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Nikolai V. Chr edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 7 revisions

Radar Warning Receiver and EWS suite

The display

The round display above left MFD display is a Radar Warning Receiver.

RWR Display

It works by sorting the threats to you.

  • Close to center : high threat
  • Close to edge : threat
  • Diamond : highest threat
  • Upper semicircle : new threat (750Hz tone)
  • Full blinking circle : hostile launch (2000Hz tone)
  • Hat above designation : airborne

For something to show up in the RWR at all these conditions must be met:

  • Be a threat.
  • Having an active radar pointed your way.

Numbering scheme is usually it uses the aircraft designation numbers. For example:

  • F-15 will be shown as 15.
  • Mig-29 will be shown as 29
  • SA-2 will be shown as 2
  • Patriot is shown as P
  • etc. etc.

Notice that the RWR can sometimes pick up threats much further away than your radar is capable off.

It will also show detected radar missiles homing in on you.

RWR Incoming Fox 3


Next to the RWR display is the threat prime controls. 3 of its buttons are clickable:

  • UNK: This will toggle if radar emitters that is not in the F16 database should be shown. They will often be civilian emitters. If this is disbales, and unknown emitters are present, an indicator will lit up.
  • SEP: This will toggle separation. That will spread out the symbols on the display so emitters close to each other does not overlap.
  • PRI: Show only the highest threats. If this is enabled, and there is emitters that due to that is not shown, a indicator will lit up.


  • If someone is locking you up (STT or similar), you will also hear a buzz sound constantly, until you no longer are locked up, also if a friendly locks you up. This buzz can vary depending on for example which kind of SAM is locking you up. It's normal procedure if you think a wingman has locked you up, to call out 'Buddy spike' over the comms. If he say he has not, then you know it's perhaps a hostile lock. AIM-9 IR locks with radar off will not give you any warning before launch.
  • Betty might call out Missile missile if there is an incoming radar guided (fox 3) missile. (MAW system)
  • The missile launch warning (MLW) system might warn you if there is a nearby ignition from a launch. It does not discriminate between hostile and datalink launches, so be sure to call out Fox 1/2/3 when you release, to not panic your wingmen.


Press q to release 1 flare and 1 chaff (at same time). Or set the setting to AUTO on the knob on the EWS panel.

Betty will say Chaff Flare at successful release.

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