In this analysis, we will know important information about movies and movies production companies from the IMDB dataset and answer some important questions like:
1-Is there a relation between the rates and years? And What is it lead to?
2-What is the most rate is given to the movies? And What is it?
3-Is there any relation between movie production and years? And What is it lead to?
4-Is there any relation between the revenue and the years? And What is it lead to?
5-Is the movie production companies spend more budgets over the years? And What is it lead to?
6-What are the top 5 movies made a profit? And What is the highest one?
7-What is the highest genre?
8-What are the top 10 Directors by rate? And What is the highest one?
9-What are the Top 10 directors by Total revenue for the movies they directed?
10-What are the Top 10 directors by Average revenue for the movies they directed?