Recog is an application that uses AI algorithms to classify real time video streaming from a video spot, using gRPC + Protocol buffers with the power of the HTTP/2.0 protocol. At the moment, the app is capable to recognize people appearing in the camera's field of view. It also publishes a message in a topic over the RabbitMQ that replicate to all topic subscribers. In this repo we uses an Telegram bot as an example of subscriber, we send a message to an alert topic from video-spot with the video device ID, and the bot notify those who have declared interest in following the alerts of that device.
- Overview
- Protocol Buffers structure
syntax = "proto3";
service ImageStream {
rpc Analyse (stream MsgRequest) returns (stream MsgReply) {}
message MsgRequest {
bytes img = 1;
message MsgReply {
int32 reply = 1;
Notice that the MsgRequest carries an image in bytes, what represents 1 video frame and the ImageStream services makes the bidirectional data stream explicit.
Opencv-python - Pre-built CPU-only OpenCV packages for Python.
Pika - Pika is a pure-Python implementation of the AMQP 0-9-1 protocol that tries to stay fairly independent of the underlying network support library.
Grpc - gRPC implementation for Python.
Numpy - The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
Python-telegram-bot - Pure Python interface for the Telegram Bot API.
$ sudo apt install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
$ python3
$ python3