is a Python/Flask framework for managing and accessing
the Wolfson College DVD library.
The package is developed and supported by:
- Henry Lambert
##Quick Start
git clone https://github.com/Montmorency/wolfdvd
Initialize the WolfDVD app:
python runserver.py
##Management Tool This will launch the web app hosted locally and can be accessed through your browser at
To add/remove new titles navigate to the view add/remove entry. The only requirements for adding a title should be the Wolfloc (i.e. the WXXX number) and the ID number of the film at the IMDb website. This is typically the digits at the end of the webpage describing the video e.g.:
The ID would be 278500. These new additions are then automatically integrated into the existing database.
##List Formatting Tex files for printing pdf lists of the library can be generated using:
python import_list.py title_database.pckl
This command will generate TeX files which can then be compiled in the usual way.