This guide can provide you more background on how to read the release notes.
What's New
- As the first step of the construction work under the axis of historical concepts we introduced a set of new OMOP Extension domain-agnostic concepts. They include: (i) all-in-one bucket History of event concept that implies the semantics of a historical event, context, qualifier, or value; (ii) a hierarchy of enhanced historical concepts that bring additional time context (History of event within... and History of event longer than...). Old domain-specific OMOP Extension historical concepts (e.g. Past history of procedure within 1 month) are deStandardized, invalidated as Upgraded ones and mapped over to the respective new concepts. On the next SNOMED refresh, the same steps will be taken on the respective historical concepts.
- We added a brand new set of the Cancer Modifier Staging/Grading concepts designed to capture major Staging and Grading cancer parameters and response assessment terms. The terms are aligned within the hierarchy to ease the querying and phenotyping. Previously Standard Staging/Grading concepts (Cancer Modifier, NCIt) were deStandardized, invalidated as Upgraded ones and mapped over to the respective new concepts.
- LOINC vocabulary has been updated with its 2.72 Feb 2022 version. COVID-2019-related lab tests were rolled up to the respective parent concept of the "Measurement of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)" hierarchy, while non-specific SARS-related tests - to the respective Measurement of Coronavirus (Coronavirinae subfamily species) hierarchy. Deprecated concepts (not replaced by the source with a new concept) are mapped over to the respective Standard concepts in SNOMED and other vocabularies. Clinical summary-related concepts changed their domains from Measurement to Observation.
- We introduced another set of UCUM units in order to support mappings from SNOMED unit concepts that will be released on the next SNOMED refresh.
- MedDRA vocabulary has been updated with its 25.0 (March 2022) version. We continue to add new "Maps to/Maps to value" relationships from MedDRA LLT/PT Classification concepts to Standard OMOP concepts with the focus on COVID-19 and considering the representation in RWD. The set of “aggravating/progressive” MedDRA conditions were mapped to the newly designed OMOP extension concepts. Among them we introduced the hierarchies of "Exacerbation of disease or clinical sign or symptom" and "Progression of disease or clinical sign or symptom". In total, there are 14,257 relationships introduced to the MedDRA vocabulary.
- NDC/SPL regular weekly update.
- OMOP Extension: in addition to the above-mentioned hierarchies we added some more "EuroQol five dimension three level scale" concepts, specific Recurrent miscarriage descendant concepts, SARS-related and some other Meas values (Variant of concern, Variant of interest, Gene truncation).
Domain changes
vocabulary_id | old_domain_id | new_domain_id | count |
LOINC | Measurement | Observation | 636 |
LOINC | Observation | Measurement | 2 |
MedDRA | Measurement | Condition | 3 |
MedDRA | Observation | Condition | 1 |
MedDRA | Procedure | Measurement | 1062 |
Newly added concepts grouped by Vocabulary_id and Domain
vocabulary_id | domain_id | count |
Cancer Modifier | Measurement | 2629 |
LOINC | Measurement | 1719 |
LOINC | Meas Value | 748 |
LOINC | Observation | 2102 |
LOINC | Procedure | 47 |
MedDRA | Condition | 685 |
MedDRA | Measurement | 80 |
MedDRA | Observation | 32 |
MedDRA | Procedure | 159 |
NDC | Drug | 2669 |
OMOP Extension | Condition | 300 |
OMOP Extension | Measurement | 15 |
OMOP Extension | Meas Value | 2 |
OMOP Extension | Observation | 31 |
SPL | Device | 1 |
SPL | Drug | 4890 |
UCUM | Unit | 75 |
Standard concept changes
vocabulary_id | old_standard_concept | new_standard_concept | count |
Cancer Modifier | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 566 |
Cancer Modifier | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 7 |
LOINC | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 56 |
LOINC | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 28 |
LOINC | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 24 |
LOINC | Non-standard without mapping | Standard | 4 |
LOINC | Non-standard without mapping | Classification without mapping | 1 |
MedDRA | Classification without mapping | Non-standard without mapping | 7 |
NCIt | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 1776 |
NCIt | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 123 |
OMOP Extension | Standard | Non-standard with mapping | 48 |
SPL | Classification with mapping | Non-standard with mapping | 1 |
UCUM | Standard | Non-standard without mapping | 2 |
Newly added concepts and their standard concept status
vocabulary_id | new_standard_concept | count |
Cancer Modifier | Standard | 2629 |
LOINC | Classification without mapping | 784 |
LOINC | Non-standard without mapping | 1458 |
LOINC | Standard | 2374 |
MedDRA | Classification with mapping | 16 |
MedDRA | Classification without mapping | 940 |
NDC | Non-standard with mapping | 236 |
NDC | Non-standard without mapping | 2433 |
OMOP Extension | Standard | 348 |
SPL | Classification without mapping | 4891 |
UCUM | Standard | 75 |
Changes of concept mapping status grouped by target domain
vocabulary_id | Old target Domain/Status | New target Domain/Status | count |
Cancer Modifier | Measurement | No mapping | 21 |
Cancer Modifier | New concept | Measurement | 2629 |
LOINC | Measurement | No mapping | 3 |
LOINC | Measurement | Observation | 632 |
LOINC | Measurement | Procedure | 3 |
LOINC | Meas Value | No mapping | 20 |
LOINC | New concept | Measurement | 963 |
LOINC | New concept | Meas Value | 748 |
LOINC | New concept | Observation | 631 |
LOINC | New concept | Procedure | 32 |
LOINC | No mapping | Meas Value | 4 |
LOINC | Observation | Measurement | 1 |
LOINC | Observation | No mapping | 1 |
MedDRA | Condition | Condition/Episode | 2 |
MedDRA | Condition | Condition/Observation | 3 |
MedDRA | Condition | Measurement | 11 |
MedDRA | Condition | No mapping | 3 |
MedDRA | Condition | Observation | 2 |
MedDRA | Condition/Observation | Condition/Procedure | 1 |
MedDRA | Condition/Procedure | Condition | 1 |
MedDRA | Condition/Procedure | Procedure | 1 |
MedDRA | New concept | Condition/Measurement | 5 |
MedDRA | New concept | Condition/Observation | 6 |
MedDRA | New concept | Drug/Procedure | 1 |
MedDRA | New concept | Measurement | 3 |
MedDRA | New concept | Measurement/Meas Value | 1 |
MedDRA | No mapping | Condition | 193 |
MedDRA | No mapping | Condition/Episode | 5 |
MedDRA | No mapping | Measurement | 2 |
MedDRA | No mapping | Observation | 4 |
MedDRA | No mapping | Procedure | 46 |
MedDRA | Observation | Condition | 9 |
MedDRA | Observation | No mapping | 1 |
NCIt | Measurement | No mapping | 123 |
NDC | New concept | Drug | 236 |
NDC | No mapping | Drug | 2131 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Condition | 300 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Measurement | 15 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Meas Value | 2 |
OMOP Extension | New concept | Observation | 31 |
SUS | Measurement | Observation | 1 |
UCUM | New concept | Unit | 75 |
UCUM | Unit | No mapping | 2 |
New vocabularies added
there were no changes here
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