Not-so-insane dotfiles (ಥ﹏ಥ) Custom dotfiles that I use with macOS, Ubuntu, Pop!_OS & WSL2 shell zsh, because I. default in macOS and II. POSIX compliant. fish is great too! bash fish zsh editor vim (.vimrc in vimscript) neovim (.vimrc in vimscript) neovim (lua config) NvChad LazyVim tmux for multiple terminal sessions with multiple panes & windows tpm Catppuccin for Tmux Tools exa eza - replacement of ls zoxide - better cd bat - modern cat fzf - fuzzy finder lazygit - CLI git client spaceship-prompt starship - blazingly fast prompt written in rust! Terminal emulators yakuake terminator alacritty kitty Warp iTerm2 Dev Tools nvm fvm