Personal workspace backup for linux (fedora) and quick setup.
- Neovim
- zoxide
- exa
- bat
- zsh (with oh-my-zsh, zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting)
- My Neovim Config
- Dracula Theme
To install and configure your new workspace first you need to clone this repo in your home directory ~
git clone
Then execute
to install the first part of the workspace:
# When oh-my-zsh ask you to set zsh as the default shell, accept
After the execution of
, execute
And you are ready to use my workspace.
After installing and configuring the workspace, we need to connect our workspace with GitHub trough a SSH key:
# First check if there are any existing SSH keys
ls -al ~/.ssh
# If there aren't any available keys create a new one
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "" # Replace with your email
# Press enter and when it ask for a passphrase press enter again
# Start the ssh-agent
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
# Create the SSH key
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
# Finally copy the content of the SSH file
cat ~/.ssh/
Then in your GitHub account go to settings, SSH and GCP keys, create a new SSH key, give the name of your workspace and paste the content of the SSH file. Finally you need to authorize to connect to your workspace:
ssh -T
# After that type the passphrase of the SSH key and
# Finally write "yes"
For more information go to the github SSH documentation.