- can add posts.
- can follow/unfollow other users.
- can like/undolike posts.
- can add comments to posts and can delete.
- can delete posts.
- can send to users notification if you follow a user or like a post.
- can change profile image.
To get the Node server running locally:
- Clone this repo
- npm install to install all required dependencies
- Create MongoDb Cluster and Get Connection MongoDb URI
- Create an .env file and add your information
- npm start to start the local server
- bcryptjs : This module enables storing of passwords as hashed passwords instead of plaintext.
- dotenv : Dotenv is a that loads environment variables from a .env file.
- express : Web framework for Node.js.
- express-async-handler : Middleware for handling exceptions inside of async express routes and passing them to your express error handlers.
- jsonwebtoken : An implementation of JSON Web Tokens.
- mongoose : For modeling and mapping MongoDB data to JavaScript
- cloudinary : The Cloudinary Node SDK allows you to quickly and easily integrate your application with Cloudinary
- nodemailer : Send e-mails from Node.js
- server.js - The entry point to our application. This file defines our express server and connects it to MongoDB using mongoose. It also inncludes the routes we'll be using in the application.
- routes/ - This folder contains the route definitions (users, posts etc. ) for our API.
- models/ - This folder contains the schema definitions for our Mongoose models (User, Posts).
- controllers/ - This folder contains controllers for our API.
- middlewares/ - This folder contains middlewares for our API.
we define a error-handling middleware for handling Mongoose's errors and our own errors.
Requests are authenticated using the Authorization header and value Bearer: {{token}}. with a valid JWT.
We define express middlewares in middlewares/authorization/auth.js that can be used to authenticate requests. The required middlewares returns 401 or 403.