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IOMap configurations

Gombaris edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 7 revisions

This documentation describes the controls and bindings for various actions, based on the configuration. Each action belongs to a group, such as controls, engine, lights, etc.

These configurations are designed to control specific operations within the simulation environment.

For instance:

  • vehicle.cfg - used for vehicles and trains.
  • train.cfg - used for trains, to add additional bindings.
  • air.cfg - used for aircraft.
  • rocket - used for rockets
  • ot.cfg - used for player, character, camera (ufo) and development tools
  • base.cfg

For usage in script, see Action handlers.

vehicle (configuration)

Note: vehicle configuration is used for vehicles and also for trains.

Group Name Bindings Description
controls power W Accelerates the vehicle.
controls brake S Activates the brakes.
controls steering A (Mode: -)
D (Mode: +)
Steers the vehicle left or right.
controls hand_brake Space (Mode: toggle) Toggle hand brake.
controls horn H Sound the horn.
controls wiper Alt + W (Mode: +) Toggle the windshield wipers.
controls open O Vehicle door open/close.
controls turbo F Activates turbo.
controls speed_limiter Ctrl + T (Mode: toggle) Toggles the speed limiter.
controls speed_limit_inc Ctrl + NumAdd (Mode: toggle) Increases the speed limit.
controls speed_limit_dec Ctrl + NumSub (Mode: toggle) Decreases the speed limit.
engine on E Turns the engine on/off.
engine shift X (Mode: +)
Z (Mode: -)
Shifts gears.
engine reverse R Toggles between forward and reverse.
engine differential Shift + R Locks the differential.
lights main Ctrl + L Toggle main beam lamps.
lights passing L Toggle passing beam lamps.
lights cabin Shift + L Toggle cabin lights.
lights turn Shift + A (Mode: toggle-)
Shift + D (Mode: toggle+)
Shift + S (Mode: reset)
Toggle turn signals.
lights emergency Shift + W Toggles emergency signals.
weapons fire MouseBtn0 Fires selected weapon.
weapons turret Left (Mode: +)
Right (Mode: -)
Rotates the turret.
weapons mantlet Up (Mode: +)
Down (Mode: -)
Rotates the mantlet.
submarine change_depth R (Mode: +)
F (Mode: -)
Increase/decrease draft.
submarine elevator Insert (Mode: +)
Delete (Mode: -)
Controls the elevator.

train (configuration)

Note: train configuration is used to add additional bindings specific for trains (beside vehicle configuration, which contains the base bindings).

Group Name Bindings Description
controls power PageDown (Mode: +)
PageUp (Mode: -)
Power to wheels.
controls brake Home (Mode: -)
End (Mode: +)
Activate brakes.
controls cabin Shift + K (Mode: -) Activate/deactivate cabin.

air (configuration)

Note: air configuration is used for aircraft.

Group Name Bindings Description JSBSim property Range
controls elevator W (Mode: -)
S (Mode: +)
Elevator up/center/down fcs/elevator/cmd/norm -1 to 1
controls aileron A (Mode: -)
D (Mode: +)
Aileron up/center/down fcs/aileron/cmd/norm -1 to 1
controls rudder Z (Mode: -)
X (Mode: +)
Rudder left/center/right fcs/rudder/cmd/norm -1 to 1
controls elevator_trim Shift + W (Mode: -)
Shift + S (Mode: +)
Pitch trim up/down fcs/pitch-trim-cmd-norm -1 to 1
controls aileron_trim Shift + A (Mode: -)
Shift + D (Mode: +)
Aileron trim left/center/right fcs/roll-trim-cmd-norm -1 to 1
controls rudder_trim Shift + Z (Mode: -)
Shift + X (Mode: +)
Rudder trim left/center/right fcs/yaw-trim-cmd-norm -1 to 1
controls flaps Insert (Mode: -)
Delete (Mode: +)
Flaps up/down fcs/flap-cmd-norm 0 to 1
controls cowl_flaps None Cowl flaps open/closed
controls gear Period Landing gear down/up gear/gear-cmd-norm 0 to 1
controls pump_flaps_and_gear None Pump flaps/gear up/down
controls nosewheel_steer_toggle Ctrl + Z Nosewheel steer toggle gear/unit[0]/wheel_lock 0 or 1
controls speed_brakes Shift + B Speedbrakes extend/retract fcs/speedbrake-cmd-norm 0 to 1
controls brake B Activate brakes
controls left_brake None Hold brake left fcs/left-brake-cmd-norm 0 to 1
controls right_brake None Hold brake right fcs/right-brake-cmd-norm 0 to 1
controls canopy O Canopy open/close
controls crew_door SqBracketLeft Crew door open/close
controls cargo_door SqBracketRight Cargo door open/close
controls deploy_parachute P Deploy parachute
controls eject Ctrl + B Eject
controls glider_tow_release None Release tow-plane cable (for gliders)
controls winch_release None Release winch (for gliders)
engines throttle PageDown (Mode: -)
PageUp (Mode: +)
Throttle up/down for engine # (0 - global) fcs/throttle-cmd-norm[n] 0 to 1
engines governor_toggle None Throttle-governor toggle
engines on E Engine on/off propulsion/engine[n]/fuel_isolation-cock 0 or 1
engines engage_starters None Engage starters propulsion/engine[n]/starter-norm 0 or 1
engines igniter_arm None Igniter # arm on/off
engines igniter_cont None Igniter # continuous ignition on/off
engines carb_heat None Carb heat on/off
engines idle_hi_lo None Idle Hi-Lo toggle
engines TOGA_power None Engage TOGA power
engines thrust_reverse None Toggle thrust reversers
engines fire_ext None Fire extinguisher on/off
engines prop None Prop up/down a bit for engine # propulsion/engine[n]/rmp_governor-cmd 0 or inf
engines mixture Home (Mode: +)
End (Mode: -)
Mixture up/down fcs/mixture-cmd-norm[n] 0 to 1
magnetos magnetos_select None Magnetos left/both/right for engine # propulsion/magneto_cmd 0 to 3
magnetos magnetos None Magnetos on/off for engine # propulsion/active_engine -1 to 3
electrical generator None Generator # on/off
electrical dc_volt_ext None DC Voltmeter external power
electrical dc_volt_ctr None DC Voltmeter center
electrical dc_volt_lft None DC Voltmeter left
electrical dc_volt_rgt None DC Voltmeter right
electrical dc_volt_tpl None DC Voltmeter TPL-fed
electrical dc_volt_bat None DC Voltmeter battery
electrical inverter None Inverter # on/off
electrical battery Shift + E Battery # on/off
electrical APU None APU on/off
electrical APU_start None APU start
electrical GPU None GPU on/off
altair on None Alternate air # on/off
fuel tank_selector_left_one None Select fuel tank left one
fuel tank_selector_right_one None Select fuel tank right one
fuel selector_left None Set fuel selector to left tanks
fuel selector_center None Set fuel selector to center tanks
fuel selector_right None Set fuel selector to right tanks
fuel selector_all None Set fuel selector to ALL tanks
fuel transfer_to_left None Transfer fuel to left
fuel transfer_to_center None Transfer fuel to center
fuel transfer_to_right None Transfer fuel to right
fuel transfer_to_off None Transfer fuel to none
fuel transfer_from_left None Transfer fuel from left
fuel transfer_from_center None Transfer fuel from center
fuel transfer_from_right None Transfer fuel from right
fuel transfer_from_off None Transfer fuel from none
fuel crossfeed None Cross-feed fuel from left/off/center tank
fuel firewall_valve_left None Firewall fuel valve left open/close
fuel firewall_valve_right None Firewall fuel valve right open/close
fuel pump None Fuel pump for engine # on/off propulsion/engine[n]/boost-pump 0 or 1
fuel shut_down None Pull fuel for shut-down # (0 - all) propulsion/engine[n]/fuel-isolation-cock 0 or 1
lights landing_lights L Landing lights on/off
lights taxi_lights None Taxi lights on/off
lights strobe_lights Ctrl + L Strobe lights on/off
lights nav_lights Shift + N Nav lights on/off
lights beacon_lights None Beacon lights on/off
lights cockpit_lights Shift + L Cockpit lights on/off
annunciator test_all_annunciators None Test all annunciators
annunciator test_stall None Test stall warn
annunciator clear_master_caution None Clear master caution
annunciator clear_master_warning None Clear master warning
annunciator clear_master_accept None Clear master accept
annunciator gear_warning_mute None Mute gear warning horn
systems avionics None Avionics on/off
systems yaw_damper None Yaw-damper on/off
systems prop_sync None Prop sync on/off
systems feather_mode None Auto-feather on/off
systems feather_mode_test None Auto-feather test
systems overspeed_test None Prop overspeed-test
systems total_energy_audio None Toggle total-energy audio
systems seatbelt_sign None Toggle seatbelt sign
systems no_smoking None Toggle smoking sign
bleed_air left None Bleed air from left engine on/off
bleed_air right None Bleed air from right engine on/off
bleed_air auto None Bleed air from either engine on/off
bleed_air left_ins_only None Bleed air left-engine instruments only
bleed_air right_ins_only None Bleed air right-engine instruments only
pressurization dump None Dump pressurization on/off
pressurization vvi None Cabin vertical speed up/down
pressurization cabin_alt None Cabin altitude up/down
pressurization test None Pressurization test
ice alternate_static_port None Toggle alternate static port
ice anti_ice_toggle None Anti-ice: toggle-ALL
ice inlet_heat_left None Anti-ice: LEFT inlet-heat on/off
ice inlet_heat_right None Anti-ice: RIGHT inlet-heat on/off
ice prop_heat None Anti-ice: prop heat on/off
ice window_heat None Anti-ice: window heat on/off
ice pitot_heat None Anti-ice: pitot heat on/off
ice AOA_heat None Anti-ice: AOA on/off
ice wing_heat_left None Anti-ice: left wing-de-ice on/off
ice wing_heat_right None Anti-ice: right wing-de-ice on/off
ice detect None Anti-ice: ice-detection on/off
ice brake None Anti-ice: brake-heat on/off
instruments panel_brightness None Panel brightness up/down
instruments instrument_brightness None Instrument brightness up/down
instruments timer None Timer start/stop/toggle
instruments timer_reset None Reset the timer
instruments timer_show_date None Show date on the chrono
instruments timer_GMT None Timer is GMT
instruments thermo_units None Toggle english/metric thermometer
instruments barometer None Baro pressure selection up/down a bit
instruments barometer_2992 None Baro pressure selection 2992
instruments ah_ref None Artificial horizon reference up/down a bit
instruments dh_ref None Decision-height reference up/down a bit
weapons master_arm J Master Arm on/off
weapons weapon_select SqBracketRight (Mode: +)
SqBracketLeft (Mode: -)
Weapon select up/down
weapons weapon_target None Target select up/down
weapons fire_guns None Fire guns
weapons fire_air_to_air None Fire air-air selection
weapons fire_air_to_ground None Fire air-ground selection
weapons fire_any_armed MouseBtn0 Fire all armed selections
weapons deploy_chaff None Deploy chaff
weapons deploy_flares None Deploy flares
autopilot hsi_select_nav None HSI shows nav #
autopilot hsi_select_gps None HSI shows GPS
autopilot control_wheel_steer None Control-wheel steer
autopilot auto_throttle None Autopilot auto-throttle on/off
autopilot wing_leveler Ctrl + W Autopilot wing-level OWS/MkII-pilot/lateral_damping_execute 0 or 1
autopilot heading_hold Ctrl + D Autopilot heading-hold OWS/MkII-pilot/heading_execute 0 or 1
autopilot pitch_sync None Autopilot pitch-sync
autopilot level_change None Autopilot level change
autopilot vertical_speed None Autopilot vertical speed
autopilot altitude_hold Ctrl + A Autopilot altitude select or hold OWS/MkII-pilot/altitude_hold_execute 0 or 1
autopilot altitude_arm None Autopilot altitude-hold ARM
autopilot SAS Ctrl + S Stability Augmentation System
autopilot NAV None Autopilot VOR/LOC arm
autopilot VNAV None Autopilot VNAV
autopilot FMS None Autopilot FMS
autopilot glide_slope None Autopilot glideslope
autopilot approach None Autopilot approach
autopilot take_off_go_around None Autopilot take-off go-around
autopilot hdg_alt_spd None Autopilot maintain heading-alt-speed on/off
autopilot airspeed None Autopilot airspeed up/down
autopilot airspeed_sync None Autopilot airspeed sync
autopilot heading None Autopilot heading up/down
autopilot heading_sync None Autopilot heading sync
autopilot vertical_speed None Autopilot VVI up/down
autopilot vertical_speed_sync None Autopilot VVI sync
autopilot altitude None Autopilot altitude up/down
autopilot altitude_sync None Autopilot altitude sync
autopilot bank_limit_toggle None Bank angle limit toggle
autopilot soft_ride_toggle None Soft ride toggle
autopilot test_auto_annunciators None Autopilot test annunciators
radios obs None OBS # up/down.
radios obs_HSI None OBS HSI up/down.
radios RMI_L_tog None RMI left NAV toggle VOR/NDB.
radios RMI_R_tog None RMI right NAV toggle VOR/NDB.
radios nav_standby_flip None NAV # flip standby.
radios com_standby_flip None COM # flip standby.
radios adf_standby_flip None ADF # flip standby.
radios dme_standby_flip None DME flip standby.
radios actv_com_coarse None COM # coarse up/down.
radios actv_com_fine None COM # fine up/down.
radios actv_nav_coarse None NAV # coarse up/down.
radios actv_nav_fine None NAV # fine up/down.
radios actv_adf_hundreds None ADF # hundreds up/down.
radios actv_adf_tens None ADF # tens up/down.
radios actv_adf_ones None ADF # ones up/down.
radios stby_com_coarse None COM # coarse up/down.
radios stby_com_fine None COM # fine up/down.
radios stby_nav_coarse None NAV # coarse up/down.
radios stby_nav_fine None NAV # fine up/down.
radios stby_adf_hundreds None ADF # hundreds up/down.
radios stby_adf_tens None ADF # tens up/down.
radios stby_adf_ones None ADF # ones up/down.
radios transponder None Transponder on/off.
radios transponder_ident None Transponder ID.
radios transponder_standby None Transponder standby.
radios transponder_alt None Transponder alt.
radios transponder_test None Transponder test.
radios transponder_ground None Transponder ground.
radios transponder_thousands None Transponder ones up/down.
radios transponder_hundreds None Transponder hundreds up/down.
radios transponder_tens None Transponder tens up/down.
radios transponder_ones None Transponder ones up/down.
radios select_audio_nav None Select audio: NAV#.
radios select_audio_com None Select audio: COM#.
radios select_audio_adf None Select audio: ADF#.
sensor sensor_view M Switch to sensor view mode
sensor mode_select NumMul (Mode: +)
NumDiv (Mode: -)
Sensor mode select (DTV, LLTV, FLIR)
sensor fov_select Shift + NumAdd (Mode: +)
Shift + NumSub (Mode: -)
Sensor FOV gate zoom in/out
sensor fov_zoom NumSub (Mode: -)
NumAdd (Mode: +)
Camera dynamic zoom in/out
sensor slew_azimuth Left (Mode: -)
Right (Mode: +)
Slew azimuth command
sensor slew_elevation Up (Mode: +)
Down (Mode: -)
Slew elevation command
sensor slew_rate Shift + Up (Mode: +)
Shift + Down (Mode: -)
Set slew rate up/down
sensor set_spi Shift + K Set Sensor Point of Interest (SPI)
sensor slew_to_spi Ctrl + K Slew Sensor to SPI
sensor lock_target K Toggle geo-stabilized tracking on/off
sensor gain Shift + NumMul (Mode: +)
Shift + NumDiv (Mode: -)
Sensor Gain/Contrast
heli cyclic_longitudal W (Mode: -)
S (Mode: +)
Controls longitudinal cyclic.
heli cyclic_lateral A (Mode: -)
D (Mode: +)
Controls lateral cyclic.
heli anti_torque Z (Mode: -)
X (Mode: +)
Controls anti-torque.
heli collective F (Mode: -)
R (Mode: +)
Controls collective.
heli trim_cyclic_longitudal Ctrl + W (Mode: -)
Ctrl + S (Mode: +)
Trims longitudinal cyclic.
heli trim_cyclic_lateral Ctrl + A (Mode: -)
Ctrl + D (Mode: +)
Trims lateral cyclic.
heli trim_anti_torque Ctrl + Z (Mode: -)
Ctrl + X (Mode: +)
Trims anti-torque.

rocket (configuration)

Note: this configuration is used for rockets

Group Name Binding Description
engines partial_thrust None Partial Thrust Mode on/off.
engines meco None Main Engine Cut Off (MECO).
rcs attitude_hold H RCS Attitude Hold on/off.
rcs translate_lateral Shift + A (Mode: -)
Shift + D (Mode: +)
RCS Lateral Translation (Y Axis).
rcs translate_longitudinal Shift + W (Mode: -)
Shift + S (Mode: +)
RCS Longitudinal Translation (X Axis).
rcs translate_vertical Shift + F (Mode: -)
Shift + R (Mode: +)
RCS Vertical Translation (Z Axis).
rcs rotate_pitch W (Mode: -)
S (Mode: +)
RCS Pitch Rotation (Y Axis).
rcs rotate_roll A (Mode: -)
D (Mode: +)
RCS Roll Rotation (X Axis).
rcs rotate_yaw X (Mode: -)
Z (Mode: +)
RCS Yaw Rotation (Z Axis).

ot (configuration)

Note: ot is used for player, character, camera (ufo) and development tools

Group Name Binding Description
player move W (Mode: +)
S (Mode: -)
Move the player character forward or backward.
player strafe D (Mode: +)
A (Mode: -)
Strafe the player character left or right.
player climb R (Mode: +)
F (Mode: -)
Make the player character climb up or down.
player look_horizontal MouseMoveX Look horizontally by moving the mouse.
player look_vertical MouseMoveY Look vertically by moving the mouse.
player jump Space Make the player character jump.
player crouch Ctrl Make the player character crouch.
player sprint Shift Make the player character sprint.
player toggle_nvg Alt + V Toggle night vision goggles.
player toggle_ir Ctrl + I Toggle infrared mode.
player use Return Use an item or interact with objects.
player fire MouseBtn0 Fire a weapon.
player wheel_click MouseBtn2 Perform an action with the mouse wheel click.
player zoom MouseWheel0 Zoom in or out.
player test Alt + K Perform a test action.
player context MouseBtn1 Perform a contextual action.
player open O Open an object or interactable.
player drop Ctrl + Return Drop an item or object.
player throw G Throw an item or object.
player toggle_hud Tab Toggle the Heads-Up Display (HUD).
player toggle_camera C Toggle the camera mode.
player toggle_seat V Toggle the seating position.
player open_config T Open the configuration settings.
player connect_trailer K Connect a trailer to a vehicle.
ufo roll E (Mode: +)
Q (Mode: -)
Roll the UFO.
ufo pitch None Pitch the UFO.
ufo yaw None Yaw the UFO.
ufo auto_roll Home Automatically roll the UFO.
ufo speed PageUp (Mode: +)
PageDown (Mode: -)
Control the speed of the UFO.
ufo speed_lock End Lock the speed of the UFO.
global help F1 Display help information.
global toggle_location_window F2 Toggle the location window.
global toggle_vehicle_spawner F3 Toggle the vehicle spawner.
global toggle_train_spawner 9 Toggle the train spawner.
global toggle_material_editor F4 Toggle the material editor.
global importer F5 Import items or objects.
global toggle_road_editor F6 Toggle the road editor.
global toggle_scenery_editor F7 Toggle the scenery editor.
global capture_screen F8 Capture a screenshot.
global toggle_scenery_editor_workspace F9 Toggle the scenery editor workspace.
global toggle_atmo_window F11 Toggle the atmosphere window.
global show_controls F12 Show control information.
global show_menu Shift + F1 Show the menu.
global camera_save_default Ctrl + F2 Save the camera settings as default.
global show_fps Ctrl + F12 Show frames per second (FPS).
global exposure Alt + Insert Adjust exposure settings.
global tod_inc Alt + Right Increase time of day.
global tod_dec Alt + Left Decrease time of day.
global doy_inc Alt + Up Increase day of year.
global doy_dec Alt + Down Decrease day of year.
global pause_simulation Space Pause the simulation.
global toggle_nav_map M Toggle the navigation map.
global toggle_log Alt + L Toggle the log window.
global hmd_refpos Semicolon Reset HMD orientation.
global stereo_toggle Alt + Semicolon Toggle stereo mode.
global console Alt + C Open the console.
global toggle_interactive_mode ~ Toggle interactive mode
global scenario_setup Alt + ~ Scenario setup.
devel toggle_imgui Alt + Shift + G Toggle ImGui.
devel toggle_imgui_hud Alt + Shift + J Toggle ImGui HUD.
devel pause Alt + Space Pause the action.
devel insert_object 0 through 8 Insert a test vehicle.
devel render_tasks_stats Alt + 1 Display render tasks statistics.
devel gpu_times_stats Alt + 2 Display GPU times statistics.
devel renderer_stats Alt + 3 Display renderer statistics.
devel soundman_stats Alt + 4 Display sound manager statistics.
devel tile_limiter_stats Alt + 5 Display tile limiter statistics.
devel toggle_memtrack Alt + 6 Toggle memory tracking.
devel toggle_pkg_stats Alt + 7 Toggle package statistics.
devel toggle_debug_visibility Alt + 0 Toggle debug visibility.
devel show_colliders Alt + 9 Show colliders.
devel toggle_shader_editor Alt + F5 Toggle shader editor.
devel toggle_color_mesh N Toggle color mesh.
devel toggle_contours Alt + N Toggle contours.
devel toggle_tile_info Alt + I Toggle tile info.
devel discard_maps Alt + U Discard maps.
devel toggle_trees Alt + T Toggle trees.
devel toggle_graphics Alt + O Toggle graphics.
devel atmosphere_wb Alt + F11 Atmosphere white balance.
devel freeze_tile_culling Alt + H Freeze tile culling.
devel jsbsim_status_window Alt + ~ JSBSim status window.
devel disable_web_update Alt + Ctrl + Shift + 0 Disable web update.
devel show_web_updates Alt + Ctrl + 0 Show web updates.
devel toggle_material_examples Ctrl + Alt + E Toggle material examples.
devel toggle_stress_test Ctrl + Alt + S Toggle stress test.
devel vehicle_reset Alt + R Vehicle reset.
devel reload_script_on_object Alt + Ctrl + R Reload script on object.
devel edit_script_on_object Alt + E Edit script on object.
devel overlay Alt + Y Overlay.
devel reload_scripts Alt + Ctrl + Shift + R Reload active scripts.
devel js_debugger Ctrl + Alt + D Open javascript debugger.
devel test_game Alt + F2 Start test game.
devel toggle_mirror Alt + M Toggle mirror.
devel toggle_imgui_design_mode Alt + ~ Toggle imgui design mode.

base (configuration)

Group Name Binding Description
movement look_down None Look down.
movement look_left None Look left.
movement look_right None Look right.
movement look_up None Look up.
movement move_back S Move backward.
movement move_forward W Move forward.
movement move_left A Move left.
movement move_right D Move right.
ufo move_up R Move the UFO up.
ufo move_down F Move the UFO down.
ufo roll_left Q Roll the UFO left.
ufo roll_right E Roll the UFO right.
ufo speed_up PageUp Increase the UFO's speed.
ufo speed_down PageDown Decrease the UFO's speed.


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