- Make sure to have SFML installed. Link for installation: https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/start-linux.php
- Create a directory called cmake-build-debug in the root directory and go to it
- Execute the following command
cmake .. && make && ./RayTracer scene.obj
- Make sure to have image-magic installed
- Make sure to build Raytracer in cmake-build-debug
Create a directory in validation_test with the name of the scene (it must match the name of the scene).
Create test files inside the directory with the following name format: <width>x<height>_<number_of_frame_to_render>_<difference_threshold>
Then, follow the next point in order to generate the test.
Go in validation_test directory and launch ./regenerate.sh
Go in validation_test directory and launch ./test.sh