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Jan Tomášek edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 4 revisions
  • Usecase: Administration of user accounts

Prior to log in into ARCLib, every user must have LDAP account created by system admin. Administration of LDAP server is done externally, out of scope of the ARCLib system. See this page for more info about how the user can be registered in ARCLib, using Create feature described bellow is one of the two options.

Action Description
Create From the dashboard user creates a new user. Username field has to be filled with the LDAP username of the new user. It is not allowed to create a user with the name of an existing user. User with SUPER_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE permission can assign user with any producer from the list of all available producers and with any role. User without the SUPER_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE permission can't assign producer (system automatically assigns the same producer assigned with editing user) and can't assign any role which is linked with SUPER_ADMIN_PRIVILEGE. Export folders is a set of folders mounted on the ARCLib server to which user can export data. Every export folder must start with one of the producer's export folder path.
Edit From the dashboard user clicks on one user from list. If the editing user has sufficient permissions, Roles and Producer attributes are editable. Username, Fullname and Institution are non-editable attributes always synced with LDAP during user login. Email is synced with ldap during user login and may be changed only by the user himself in My profile agenda.
Delete From the dashboard, user clicks on the Delete button next to a list item.
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