Watch a longer video of GlideUI in action here on my: Twitter
GlideUI - Get interactive card based UI in your apps.
I wanted to create an interactive card based UI that is extremely easy to set up and fully customizable. This is my take on such a UI design element.
I am not using Storyboards and setting a UIWindow inside SceneDelegate. So make sure to update the SceneDelegate file:
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
guard let winScene = (scene as? UIWindowScene) else { return }
let vc = ViewController()
window = UIWindow(windowScene: winScene)
window?.rootViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: vc)
You should have two view controllers. One is the main View controller or parentVC and the other should be a Card viewcontroller. This card view controller should be conformed to a protocol Glideable
class CardViewController: UIViewController, Glideable
You only get one property to which you need to conform to and that is headerHeight
. This headerHeight is the visible area for your card if you choose not to completely dismiss it and have it remain floating at the bottom of the screen.
After you have conformed your card view controller to the Glideable
protocol, the next thing you need to do is create another Swift file and this time conform your class to GlideConfiguration
protocol. This protocol has 4 properties:
protocol GlideConfiguration : class {
/// When Segmentation Enabled, you get three States
///Open - Max Height
///Compressed - Intermediate Height
///Closed - Min Height of the card
var segmented: Bool { get }
///When Segmentation is ENABLED
///A dictionary that takes the state enum (.open, .compressed, .closed) & corresponding heights
var segmentHeightDictionary: [State: CGFloat] { get }
///If Segmentation is turned OFF
///Assign a concrete height to the card. It can be:
///Fullscreen - Takes the fullscreen of the parent view
///Half - half of the parent view
///OneFourth - 1/4 of the parent view
///OneThird - 1/3 of the parent View
///Custom - Give a custom dimension and it should open till that point.
//Concrete Dimensions only have two states - close(0 or headerHeight) or opened (selected from above options)
var concreteDimension: GlideConcreteDimension { get }
//To show a grey handle top indicate this is a card/ interactable
var popUpIndicator: Bool { get }
class Configuration: GlideConfiguration {
var segmented: Bool = true
var segmentHeightDictionary: [State : CGFloat] = [ : 700,
State.compressed : 300,
State.closed : 0]
var concreteDimension: GlideConcreteDimension = .fullScreen
var popUpIndicator: Bool = true
This is an example configuration file. In this configuration file, I am setting segmented
as true and providing the segmentheightDicitionary
a dictionary with 700px as .open
state dimension, .compressed
as 300 and .closed
as 0.
When segmentation is enabled, the .closed
key value overrides the headerHeight
Once the configuration file has been created, and the cardViewController conformed to Glideable
protocol, now all you need is to create an instance of Glide
class, initialize it like so:
let glideConfig = Configuration() // Glide Configuration File
let cardController = CardViewController() // Card View Controller
glideManager = Glide(parentViewController: self, configuration: glideConfig, card: cardController)
The above code goes in the parent View Controller file.
If a card View controller contains a scroll view, as soon as the user goes to the top of the scrollView, instead of rubberbanding effect, the card collpases as it should. Got some help from this project for this particular feature.
If you choose to work with no segmenation, just turn it off in the configuration file. Instead, use the concreteDimension
property and you can use some of the default dimensions such as .fullscreen
, .half
, .oneFourth
, oneThird
, and .custom(_)
. In custom, you can add your own dimension/CGFloat. Dimensions greater than parentViewController will be defaulted to parentViewController height.