A repository where I push my little function I do with the Library Pillow (Fork of lib PIL) to make visual effect on pictures. Do not hesitate to read the code and tell me if you see bad things or things improvable (It's the point of this repo).
The gui allow to use the function that I did, without any dificulties.
I have to admit that it's almost better than Photoshop (Don't tell them, they'll be jealous)
black_and_white : Black and white effect
sepia : Sepia effect with the red amout given
luminosity_variation : increase/decrease luminosity
luminosity_percentage : Change luminosity in depending on a percentage
negative : negative effect
thresholding : Thresholding effect with the given threshold
pixelisation : Pixelise the picture with the size of pixel you want
shuffling : shuffle the picture with zone of size you want
image_list_to_gif : convert a list of pics into an animated gif
fiding a picture inside a bigger one
all black and white excepted one color
shape on the picture
luminosity sphere