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Discord Rich Presence GUI Application for Window, macOS, and Linux


Statusify is an open source simple and easy-to-use cross platform GUI application for setting up Discord Rich Presence. It allows you to create and customize your own rich presence and preview it in real-time. It is a tiny application that barely uses any disk space.


Statusify is currently in development and is only available for testing purposes as an alpha release.


You can download the precompiled binaries for your platform from the table below. The binaries automatically update themselves to the latest version when a new release is available. You can also install Statusify using a package manager.

The binaries are signed

Platform Architecture Version Download
Windows x64 v0.0.15
macOS x64 (Intel) v0.0.15 Statusify.darwin-x86_64.dmg
macOS Apple Silicon v0.0.15 Statusify.darwin-aarch64.dmg
Debian x64 v0.0.15 Statusify.linux-x86_64.deb
Linux (AppImage) x64 v0.0.15 Statusify.linux-x86_64.AppImage

For the latest release, visit the releases page. Please note that the latest images might not be notarized yet for Windows as the process takes time.

Scoop installation for Windows

You can install Statusify on Windows using Scoop.

scoop bucket add orphoros_scoop-bucket
scoop install statusify

Homebrew installation for macOS

You can install Statusify on macOS using Homebrew.

brew tap orphoros/core
brew install --cask statusify

Key Features

  • Set up your own custom rich presence.
  • Configure the details and state text.
  • Set the large and small images and their tooltips.
  • Define when the activity starts to display how long you have been doing it.
  • Display a party size.
  • Add a button with a label and a URL.
  • Toggle any of the rich presence elements on and off.
  • Save your editor settings, so you don't have to reconfigure it every time you open the app.
  • Close to the system tray so the app can run in the background.
  • Save your rich presence settings to a file and load them later.
  • Support old 18-digit and new 19-digit Discord client IDs.

Supported Platforms

Statusify is available for the following platforms:

Statusify is officially supported and tested on:

  • Windows 10
  • macOS Sequoia (Apple Silicon)

Supported Languages

Statusify is available in the following languages:

Language Support Translation
English Official Full
Magyar Official Partial
Nederlands Official Partial

English is the default language. Any untranslated strings will be displayed in English.

If you would like to contribute to the translation of Statusify, you can do so by creating a pull request with the translation of locale_template.json in your language. The file must be named as {language_code}_{COUNTRY_CODE}.json, example en_US.json.

Make sure to follow the CODE_OF_CONDUCT and the CONTRIBUTING guidelines.



Statusify was created as a proof of concept to test the capabilities of the Tauri framework. Electron is a popular choice for creating cross-platform desktop applications, however the produced binaries have a large base size due to the inclusion of the Chromium browser. Also, Electron applications are known to consume a lot of memory. This project aims to validate the Tauri framework as a lightweight alternative to Electron for building cross platform desktop applications.


If Statusify is not working as expected, you can locate the log files in the following directories:

  • Windows: %APPDATA%\com.orphoros.statusify\logs
  • macOS: ~/Library/Logs/com.orphoros.statusify/
  • Linux: ~/.config/com.orphoros.statusify/logs

The log level is set to debug by default. This can be changed in the launch.conf file by setting the logLevel to "off", "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".

Developer's guide

1. Setup the project

Clone the repository and install the dependencies.

git clone

Install the dependencies.

npm i
2. Run the project

Run the app in development mode.

npm run tauri dev
3. Update dependencies

Fetch new updates from the repository.

npm run upgrade

Create the lock file for the new dependencies.

npm run lock



Discord is a trademark of Discord Inc. Statusify is not affiliated with Discord Inc. in any way and is not an official application. Statusify is an open-source project made for educational purposes and is not responsible for any misuse of the application. Use the application at your own risk.


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