likely empty as the dmdsec with such id will more likely contain string periodicalvolume rather then periodicalitem.

  4. Other filters of nested indicies
    4.1) In the section Aggregated extracted technical metadata fill the File format = image/jp2 and File count >= 10. The result contains all documents which SIP package contained more than 9 files of the jp2 format.

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