Under development python library for working with https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api responses in python.
dnd5eapy is the lib under development here.
Everything else in the top level of this repro is for testing the lib.
- test_dnd5eapy.py are the unit tests for the lib
- main.py is as shitty tkinter app used to manually test the lib.
The bread and butter of dnd5eapy is the DnD5eAPIObj class. This is the base parent class for all other classes in the lib as well as user level class for working with data returned by the root api endpoint:
"ability-scores": "/api/ability-scores",
"alignments": "/api/alignments",
"backgrounds": "/api/backgrounds",
"classes": "/api/classes",
"conditions": "/api/conditions",
"damage-types": "/api/damage-types",
"equipment": "/api/equipment",
"equipment-categories": "/api/equipment-categories",
"feats": "/api/feats",
"features": "/api/features",
"languages": "/api/languages",
"magic-items": "/api/magic-items",
"magic-schools": "/api/magic-schools",
"monsters": "/api/monsters",
"proficiencies": "/api/proficiencies",
"races": "/api/races",
"rule-sections": "/api/rule-sections",
"rules": "/api/rules",
"skills": "/api/skills",
"spells": "/api/spells",
"subclasses": "/api/subclasses",
"subraces": "/api/subraces",
"traits": "/api/traits",
"weapon-properties": "/api/weapon-properties"
When a DnD5eAPIObj object is initialized, it will create and store a pandas.DataFrame representation of the response data:
>>> import dnd5eapy
>>> dnd = dnd5eapy.DnD5eAPIObj()
>>> print(dnd)
<dnd5eapy.core.DnD5eAPIObj object from https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api at 0x0000022FB90E0E10>
>>> print(dnd.df)
name url
ability-scores Ability Scores /api/ability-scores
alignments Alignments /api/alignments
backgrounds Backgrounds /api/backgrounds
classes Classes /api/classes
conditions Conditions /api/conditions
damage-types Damage Types /api/damage-types
equipment Equipment /api/equipment
equipment-categories Equipment Categories /api/equipment-categories
feats Feats /api/feats
features Features /api/features
languages Languages /api/languages
magic-items Magic Items /api/magic-items
magic-schools Magic Schools /api/magic-schools
monsters Monsters /api/monsters
proficiencies Proficiencies /api/proficiencies
races Races /api/races
rule-sections Rule Sections /api/rule-sections
rules Rules /api/rules
skills Skills /api/skills
spells Spells /api/spells
subclasses Subclasses /api/subclasses
subraces Subraces /api/subraces
traits Traits /api/traits
weapon-properties Weapon Properties /api/weapon-properties
The DnD5eAPIObj object is not a child of any pandas object. But it does offer direct access to several commony used members of the df (including some magic methods):
>>> print(dnd.columns)
Index(['name', 'url'], dtype='object')
>>> print(dnd.index)
Index(['ability-scores', 'alignments', 'backgrounds', 'classes', 'conditions',
'damage-types', 'equipment', 'equipment-categories', 'feats',
'features', 'languages', 'magic-items', 'magic-schools', 'monsters',
'proficiencies', 'races', 'rule-sections', 'rules', 'skills', 'spells',
'subclasses', 'subraces', 'traits', 'weapon-properties'],
dtype='object', name='index')
>>> print(dnd['url'] == dnd.url_column)
ability-scores True
alignments True
backgrounds True
classes True
conditions True
damage-types True
equipment True
equipment-categories True
feats True
features True
languages True
magic-items True
magic-schools True
monsters True
proficiencies True
races True
rule-sections True
rules True
skills True
spells True
subclasses True
subraces True
traits True
weapon-properties True
Name: url, dtype: bool
Each child class of
the DnD5eAPIObj object
is designed for working specifically with the data returned by its associated url_leaf. You can get a map of these
's to their appropriate class constructors by calling
>>> print(dnd5eapy.get_leaf_constructor_map())
{'/api': <class 'dnd5eapy.core.DnD5eAPIObj'>, '/api/subraces/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.subraces.Subrace'>, '/api/classes/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.classes.Class'>, '/api/conditions': <class 'dnd5eapy.conditions.Conditions'>, '/api/skills': <class 'dnd5eapy.skills.Skills'>, '/api/traits': <class 'dnd5eapy.traits.Traits'>, '/api/races/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.races.Race'>, '/api/features/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.features.Feature'>, '/api/backgrounds': <class 'dnd5eapy.backgrounds.Backgrounds'>, '/api/proficiencies/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.proficiencies.Proficiency'>, '/api/magic-schools/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.magicschools.MagicSchool'>, '/api/features': <class 'dnd5eapy.features.Features'>, '/api/ability-scores': <class 'dnd5eapy.abilityscores.AbilityScores'>, '/api/monsters': <class 'dnd5eapy.monsters.Monsters'>, '/api/races': <class 'dnd5eapy.races.Races'>, '/api/equipment-categories/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.equipmentcategories.EquipmentCategory'>, '/api/subclasses': <class 'dnd5eapy.subclasses.Subclasses'>, '/api/rule-sections/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.rulesections.RuleSection'>, '/api/equipment-categories': <class 'dnd5eapy.equipmentcategories.EquipmentCategories'>, '/api/weapon-properties/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.weaponproperties.WeaponProperty'>, '/api/rule-sections': <class 'dnd5eapy.rulesections.RuleSections'>, '/api/damage-types': <class 'dnd5eapy.damagetypes.DamageTypes'>, '/api/equipment/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.equipment.EquipmentItem'>, '/api/alignments': <class 'dnd5eapy.alignments.Alignments'>, '/api/magic-items/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.magicitems.MagicItem'>, '/api/languages/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.languages.Language'>, '/api/conditions/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.conditions.Condition'>, '/api/traits/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.traits.Trait'>, '/api/subraces': <class 'dnd5eapy.subraces.Subraces'>, '/api/languages': <class 'dnd5eapy.languages.Languages'>, '/api/backgrounds/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.backgrounds.Background'>, '/api/subclasses/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.subclasses.Subclass'>, '/api/rules': <class 'dnd5eapy.rules.Rules'>, '/api/classes': <class 'dnd5eapy.classes.Classes'>, '/api/ability-scores/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.abilityscores.AbilityScore'>, '/api/proficiencies': <class 'dnd5eapy.proficiencies.Proficiencies'>, '/api/weapon-properties': <class 'dnd5eapy.weaponproperties.WeaponProperties'>, '/api/feats': <class 'dnd5eapy.feats.Feats'>, '/api/skills/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.skills.Skill'>, '/api/rules/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.rules.Rule'>, '/api/monsters/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.monsters.Monster'>, '/api/spells': <class 'dnd5eapy.spells.Spells'>, '/api/alignments/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.alignments.Alignment'>, '/api/magic-items': <class 'dnd5eapy.magicitems.MagicItems'>, '/api/spells/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.spells.Spell'>, '/api/damage-types/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.damagetypes.DamageType'>, '/api/magic-schools': <class 'dnd5eapy.magicschools.MagicSchools'>, '/api/feats/*': <class 'dnd5eapy.feats.Feat'>, '/api/equipment': <class 'dnd5eapy.equipment.Equipment'>}
Note that objects with url_leaf
's ending in "/*"
(such as '/api/subraces/*'
and '/api/ability-scores/*'
) are
grandchildren classes of the
base DnD5eAPIObj class
designed for working with api endpoints that return information on a single item. When calling those class constructors,
you would pass in the corresponding url_leaf=
argument for the item you want into the constructor's caller. More on
that later.
But before we get to the grandchildren classes, we should look at an example of the direct children classes. Each of
which represents an api node directly after the root node ("/api"
). All api nodes immediately after the root node
return the same list based response structor. Thus, the children classes are really just copies of the root parent class
with only their default url_leaf=
argument overriden.
The example child class that we will look at is AbilityScores which works with data from ability-scores endpoint:
"count": 6,
"results": [
"index": "cha",
"name": "CHA",
"url": "/api/ability-scores/cha"
"index": "con",
"name": "CON",
"url": "/api/ability-scores/con"
"index": "dex",
"name": "DEX",
"url": "/api/ability-scores/dex"
"index": "int",
"name": "INT",
"url": "/api/ability-scores/int"
"index": "str",
"name": "STR",
"url": "/api/ability-scores/str"
"index": "wis",
"name": "WIS",
"url": "/api/ability-scores/wis"
You can initiate
an AbilityScores
instance directly through its constructor or since we already have
a DnD5eAPIObj instance
initiate in our example console, we can use the DnD5eAPIObj.create_instance_from_url
>>> ability_scores = dnd.create_instance_from_url(dnd.url_column.at["ability-scores"])
>>> print(ability_scores)
<dnd5eapy.abilityscores.AbilityScores object from https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api/ability-scores at 0x0000021E4DBCD7B8>
>>> print(ability_scores.df)
name url
cha CHA /api/ability-scores/cha
con CON /api/ability-scores/con
dex DEX /api/ability-scores/dex
int INT /api/ability-scores/int
str STR /api/ability-scores/str
wis WIS /api/ability-scores/wis
All other immediate children classes
of DnD5eAPIObj will
generate the same two column dataframes indexed by whatever is called out as the "index"
in the response. Each of
these children have a child class of their own (i.e. the grandchildren classes mentioned earlier) that represent a
single item as opposed to a list of items. Keeping with
our AbilityScores
example, we will look at an initiated example of its child
pointed at ability-scores/dex endpoint:
>>> dex = ability_scores.create_instance_from_url(ability_scores.url_column.at["dex"])
>>> print(dex)
<dnd5eapy.abilityscores.AbilityScore object from https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api/ability-scores/dex at 0x0000021E4CBAA5C0>
>>> print(dex.df)
name ... url
index ...
dex DEX ... /api/ability-scores/dex
[1 rows x 5 columns]
>>> print(dex.columns)
Index(['name', 'full_name', 'desc', 'skills', 'url'], dtype='object')
All of these grandchildren classes will result in single row dataframes containing a variable number of columns depending on what the source endpoint is. Since these are single row dataframes, the classes (will*) have unique properties for getting and setting their values:
*Most of these class properties are still underdevelopment...
>>> print(dex.name)
>>> print(dex.full_name)
>>> print(dex.desc)
['Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance.'
'A Dexterity check can model any attempt to move nimbly, quickly, or quietly, or to keep from falling on tricky footing. The Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skills reflect aptitude in certain kinds of Dexterity checks.']
>>> dex.desc = "\n".join(dex.desc)
>>> print(dex.desc)
Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance.
A Dexterity check can model any attempt to move nimbly, quickly, or quietly, or to keep from falling on tricky footing. The Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth skills reflect aptitude in certain kinds of Dexterity checks.
Note that since these property getters pull their values from the instance's dataframe, the property setters will consistently update the corresponding value in the instance's dataframe having downstream effects to all other class members that also return that property's value.
Some of these grandchildren classes will have columns that contain nested dataframes. That is the case with AbilityScore objects' skills column:
>>> print(dex.skills_column["dex"])
name url
acrobatics Acrobatics /api/skills/acrobatics
sleight-of-hand Sleight of Hand /api/skills/sleight-of-hand
stealth Stealth /api/skills/stealth
>>> print(dex.skills_df)
name url
acrobatics Acrobatics /api/skills/acrobatics
sleight-of-hand Sleight of Hand /api/skills/sleight-of-hand
stealth Stealth /api/skills/stealth
Unlike the other properties that do not have dataframes as their raw value, these dataframe properties are named with
a _df
suffix. That's because invoking the equivalent member name lacking the suffix will return an
appropriate DnD5eAPIObj
child object initialized off of that nested dataframe's data:
>>> dex_skills = dex.skills
>>> print(dex_skills)
<dnd5eapy.skills.Skills object from https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api/ability-scores/dex at 0x0000021E4DC030B8>
>>> print(dex_skills.df)
name url
acrobatics Acrobatics /api/skills/acrobatics
sleight-of-hand Sleight of Hand /api/skills/sleight-of-hand
stealth Stealth /api/skills/stealth
Most (if not all) of the time , the 'dnd5eapy' object returned by these properties will be a subset of the values that would be in the object had it been initiated off of the api:
>>> skills = dnd5eapy.Skills()
>>> print(skills)
<dnd5eapy.skills.Skills object from https://www.dnd5eapi.co/api/skills at 0x0000021E3C920CC0>
>>> print(skills.df.merge(dex_skills.df, how='left', indicator=True).set_index(skills.index))
name url _merge
acrobatics Acrobatics /api/skills/acrobatics both
animal-handling Animal Handling /api/skills/animal-handling left_only
arcana Arcana /api/skills/arcana left_only
athletics Athletics /api/skills/athletics left_only
deception Deception /api/skills/deception left_only
history History /api/skills/history left_only
insight Insight /api/skills/insight left_only
intimidation Intimidation /api/skills/intimidation left_only
investigation Investigation /api/skills/investigation left_only
medicine Medicine /api/skills/medicine left_only
nature Nature /api/skills/nature left_only
perception Perception /api/skills/perception left_only
performance Performance /api/skills/performance left_only
persuasion Persuasion /api/skills/persuasion left_only
religion Religion /api/skills/religion left_only
sleight-of-hand Sleight of Hand /api/skills/sleight-of-hand both
stealth Stealth /api/skills/stealth both
survival Survival /api/skills/survival left_only
Hopefully the intended functionality of these classes is clicking with you by now, and you have a decent idea of what the library will be capable of once it is complete. I encourage you to clone the repro and play around with the "Shitty D&D API Browser" app in main.py: