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PostFilteringWrapper target

Rolf Kristensen edited this page Apr 21, 2019 · 12 revisions

Filters buffered log entries based on a set of conditions that are evaluated on a group of events.

Platforms Supported: All

Configuration Syntax

  <target xsi:type="PostFilteringWrapper" name="String" defaultFilter="Condition">
    <target xsi:type="wrappedTargetType" properties... />
    <when exists="Condition" filter="Condition"/><!-- repeated -->


General Options

  • name - Name of the target.

Filtering Options

  • defaultFilter - Default filter to be applied when no specific rule matches. Condition

Filtering Rules

  • rules - The collection of filtering rules. The rules are processed top-down and the first rule that matches determines the filtering condition to be applied to log events. Collection
    Each collection item is represented by <when /> element with the following attributes:
    • exists - Condition to be tested. Condition Required.
    • filter - Resulting filter to be applied when the condition matches. Condition Required.


PostFilteringWrapper must be used with some type of buffering target or wrapper, such as AsyncTargetWrapper, BufferingWrapper or ASPNetBufferingWrapper.

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